
A world where life is but a dream.

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Solar System, 2071

The Solar System 2071 is in an economic depression, where everyone lives for themselves and crime runs rampant all across the solar system. After the Astral Gate Incident, many colonies became disunited and began running independently. This means that only Bounty Hunters, Criminals or Rich Folk travel between planets. As the wealth disparity continues to grow, many governing bodies must turn to bounty hunters to complete their arrests. Currently, official bounties are controlled by the Inter-Solar System Police, a successor to Interpol from Earth.

This is a system where every Contract is Easy Come, Easy Go.

House Rules

Contractors from Epitath Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
  • Supernatural Powers: All Supernatural Powers are re-flavored to be accomplished via technology, either mechanical or biological supernatural powers are accomplished through generally scientific means.
  • Working Together: The contracts are brought to the ship in general, you can choose to work together on any contract, however if you choose to work alone, or hinder the party directly, remember all things gained can be stolen.

Full Setting Description

They named that time Roaring Half Century, and it began with a bang.


The year was 2021. After decades of technological advancement, humanity had conquered not only their planet but also had terraformed many moons and planets across the Solar System. However, after the Astral Gate Incident, the Moon was destroyed, leaving falling debris that brings rock showers nearly constantly to Earth's surface. After this incident, most of humanity migrated to other planets and moons, those who remained decided to move underground where they were safe from the meteor showers. What has come of Earth is largly unknown to most people in the Solar System, but a new saying has formed "Nothing good ever comes from Earth, anymore"


Elsewhere, on Mars there are crime syndicates that run the government from the background, living in luxary while the poorer regions of the colony must fend for themselves. Even so, Mars has one of the more successful governments, keeping an active military and police, even if they're run by the crime syndicates. Mars is also home to some of the best universities in the Solar System, with SIT (Solar Institute of Technology) and Mars University being considered the top 2 Universities. Beyond that, the colony was built within the craters of mars utilizing an artificial atmosphere placed along the edges of the craters that is constantly upkept by large nuclear reactors. Each city is connected via large cables and tunnels which are surrounded by the same artificial devices. Mars is the most populated planet in the solar system, as well as having an extensive trading center, being the most sophistocated in the solar system. Mars can be a beautiful vacation spot, just don't go sniffing around too much.


Venus, Earth's sister planet is in a much more stable position comparably. Venus was terraformed decades ago, with engineers forming floating islands with flowers that convert the Carbon Dioxide into Oxygen at a much higher rate than the old plants of Earth. However, Venus lacks the natural seas that Earth had meaning that the majority of the surface is a large desert. Beyond that, there is a rumor of a disease known as Venus Sickness that causes blindness is people, the current speculation is that the spores from the floating islands causes this. Venus also has a functional police force in the VPD, and despite the dry and flat planet they have a strong economy built on the constantly growing general market, grey markets, and even black market trades. Major Cities include: 


Ganymede, the Largest Moon of Jupiter, and home to the most ocean-to-surface percentage in the solar system. This moon was terraformed in the early 21st century, when heating technology advanced far enough to burn the thick layers of ice, creating a seawater ocean across nearly the entire surface of the planet. Ganymede is a fishing colony, harvesting animals such as the Ganymede rock lobster, the endangered sea rat and any fish you could wish for. As a planet on the outskirts of the solar system, its population was small until the Astral Gate System was formed. 


Europa, another moon of Jupiter is a planet currently undergoing terraforming. Despite this, they still have large walled cities with temperate climates that assist in the colonies position as a major trucking line connecting the outer solar system to the inner, acting as the last stop before the asteroid belt. There is rumors of a new syndicate going by the name European Syndicate.


Callisto, the last notable moon of Jupiter, though not for good reason as Callisto was the site of a major military arms factory during the Titan War in the 2060s. During this war Callisto became a planet comprised of only men, as they were expected to work and leave the colony instead of upkeeping a constant population. Now in the 2070s there is a financial depression, and illegal groups utilize the current infrastructure to deal in their ilicit goods. If you find yourself of Callisto the best piece of advice is to leave as soon as you can. 


Now, throughout the Solar System, the ISSP is currently attempting to keep order as they attempt to take down organized crime wherever possible, contracting skilled Bounty Hunters to take in the extremes of the spectrum between dangerous career criminals and mass murderers, to the small fries that aren't worth ISSP funding. Beyond that, some wealthy individuals have fallen under the belief that they are untouchable by the ISSP, paying off the ISSP to remove their bounties. However, they always leave a trace of their misdeeds and since their contracts never technically expire, you can always cash in those awards. Since the Syndicates rule whole planets, you will have to decide if taking in one of their low level enforcers is worth pissing off such an imposing entity.


See you, Space Cowboy