GAMPU Contracts Inc.

A world where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.

Latest World Events

Posted by Alehandrew, 4 days, 16 hours ago. Permalink

Nebraska citizens report fire tornados on the rise

  After temperatures rise to new heights, citizens begin to claim sightings of unnatural green fire tornados. A team of meteorologists began studies on the air quality near farms and found expired chemicals in an abandoned barn that was once owned by the Crysler family that has long since passed. This seems to have caught fire and ignited these unknown chemicals. local authorities have issued an evacuation order for all towns near Doughboy, Nebraska until all chemicals have been identified and dealt with.

Posted by Mydas, 1 week, 5 days ago. Permalink

The Soul of Seoul

"...take, for example, the events in 20XX that resulted in an entire defunct nuclear waste facility just up and vanishing. In the middle of the day! I don't know about you Gore, but that smells an awful lot like extraterrestrial involvement."

"Moriah, that's a gosh darn buncha hocus horseshit, and you know it. It had to be a government cover-up for some nasty tech they were working on. Probably like a gen-you-ine Gundam laser mech for fightin' the Osaka werewolf population."

"I swear you get dumber every day. Seoul is in Korea smartass."

"Doesn't mean they can't fight them Osaka werewolves."

"Whatever, let's move on. Don't forget today's video is sponsored by Shadow Battlers, an all new MOBA that prioritizes player work ethic over fun. Did you know you can make real bitcoin for every hour you spend in-game...?"

- Redneckbeards on Youtube

Latest Journals

1 week, 5 days ago: Henri Laurent Auclair wrote a Downtime Journal for It's Cleanup Day!


Cher Philippe,


           Je vais bien! J'espère que toi aussi! J'établis des liens que vous ne croiriez même pas ! Être célèbre est un travail difficile, tu sais ? Je savais que j'allais devenir célèbre, mais je ne savais pas que je devais FAIRE des choses ! Oui, cela m'a donné plus que ce que j'ai toujours voulu, mais j'ai l'impression qu'il manque quelque chose! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! OH MON DIEU! CE SENTIMENT! CE SENTIMENT! JE NE SAIS PAS COMMENT LE DÉCRIRE MAIS JE PEUX DÉFINITIVEMENT LE PEINDRE! APPORTEZ-MOI MON PLUS GRAND CHEVALET ! JE SENS UN CHEF-D'ŒUVRE!


Phillipe this is GRAND! Je pourrais pleurer! Please take care of Charlotte while I paint! This may take time and I dont want to rush this. The euphoric feeling of inspiration shall NOT be wasted with deliberation! I MUST ACT WITH HASTE! 

2 weeks ago: Henri Laurent Auclair wrote a Downtime Journal for Monster Hunter: Island

Painting Painting Painting!

I wanted to paint! I need to. These contracts have pulled me away from my true calling. Yes I can paint anything I wanted to perfection in my sleep, however my skills need not dulling! That would kill my honor as an artist. After all, my main goal is to make the world beautiful, and there is a lot of ugly left over. So, I stayed in my house for the month and honed in on areas that i might not be so perfect in. WHICH IS MOTHING!! HAHAHAHA! You actually thought that there isnt anything i cant paint? Anything That I cannot sculpt? ANYTHING THAT I CANNOT CREATE!?!?! PREPOSTEROUS! I am the great Henri Laurent Auclair! Artist would have been my middle name if Laurent wasnt so elegant! However, art is my true love. So thats what I will do. I will make art. Nothing less will do. MAGNIFIQUE! 

2 weeks, 3 days ago: Wes Dorian wrote a Downtime Journal for Beware the Assassin!

Another Month Goes By...

I'm tired. When I'm awake, my energy levels have seemed to skyrocket. At my last doctor's appointment they said that my blood pressure is abnormally high, and my resting heart rate is nowhere near last we checked. That being said, they claimed I was perfectly healthy. I feel powerful. When I dropped a weight on my foot while working out the other day, I felt nothing. The same doctor claimed I had fractured a toe. So I went home and experimented... my body seems to be stronger. Is this the supernatural reward from the mysterious "benefactors" at the agency?

I'm so tired. I wake up screaming at night sometimes... thinking of my daughter, of my ex, or ma. They die in such horrible ways. I can't stop thinking about it right after I wake up and right before I fall asleep and all throughout the night.

I did another job to make some money. I wrote about it in the journal. Took out a few targets. We were in and out within the hour.

I'm tired.

I went to see her yesterday. It was a joy as always. She told me that her new favorite animal is a sloth, so I guess I'll have to return the unicorn plush I bought for part of her birthday present next month. I took her out to the movies and got her her favorite meal at Howie's. Man, I miss her so much already. And with these damn dreams, I feel like I'm losing myself just as much as I miss my family. I need to hold it together for her. I need to show her I'm ok.

4 weeks ago: Henri Laurent Auclair wrote a Downtime Journal for Beware the Assassin!

Gucci, Prada, Louis Vuitton

Well one thing is for certain, I got my face fixed and now I don't have that black eye anymore (even though I still looked good with it. Maybe I can pull it off as the next fashion statement.). 

After that I went home again and finished some art pieces! Sold a couple, and went to a couple fashion shows. I cant believe that one secretary hung up on me. Her voice was quite ghastly. She must have not been French. 

Wes really taught me something in that I should protect my self so I'm taking a couple fencing lessons! This is truly a beautiful sport and holds lots of honor. Fencing is really important to not only my French heritage, but my Italian heritage as well. I asked Phillipe to find me only the greatest coaches, teachers, masters, and trainers to keep me in tip top shape! I should be prepared by next go around!

4 weeks, 1 day ago: Henri Laurent Auclair wrote a Downtime Journal for Bobasaurus

Parasite Removal!

I got my parasite removed due to the boba! I signed an agreement that my surgery and my body can be recorded for scientific research but my identity was hidden! I would be absolutely dishonored if something from America would take the great Henri Laurent Auclair down! ANYWAY!!!

I WENT HOME AND CHARLOTTE WAS WAITING FOR ME!!! OMG she was a beautiful as ever! Phillipe did such a good job in taking care of her! Her coat seems even shinier than usual! I might have to try her shampoo for my hair! ^-^

Phillipe always does such a good job with everything! The house was spot on and my works of art were rearranged in such a beautiful manner I almost cried! I even got to finish the piece I was working on before that wretched man sent me on my perilous journey! All's well that ends well I suppose!

GAMPU Contracts Inc. was created by Mydas 1 month, 1 week ago

Playgroup Leader

Playgroup Member

Wren the human fully efficient robot
A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor

Playgroup Member

Illuminated Earth

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from GAMPU Contracts Inc. Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
GAMPU Contracts Inc. grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

They named that time The Illumination, and it was by the flash of a camera phone.


The year was 2004. Until that point the Earth was as we had always known her. We filled her cruel vastness with legends, superstitions, and rumors. Warlocks, monsters, and gods lurked on the edge of the collective consciousness, always a possibility but never more. We lacked evidence. That evidence came as humanity filled its pockets with technology equipped to capture and transmit.


An iPhone found on High School senior Nate Klienman’s mangled corpse held a video of his girlfriend’s bone-snapping transformation into a monstrous wolf creature. A Brazilian widow documented a series of conversations with the misty figure of her late husband. A Chinese fishing boat caught a mermaid in a net and put it on display in the Beijing aquarium.


Each week brought a new revelation that we were not alone. Superstitions reversed their slow death overnight. Salem held their first witch trial in a century. The jury rendered a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and sentenced Maxibelle Horux to death. A week after her lethal injection, half the jury died from a tainted batch of flu vaccine. A fearful, populist movement arose to rid humanity of the creatures lurking in its ranks. Suspects are forcibly subjected to bizarre tests of their humanity, and the results are often open to interpretation. A mob’s justice is swift.


Yet the paranormal is not merely relegated to a persecuted class. Where some see monsters, some see sentience, and others see opportunity. If a vampire can sustain themselves on cloned blood and work the graveyard shift, why not legalize and tax? Politicians and Aristocrats employ odd-looking individuals as "advisors" or "protection." Entertainment magazines publish revelations every week about which celebrities shed their human skins at home. Charlatans of all stripes, from palmistry mediums to televangelists, have flourished despite the risks. The treatment of the paranormal varies from place to place, person to person.


Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in two hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

World Events

Posted by Alehandrew, 4 days, 16 hours ago. Permalink

Nebraska citizens report fire tornados on the rise

  After temperatures rise to new heights, citizens begin to claim sightings of unnatural green fire tornados. A team of meteorologists began studies on the air quality near farms and found expired chemicals in an abandoned barn that was once owned by the Crysler family that has long since passed. This seems to have caught fire and ignited these unknown chemicals. local authorities have issued an evacuation order for all towns near Doughboy, Nebraska until all chemicals have been identified and dealt with.

Posted by Mydas, 1 week, 5 days ago. Permalink

The Soul of Seoul

"...take, for example, the events in 20XX that resulted in an entire defunct nuclear waste facility just up and vanishing. In the middle of the day! I don't know about you Gore, but that smells an awful lot like extraterrestrial involvement."

"Moriah, that's a gosh darn buncha hocus horseshit, and you know it. It had to be a government cover-up for some nasty tech they were working on. Probably like a gen-you-ine Gundam laser mech for fightin' the Osaka werewolf population."

"I swear you get dumber every day. Seoul is in Korea smartass."

"Doesn't mean they can't fight them Osaka werewolves."

"Whatever, let's move on. Don't forget today's video is sponsored by Shadow Battlers, an all new MOBA that prioritizes player work ethic over fun. Did you know you can make real bitcoin for every hour you spend in-game...?"

- Redneckbeards on Youtube

Posted by MiniDemon, 2 weeks, 2 days ago. Permalink

Tragic accident claims two hollywood celebrity lives

A 747 was on its way back towards the States last Wednesday evening when tragedy struck. It's assumed the engine failed as they flew above the thousands of miles of ocean, and the plane went down, causing the command tower to lose track of the flight. Its whereabouts are still unknown. There are crews out searching high and low in the waters below for some clues as to where the plane might have gone down. Two U.S. families have reported their loved ones missing from that flight so far, and sadly, it seems they were one of Hollywood's own. The family of Margot Robbie claims she was on her way back from vacation riding that flight and has yet to be seen since it was reported to have gone down. Danny Trejo's family has also reported that he was visiting friends and returning home on the same flight. The families will hold a televised candle-lit vigil to remember both actors tomorrow. 


- The L.A. Times

Posted by panda, 4 weeks, 1 day ago. Permalink

Black candles for black magic?

The peace in the quiet town of Palo Alto was shattered late one night as cacophonous noise erupted in a condo near the edge of the town. Residents in the lower floors of the condo reported hearing sounds like "the neighing of a horse", "a loud growling noise", and "a howl like a wolf" coming from the higher floors of the condo. This disturbance didn't last long but the noises combined with several noise complaints from residents near the building caused an investigation to be launched as to ascertain the source of the noise. The investigation launched a few days after the report and a savage scene was recorded and logged by the police. Shattered tables and doors, with food strewn about across the kitchen. Several thousands of dollars of property damage were done to this high end condo. The owner declined a statement but provided the police with a list of recent residents showing that the floor was unoccupied. They are suing the city and the police department for inadequately protecting their property from the vandals who broke in and ravaged the entire condo floor. Black residue believed to be wax was found around the frame of the entrance's door and black candles were found in a cabinet drawer. With the recent rumors of a curse going around this investigation is being postponed until a suitable expert is found to be called in to investigate this incident and decisively establish if it truly was an Illumination event. 

-The front page article of The Palo Alto People's Paper

Henri Laurent Auclair made a Move (Mydas GMed) 4 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

Doctor Discovers Alien Parasite in France

Another alien parasite, matching the genetic makeup of that found in New York and San Francisco, was discovered in France. This issue is now transcontinental, making it an exceptionally puzzling case for medical professionals and governments alike. Unsuspecting patients in hospitals around the world are now being tested for the bug.

Posted by Mydas, 1 month ago. Permalink

West Virginian Family Murdered

It was a late, hot night in July when the police walked onto the scene at the Miller's an approximated 3 days after their deaths. Three were found dead, including an unidentified man not of the immediate family, and the family's youngest adopted daughter, Nancy, was missing. Police suspect the murders and kidnapping are tied to the titular Hourglass Killer, who's identity has yet to be placed.

Why, you may ask?

The unidentified male, found in the nude, had the calling card of the Hourglass Killer etched into his wrists. Another victim of the serial killer's rampage through West Virginia. Make sure to lock your doors and shut your windows tight folks. There's fear in the air this rainy week, and the killer doesn't look to be slowing down any time soon...


- Scary Gary's Radio Talk Show

Norman Dredge made a Move (Mydas GMed) 1 month ago. View Move

New Species and Dead Ends

The doctors couldn't believe what they were seeing. Samples from an anonymous patient in New York, New York matched that of the infected corpses from the Lombard Street Massacre in San Francisco, California. The first living human to be reported with the same infection, and they had let it slip through their grasp. The eggs were perfectly spherical, with a coloration not dissimilar to a yellowed amber, and they held the eggs of an alien species not of our planet: a new one. An undocumented species of alien supposedly amphibious in nature was somewhere on Earth. Searches yielded nothing. It appeared as though any evidence of such a creature was lost to the annals of history. But there was a new question: could the eggs be spreading to other parts of the world? If so, how? All these questions and more- are one of the many mysteries of our universe. The ones we see every day.

- Excerpt from The Daily Unexplained by Amelie Paige

Posted by Mydas, 1 month ago. Permalink

Massacre on Lombard Street!

Viscera litters the streets of Northern San Francisco. Last week, at around 7 PM, a massacre took place right under our city's watch. With an approximated 322 victims found dead, and another 1,200 injured, it's a nightmare that there wasn't a single witness to the event. Police who were called to the scene about an alleged shooter at local boba shop, Bobasaurus, found evidence of shots fired from an unidentified handgun. But the damage done to the simple boba shop was nothing compared to the horror that spread down Lombard Street. Sparing the details: day to day citizens, officers, and officials alike all found themselves in unfamiliar locations, covered in ash and blood, surrounded by unimaginable horror. One victim described the episode as "falling asleep to a horrible, painful nightmare, and waking up to one so much worse." Cameras at the original scene of the alleged shooter looked to be disabled, but streetview cameras on Lombard look to hold evidence hundreds of vehicles driving wildly out of control among mobs of citizens running amok, eyes aglow, with a similar disregard, implying the massive episode may have been something supernatural in nature. The police are still searching for the vehicles in these camera, as a few have yet to be found or identified. If anyone has any information to offer, the police advise that you visit or call the support hotline as soon as possible.

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