
A world where a shadowy cabal hands out great power for a price.

Latest World Events

Posted by wizardswears, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

Bizarre Missing Persons Case!

35 locals to the Big Orange were found wandering inside the Catalant Industries Building at midnight with no memory of the time after 8am that day.  All 35 individuals were detained by law enforcement and questioned. Police were baffled as to how these individuals managed to evade all the security cameras and enter the Catalant Industries Building after hours without any discovery. Security footage shows each individual appearing in the lobby after exiting the elevator by themselves. 

Several of these suspicious individuals have been transferred to the hospital for medical examination. 

Posted by praenomen, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Bank Robbery Foiled

The Gamgee-Baggins First Bank was the site of an attempted robbery on Wednesday, when a man with an unregistered firearm attempted to hold up the customers and tellers.

Guards at the bank immediately opened fire on the man, striking and killing him, preserving the bank’s reputation as immune to theft.

Latest Journals

1 month, 1 week ago: Pierre Gardinier wrote a Downtime Journal for Further Questions


Dear Diary,

I have some pretty great friends, I think.

Bumped into Thistle while I was shooting pics on the Lower East Side, and she pulled a new memory card out of her purse. Much better than the cheap-o one I already bought. She said she felt bad for the one The Forensics fried.

Then, Enrique invited me to go to a “function” his dad was throwing, billed it as free food. (Which it was. Good free food, too.) Turns out, he actually invited me so he could try to sell me to his dad as a some-times freelance PR photographer for new products. I have a portfolio interview later this month! It might not pan out to anything, but that was still really good of him.

Jean’s coming over this weekend, too. I guess there aren’t many auditions around the inauguration.

Life ain’t so bad.

1 month, 1 week ago: Pierre Gardinier wrote a Downtime Journal for Further Questions

A Better Day

Dear Diary,

Made my way over to The Production’s current haunt to trade in my Gift Coupon. He actually asked me if I wanted a suggestion, so of course I said bet. He asked how I would like it if I could crawl and eventually walk on walls and ceilings, which let’s be honest, totally vibes with the whole ninja thing I’m trying to do. So he gives me this green, like, slime or something, reminded me a bit of that aloe drink Enrique likes, and told me to rub it on my hands and legs and feet. Once I had, he said it would take overnight, but when I woke up, I would be able to produce a mucous (his words) that would let me stick to anything. Said it would come from “microfissures” in my skin, and that it wouldn’t be noticeable when I wasn’t using it.

I gotta start asking questions before I just trust these guys, I think.

Then, he pointed out a few other powers that he thought I might want in the future—dark-vision, regeneration, stuff like that. Even some, like, artifacts I guess he thought I might like. When he pointed out the sword, though…I dunno, Diary. Like, I like being ninja-y, but after seeing all those severed heads, I’m not really sure I want to cut anybody up, you know? Maybe I’ll just be, like, an unarmed ninja.

1 month, 3 weeks ago: Abe O-Natsu wrote a Downtime Journal for The Use of Ashes

Lingering Questions

Got released from the hospital. It was not a very fun experience. I suppose this is at least one use that my idiot parents serve. Well, at least until I turn 26. I have let Sobo know that we do need to speak at some point regarding Otoki. And I think it would be important to come clean to her regarding my rather unusual status. I suppose I would rather know one way or the other if she is actually on my side or if she needs to be burned along with the rest of them. So, for me, I think that either the acceptance or rejection matters less than the overall ambiguity. 

Not sure when time will open up in her schedule. But I suppose that I do have other business to attend to in the time being. I still haven't decided what school I might want to attend for a masters. But, the schools are all in the midst of tidying up the semester at this point. Although I think I should be able to get a few tours and interviews completed. 

3 months ago: Abe O-Natsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Politics Un-Usual

I had a feeling

So I had gotten the initial idea that O-Toki was probably one of us, or a a mutant, when I realized that there was no reason for the footage to loop regarding the case with Aunt trying to kill Sobo. But, we ended up confirming it. There was no contract this week, so we ended up taking the time to cover a lot of stuff that just needed doing. K and their band did a gig at The Connecticut School. I ended up talking to someone I think is pretty far up in the school administration. Corentina Wiater. Apparently mutants come from the descendants of contractors. So the Mutant Schools were not aware that the Harbingers were still active and still making new Contractors. So that was a total new one to them. 

O-Toki was clearly cracking under the issue of his accidental turning into a Contractor. I guess the person who spoke to him was called 'The Arcade?' Never heard of that one. But, he totally got too high and then blew up his fucking computer. Thank goodness his parents weren't around when it happened. Unfortunately, it sounds like Aunt will get off scot free. 

We also visited the Mutanimals for a day. It was good to see them doing well. And I worry, especially with all the political shit going on. Those guardian things? I think that was what they were called. Some sort of robot that detects people like us. I'm feeling pretty tired about it. Not really sure what to do. I wonder if the Harbingers even care. 

3 months, 1 week ago: Pierre Gardinier wrote a Downtime Journal for Husky Rescue

Okay, maybe not a GIANT leap….

Dear Diary,

Jean and I visited Benjamin and Meg and Jean’s folks in Forest Hills over the weekend, and while I was in town, after dropping Jean off on Saturday night, I stopped by the football field at FHH and took The Production’s advice.

I can jump 60 freaking feet.


3 months, 2 weeks ago: Abe O-Natsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Husky Rescue

I am done with this alien egg shit.

My stomach is gurgling, and I am not about to start this 4 year political cycle out with alien egg babies. I also get the feeling that there is some shit going on with my family lately, and I am going to want to get ahead on that. God. If only someone was campaigning on a 'no alien eggnancies without consent' policy. And I know Sobo asked me to look in on O-toki as well. I guess I'm going to have to actually address that front on. 


It's been surprisingly difficult to figure out what to say to him. Oh hey there cousin. So I know we haven't talked since your mother tried to frame me for a murder and then got carted off to jail. What's new with you? I started hanging out with a werewolf. Yeah, like that would work. Maybe that's just what I have to work with. 

3 months, 2 weeks ago: K wrote a Downtime Journal for Disco Fever

An untitled Journal

The experience at the Infinity Club got K thinking about how they don't know all that much about the history of the scene in the town and how knowing more might help inform them and enable them to write even deeper and more connected music, as well as make them just a bit more well rounded overall. So, they hoofed it to the library for a little in depth research. K is not the biggest user of libraries but the ability to access old microfiche looked cool when O-Natsu did it so K thought they'd give it a whirl as well. After asking a librarian for some help locating the material (K was all ready to lie about how it was a school project, but the librarian didn't even grill them on why they needed the material, just helped them find it, neat) K got down to studying. And so passed an informative afternoon.

3 months, 4 weeks ago: Pierre Gardinier wrote a Downtime Journal for Husky Rescue

One Small Step for Man....

Dear Diary,

Holy crap! I finally got a power!

Okay, so after I mentioned to Jingle, O-Natsu, and Thistle that I never got any Powers from that last Gift Coupon, they insisted on coming with me with the next one with K. While they were looking at options, I mentioned to The Production that the last one didn't seem to do anything. They said (my fellow Contractors, not the Harbinger) that I needed something a little more obvious. The Production asked what I wanted, and on God I said, "something to make me more like a ninja".

So, like, okay, Proddy-boy didn't know what a ninja was, but once we explained to him how ninja are, like, super-fight-y, jump-y, stealth-y badasses, he was like "that seems incongruous with the desire for something evident, but if you are hoping for extra mobility, you'll want this," and he legit handed me a teeny-tiny spring, like the kind you find in pens, but shorter, and he says "swallow it."

On God, Diary, the others just looked at me like it was the most normal thing in the world (except K, who just threw some horns), so I swallowed the damn thing, and once the others made their selection, we went up to the roof and he's all like, "focus your mind on jumping high," and then no cap I jumped like twenty feet in the air! So then he's like, "now try that building over there," and I was like, "naaaaah" but the others urged me on, so then I leapt over and literally, I swear this is true Diary, I cleared the whole street and landed across the way! Then I jumped back, but Proddy told me to test it out on like a football field, because it only goes so far (for now!?) and I should know how far it goes before I try to, like, jump between skyscrapers or something.

So hey! I have a Power now! Not sure why the first coupon didn't stick, but now that I have one, I'm finally feeling like a goddamn superhero! Here we go, Diary!

4 months ago: Abe O-Natsu wrote a Downtime Journal for Disco Fever

When do I get this looked at?

My 'colleagues' have brought up several times that it is likely unsafe for us to go to a normal hospital to deal with more 'work related' issues. And I am just not willing to sit around forever and change into an alien boba creature. So where can I go to have this looked at? Like is this going to be a situation where I end up having to get onto the dark web to find out if there are any 'mutant friendly' doctors near me? Yes. This is how I will end up in a test tube. Or sold for parts.  I suppose there must be some other worse ways this could go. 


Regardless, I don't think I'm willing to wait any longer on this. If not this week, then next. We need this taken care of and I'm just not going to pretend it isn't an issue. Hopefully it won't cost more than I can pay. 


Earth-474 is a modern reflection of the bronze-age comic worlds where mutant terrorists inspire human supremacy pogroms, self-serving "journalists" editorialize against neighborhood vigilantes, corporations sponsor commercially-friendly "superhero" groups, vampires stalk the night in search of prey, and the average person just tries to make it through their day without running afoul of caped villains, mad scientists, and engineered kaiju.

Unknown to the public at large, a shadowy group of individuals are offering power to the ambitious, the impassioned, and the morally flexible. Their identities and motives are known only to themselves, but they offer additional power to their chosen few in exchange for tasks completed. Some tasks are laughably simple; some are fatally difficult. Some seem to be in direct contradiction with tasks assigned only days ago.

What are you willing to do, for the power to do what you will?

House Rules

Contractors from Earth-474 Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
Earth-474 grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are invited to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in at least three Contracts, consider GMing a contract for your fellow Players.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers are noticeable when activated and mark the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.
  • Falling: Falling from a height is dangerous. Take an injury of 1 severity for every 5 feet fallen (instead of 1 for every 10 feet fallen).

Full Setting Description

The Games

Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in three hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

GM Aides

Boroughs of the City

Manhattan - The City / “The Big Orange” / Angouléme
Queens - Braganza
Brooklyn - Gravelsand
The Bronx - Pelham
Staten Island - Richmond

Mutant Schools

The Virginia School (first School in the nation, formerly the Jefferson School)
The Pennsylvania School (second school in the nation, formerly the Franklin School) 
The Connecticut School (third school in the nation, formerly the Sherman School)
The Carolina School (fourth school)
The Ohio School (sixth school, formerly the Northwest School)
The Florida School (seventh school)
The Alabama School (eighth school, replacing the Southwest School in Tennessee)
The Texas School (ninth school)
The Nevada School (eleventh school, replacing the California School)
The Nebraska School (twelfth school)
The Montana School (thirteenth school)

Known Harbingers

The Acquisition - Makes first contact with and recruits Contractors. A bit of a sleazy creep.
The Finance - Assigns Contracts based on the acquisition of valuable (or “valuable”) items. Speaks in a clipped, formal manner, without the use of contractions. Contacts Contractors via a temporary tattoo which appears on their non-dominate arm.
The Forensics - Assigns Contracts when evidence needs to be evaluated.
The Legal (mentioned)
The Maintenance - Assigns Contracts based on fixing something which is “broken” or which has the potential to break “the way things are supposed to be.” Sounds a bit like Tom Waits. Contacts Contractors via normal text messages.
The Marketing- Assigns Contracts based upon Public Relations for the supernatural. Bombastic and loud. Contacts Contractors via traditional media advertising.
The Production - Runs the Gift Shop, where Contractors exchange their Gift Coupons and obtain their powers. A good listener. Doesn't advertise, relies on word of mouth.
The Sanitation - Operates out of the old Value Street subway station. Assigns Contracts when someone or something needs to be "disposed of." Always introduces herself to the Contractors as if meeting them for the first time. Contacts them via janitors, custodial staff, trash truck drivers, etc...none of whom ever seem to realize they've spoken to the Contractors.
The Shipping - Assigns Contracts involving the transportation of items from one place to another. Typically contacts the Contractors via mailings or deliveries.

The Accounting -

Arcade (mentioned)

Memorable NPCs

Jann Tsu - Witch Hunter by trade, monster hunter by choice. Property of the national government. Large tattoo across her face.
Sanvita - Faith Healer
Corentina Wiater - Head of the Connecticut School
Abe O-Toki - O-Natsu’s cousin. Weak Contractor, can manipulate electronics. Currently living in hiding at the Connecticut School.
Nicholas Fuentes - Politician. Member of the anti-mutant Heritage Party. Powered hypocrite.
Alex - Mutanimal. An alligator. Hunts. Can read, sort of.
Terry - Mutanimal. A turtle. Grows vegetables in a little garden. Can read.
Cameron - Mutanimal. A chameleon. Can disappear from sight. Can read, sorta. Bit of a thief.

Backstory NPCs

Allan Rickdal - Drummer in K's band. Not a member of the commune, though the younger brother of commune member Jenny Rickdal. 17 years old.
Atlas - Gender-fluid surrogate parent to Thistle. Owns the flower-shop where she works.
Benjamin & Meg Gardinier - Pierre's Uncle and Aunt, who raised him after his parents died. Live in Braganza.
Ben Jr - Pierre's cousin, with whom he grew up. Now lives in Texas.
Enrique - Pierre's best friend in The City. His father owns a company which competes with the Abe's in biomedical. Currently living off his trust fund.
Jean Walters - Pierre's mostly-on-again, sometimes-off-again girlfriend. An aspiring Broadway actress. Currently shares an apartment with a half-dozen other aspiring actresses.
Kate Vills - Bassist in K's band. Member of the commune. Lives life at 11 at all times. K's best friend and occasional lover.
Mike Petroni - Perennial slacker, stoner, general lag about. They are another member of the commune. Closest thing to a father figure in K's life (despite them only being 22yo).
So-Sobo - O-Natsu’s Grandmother. Majority owner of Abe Industries. Rich and powerful matriarch. Keen, suspicious mind.
Suki - O-Toki’s mother. Tried to poison So-Sobo and frame O-Natsu.

World Events

Posted by wizardswears, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

Bizarre Missing Persons Case!

35 locals to the Big Orange were found wandering inside the Catalant Industries Building at midnight with no memory of the time after 8am that day.  All 35 individuals were detained by law enforcement and questioned. Police were baffled as to how these individuals managed to evade all the security cameras and enter the Catalant Industries Building after hours without any discovery. Security footage shows each individual appearing in the lobby after exiting the elevator by themselves. 

Several of these suspicious individuals have been transferred to the hospital for medical examination. 

Posted by praenomen, 1 month, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Bank Robbery Foiled

The Gamgee-Baggins First Bank was the site of an attempted robbery on Wednesday, when a man with an unregistered firearm attempted to hold up the customers and tellers.

Guards at the bank immediately opened fire on the man, striking and killing him, preserving the bank’s reputation as immune to theft.

Posted by praenomen, 2 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Local Riders Found Dead

The local Trailriders Association is grieving this week after two of its members were found dead in Sugar Hills Park, following an end of the year ride. Chuck and Sarah Schmidt were found on the Seneca Lake Trail, with multiple injuries. Although the Ithaca PD and Park Rangers are still investigating, foul play is not suspected at this time.

K made a Move (praenomen GMed) 2 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move

Community Garden Graces Elizabeth Street Park

     Community organizers gathered to break ground on a new community garden this weekend, in the remains of the playground of the shuttered P.S. 21 on Elizabeth Street. Organized by local musician K, citizens of The City gathered to construct "winterized" raised bed planters and plant lettuce, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and more.

     "Providing the insulated covers like this doesn't provide enough warmth to grow produce during the winter, unfortunately, but it does allow them to put down extra root systems, allowing earlier and greater production next season," one volunteer explained. "It would have been great if the city could have provided the permits sooner, but we'll still be able to supplement the diets of dozens of low-income families across Nolita."

    Organizers thanked K, known within the community as front-person of "K and the Apocalypse," for bringing further attention to mutual aid efforts in the neighborhood. "K really walks the walk, where a lot of other artists think that by just talking about issues they can affect change," said Saori Sano, leader of Hands Up for Nolita. "Without their help, we might have lacked the dozens of volunteers here today, helping to make this garden a reality."

     Locals expressed appreciation of the new project, as well. Les Quaker, who attended P.S. 21 when it was still a school, told reporters, "Ever since the City shut down the school, the community has been wondering, what was going to happen to it, to the space. People were talking about, oh, they're going to sell to out-of-town landlords, they're going to let crooked developers buy it, try to gentrify the neighborhood, drive rent prices up, we're all going to have to move out. So it's really nice to see that, for once, the City is thinking of the little guy. It kind of gives us hope for the community."

Readers who wish to visit the new garden can locate it just off Elizabeth St, between Prince and Spring streets, two blocks west of Sara Roosevelt Park. Although open to the public, organizers request that anybody who wants to participate in the garden contact Hands Up for Nolita.

Thistle made a Move (praenomen GMed) 2 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move

Except from a Hunting Shack

[Begin Transcription]

[Sound of hinges squeaking]

"Oh my gosh, it''s empty. Completely cleaned out!"

"God bless you, Andy, but why couldn't you have just locked the God-bless-ed door?!"

"I'm sorry, Amos, but who could have predicted this? Our shack has been here on the edge of these woods for decades, and nobody's ever bothered it before. That someone would come to it and decide to take our supplies? Come on, who would ever have guessed?"

"You're....[a sigh] No, you're right. I'm sorry. I never locked it either. I'm just...I mean, why would anyone even take that old junk?"

"Well, I mean, I know cast iron has gotten popular again among city folk. I can't explain the rest of it, though."

"The chairs, the blankets? City folk wouldn't care about that."

[Approximately six seconds of silence]

"I'm real sorry, Amos. I know that was the blanket your Gran knitted you."

"It was. That's what hurts most, I think. They don't even know what they've got, what it costs. The rest can be replaced, but...that hurts."

"I tell you what. Elma knows the people who run the pawn shop in Fogelsville. I think I've got a picture from last season or two of you with the blanket wrapped around you. We'll spread it around, let people know we just want the blanket back, no questions asked. See if we can get lucky."

"I...I appreciate that, Andy. That's real fine of you. You're a good friend."

[Approximately four seconds of silence]

"D'ya ever wonder what's coming of this world? Like, even out here in the small towns, we're seeing more crime. Did'ja know Terrance told me he's found evidence somebody's been stealing into the stores on Main Street. Not taking anything that will be missed, he said, but still, what kinda weirdo sneaks into other people's stores and homes, like some kinda pervert?"

"Well, Pastor says we're in the end days, so I guess it's only to be expected. ...Anyway, come on, we can't use the hut like this. We'll have to restock supplies, and we might as well get Elma working on spreading that picture."

"Yeah, fair enough. Let's go."

[Sound of hinges squeaking]

[End Transcription]

Abe O-Natsu made a Move (praenomen GMed) 2 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move






K made a Move (praenomen GMed) 2 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move

“A Rockin’ Good Time

We here in the office of the Connecticut Scholar were delighted this week to be informed that Angouléme punk band “K & The Apocolypse” had agreed to play a private show for residents of the School. Headmistress Wiater made the announcement during dinner on Monday night, causing a great stir of excitement, especially among those who follow the punk-rock scene, but by Wednesday night, even some of the teachers were getting into the mood!

The band put on an “amazing” show, and to the total credit of the band, when some students began displaying their enthusiasm from their seats, the band didn’t miss a note, but continued playing long into the night! Even though some songs were repeated during the “set list,” when the band stepped off the stage, calls for encores followed them.

As bassist Kate Vills told our very own Star Shands, in a private interview following the show, “Listen, we don’t [care] what the rich and politically powerful [people] think, [Students] are people just like us. The real fight should be against the oppressive regimes which keep us all downtrodden under the heels of capitalism! There’s a place in that fight for everyone, whether [Student] or not.”

Right on, Kate! You guys are welcome back any time you care to come, and we hope it will be soon!

Posted by praenomen, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Heritage Party Victory

Following Tuesday’s election, Heritage Party candidate Nick Fuentes has been elected to Burough Council by thin margins. Declaring a mandate from the people, Fuentes promised to keep the Five Burroughs safe and free from what he called the “mutant scourge.” 

Critics have accused Fuentes of fanning the flames of hatred and violating the civil rights of an underprivileged minority group. Fuentes’ campaign mocked his critics, with his representative declaring, “Non-humans don’t get to have human rights just because they look like us and scare you. We wouldn’t extend them to a rapid chimpanzee, nor should we to these animals.”

Posted by praenomen, 4 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

The Infinity Uprising: A Look Back

February 14th, when most couples are visiting expensive restaurants and exchanging candies, marks for the LGBTQIA+ community the 45th anniversary of the Infinity Uprising, when homophobic acts of violence against club attendees at the Infinity Club led to all-out street warfare between the embattled gay community and the marshaled forces of the City Police, and eventually to a building fire which consumed the club entirely.

Occurring over a year before same-sex relationships in the City were de-criminalized in 1980, veterans of the Uprising (who insist that the use of the word “riots” was perpetrated only to justify police violence against club patrons) recall that the night began with attacks on gay men in the streets outside the club. Patrons of Infinity—notable for including lesbian and gender-nonconforming members of the community at a time when most bars and clubs were exclusive to one group or another—poured out to meet the threat on the cold streets. Dancers at the nearby hip-hop dance club Gallery soon joined the crowd, intent on showing a unified front. When police arrived, they reported “rioting in the streets,” and called in officers from nearby precincts, who arrived in riot gear, intent on “breaking those [homosexual’s] heads.”

The violence lasted into the early hours of the morning, leaving scores injured on both sides. At some point, Molotov cocktails were employed against the police, who responded with flashbangs and tear gas, which at the time released combustible gases. It remains unknown how the fire, which ignited in the pillow factory above the club, was started, only its outcome: The complete destruction of the building housing the club and factory. In the end, a City Fire Department tanker truck had to turn its hoses on both the Uprisers and the police in order to clear enough room for the CFD pumper trucks to approach and extinguish the blaze.

The ultimate outcome of the incident may have seemed to have been in the homophobe’s favor—the destruction of yet another safe space for the burgeoning queer community, and yet more hostility with the police, not even a decade after Stonewall. However, the LGBTQIA+ community, in response to the loss of Infinity, came together in a show of solidarity, and soon every bar and club in the Boroughs began allowing gay men, lesbians, drag queens, transsexuals, and the transgender community. Activist organizations sprouted from the ashes of Infinity to advocate for rights and protections, and less than two years later, homosexual activity was officially decriminalized within City limits. It was among the first of the significant victories which, from Stonewall to Obergefell, took the queer community from persecution to celebration over the course of nearly fifty years.

Abe O-Natsu made a Move (praenomen GMed) 4 months, 4 weeks ago. View Move

A Quiet Visit

O-Natsu has visited her grandmother in the hospital for a quiet, if productive, chat.

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