The Goons

A world where videos of the supernatural go viral every day.

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Kore Bennett made a Move (Author GMed) 2 days, 7 hours ago. View Move

"AussieGhostHunter Freaks Out in Cemetery (Weird Footage???)"

👁 732 views | 📅 Posted 4 hours ago

📹 Video Reupload by ParanormalLoser99:
"Okay, so I grabbed this from AussieGhostHunter’s channel because I guarantee he’s gonna delete or ‘edit’ it soon. If you’ve seen his other vids, you know he fakes literally everything, but this one is weird in a way I can’t explain."

"Basically, he went to Salmon Block Cemetery at 2AM to ‘stir up some spirits’ (read: be a disrespectful dickhead). He’s kicking over small gravestones and yelling when, out of nowhere, some pale, messy-haired woman steps out from behind a tree and starts questioning him."

"It’s SUPER awkward because you can tell he’s trying to make it into a bit for his fake-ass stream, but she’s just standing there in loose clothes, barely reacting. Then the glitch happens."

"At 10:42, she makes this creepy-ass sound and suddenly lifts off the ground a little. Not a huge levitation, but her feet are clearly hovering for a second. Then BAM, he twitches, drops the camera, and just STANDS THERE for a full minute before taking off into the trees."

"IDK if this was staged or what, but I swear this feels different than his usual crap. Someone tell me I’m not crazy."

💬 Top Comments:

🔥 eddie_rambles – "Okay, the usual fake ghost sounds aside, what the hell was that jump at 10:42? She barely moves, but you can SEE her feet lift off the ground???" (48 upvotes)

🔥 Jen_142 – "I'm calling BS. Looks like a bad render error. Dude prob added a jumpcut to make it look spooky." (31 upvotes)

🔥 zach_ghosthunter – "If this is staged, it's a damn good one. The way he just STOPS MOVING after dropping the camera?? Looks like he's lagging IRL." (29 upvotes)

🔥 bexinthewoods – "Why is NO ONE talking about the face in the glitch at 10:44? Watch frame by frame. It’s not his face." (22 upvotes)

🔥 oakley_cryptex – "Okay but who the hell is that woman? If she’s a plant, she’s the best actor he’s ever had." (17 upvotes)

🔥 AussieGhostHunter (Creator) – "Dark energy is REAL, mate. Y’all can doubt all you want, but I KNOW what I felt." (4 upvotes)

🔥 mila_aurora – "If that girl was just some random, where did she go? She doesn’t walk away, doesn’t react, she’s just... gone." (9 upvotes)

🔥 paulb316 – "This is sitting at 732 views right now, I bet it blows up in a few days." (5 upvotes)

Kore Bennett made a Move (Author GMed) 2 days, 7 hours ago. View Move

“‘Dusted and Deranged’: Morgue Employee Attacks Coworker in Bizarre Assault”

Seattle, WA – A disturbing incident at Evergreen Memorial Mortuary has left one employee hospitalized and another in police custody after a sudden, violent attack inside the facility.

Authorities say Bryan Fueller, a 38-year-old mortuary technician, assaulted his coworker, Eleanor Vasquez, using a container of embalming powder in what police are calling an unprovoked act of workplace violence. Security footage captured the entire incident, as no other employees were present inside the building at the time.

Vasquez recalled the terrifying moments leading up to the attack. “He wasn’t himself. He was scratching at his arms, jerking like something was wrong with him. Then he just grabbed the powder and came at me,” she told reporters from her hospital bed.

The footage shows Fueller chasing Vasquez through the empty halls before she escaped into the street, where bystanders witnessed the final moments of the attack. Multiple reports describe him staggering in place and suddenly collapsing, his aggression vanishing as quickly as it appeared.

When police arrived, Fueller was dazed and unresponsive, muttering about “something crawling under his skin.” Officers initially suspected drug use, but toxicology tests have yet to confirm any substances in his system.

His coworkers, after reviewing the footage, have been left unsettled. “That wasn’t Bryan. I’ve worked with the guy for years, and he’s never even raised his voice,” said one colleague, who wished to remain anonymous. “One second he’s losing it, the next he’s just... gone. Like a light switch.”

Security cameras also captured a young woman approaching the front entrance minutes before the attack. Described as disheveled, dressed in loose-fitting clothes, and briefly peering inside before returning to her car, her presence has not been linked to the incident, though some online speculation has begun questioning if she saw something unusual before leaving.

Adding another layer to the mystery, a routine inventory check following the incident has revealed that two bodies are unaccounted for. There were no signs of forced entry or tampering with the facility’s locks, and investigators have not determined if the missing corpses are connected to the attack.

One other strange detail has caught investigators’ attention. Security footage shows an unidentified figure entering the morgue through the rear entrance shortly after the attack. The individual was inside for just a few minutes before leaving, and nothing else appears to have been taken. Police have not confirmed whether they believe this person is connected to the incident.

As Fueller awaits psychiatric evaluation at King County Detention Center, theories about his sudden breakdown continue to spread. While some blame undiagnosed mental illness or substance abuse, others are reaching for more unusual explanations.

Vasquez, still recovering from minor injuries, remains shaken. “It doesn’t make sense,” she said. “That wasn’t Bryan.”

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Illuminated Earth

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from The Goons Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
The Goons grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.


  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

They named that time The Illumination, and it was by the flash of a camera phone.


The year was 2004. Until that point the Earth was as we had always known her. We filled her cruel vastness with legends, superstitions, and rumors. Warlocks, monsters, and gods lurked on the edge of the collective consciousness, always a possibility but never more. We lacked evidence. That evidence came as humanity filled its pockets with technology equipped to capture and transmit.


An iPhone found on High School senior Nate Klienman’s mangled corpse held a video of his girlfriend’s bone-snapping transformation into a monstrous wolf creature. A Brazilian widow documented a series of conversations with the misty figure of her late husband. A Chinese fishing boat caught a mermaid in a net and put it on display in the Beijing aquarium.


Each week brought a new revelation that we were not alone. Superstitions reversed their slow death overnight. Salem held their first witch trial in a century. The jury rendered a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and sentenced Maxibelle Horux to death. A week after her lethal injection, half the jury died from a tainted batch of flu vaccine. A fearful, populist movement arose to rid humanity of the creatures lurking in its ranks. Suspects are forcibly subjected to bizarre tests of their humanity, and the results are often open to interpretation. A mob’s justice is swift.


Yet the paranormal is not merely relegated to a persecuted class. Where some see monsters, some see sentience, and others see opportunity. If a vampire can sustain themselves on cloned blood and work the graveyard shift, why not legalize and tax? Politicians and Aristocrats employ odd-looking individuals as "advisors" or "protection." Entertainment magazines publish revelations every week about which celebrities shed their human skins at home. Charlatans of all stripes, from palmistry mediums to televangelists, have flourished despite the risks. The treatment of the paranormal varies from place to place, person to person.


Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in two hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

World Events

Kore Bennett made a Move (Author GMed) 2 days, 7 hours ago. View Move

"AussieGhostHunter Freaks Out in Cemetery (Weird Footage???)"

👁 732 views | 📅 Posted 4 hours ago

📹 Video Reupload by ParanormalLoser99:
"Okay, so I grabbed this from AussieGhostHunter’s channel because I guarantee he’s gonna delete or ‘edit’ it soon. If you’ve seen his other vids, you know he fakes literally everything, but this one is weird in a way I can’t explain."

"Basically, he went to Salmon Block Cemetery at 2AM to ‘stir up some spirits’ (read: be a disrespectful dickhead). He’s kicking over small gravestones and yelling when, out of nowhere, some pale, messy-haired woman steps out from behind a tree and starts questioning him."

"It’s SUPER awkward because you can tell he’s trying to make it into a bit for his fake-ass stream, but she’s just standing there in loose clothes, barely reacting. Then the glitch happens."

"At 10:42, she makes this creepy-ass sound and suddenly lifts off the ground a little. Not a huge levitation, but her feet are clearly hovering for a second. Then BAM, he twitches, drops the camera, and just STANDS THERE for a full minute before taking off into the trees."

"IDK if this was staged or what, but I swear this feels different than his usual crap. Someone tell me I’m not crazy."

💬 Top Comments:

🔥 eddie_rambles – "Okay, the usual fake ghost sounds aside, what the hell was that jump at 10:42? She barely moves, but you can SEE her feet lift off the ground???" (48 upvotes)

🔥 Jen_142 – "I'm calling BS. Looks like a bad render error. Dude prob added a jumpcut to make it look spooky." (31 upvotes)

🔥 zach_ghosthunter – "If this is staged, it's a damn good one. The way he just STOPS MOVING after dropping the camera?? Looks like he's lagging IRL." (29 upvotes)

🔥 bexinthewoods – "Why is NO ONE talking about the face in the glitch at 10:44? Watch frame by frame. It’s not his face." (22 upvotes)

🔥 oakley_cryptex – "Okay but who the hell is that woman? If she’s a plant, she’s the best actor he’s ever had." (17 upvotes)

🔥 AussieGhostHunter (Creator) – "Dark energy is REAL, mate. Y’all can doubt all you want, but I KNOW what I felt." (4 upvotes)

🔥 mila_aurora – "If that girl was just some random, where did she go? She doesn’t walk away, doesn’t react, she’s just... gone." (9 upvotes)

🔥 paulb316 – "This is sitting at 732 views right now, I bet it blows up in a few days." (5 upvotes)

Kore Bennett made a Move (Author GMed) 2 days, 7 hours ago. View Move

“‘Dusted and Deranged’: Morgue Employee Attacks Coworker in Bizarre Assault”

Seattle, WA – A disturbing incident at Evergreen Memorial Mortuary has left one employee hospitalized and another in police custody after a sudden, violent attack inside the facility.

Authorities say Bryan Fueller, a 38-year-old mortuary technician, assaulted his coworker, Eleanor Vasquez, using a container of embalming powder in what police are calling an unprovoked act of workplace violence. Security footage captured the entire incident, as no other employees were present inside the building at the time.

Vasquez recalled the terrifying moments leading up to the attack. “He wasn’t himself. He was scratching at his arms, jerking like something was wrong with him. Then he just grabbed the powder and came at me,” she told reporters from her hospital bed.

The footage shows Fueller chasing Vasquez through the empty halls before she escaped into the street, where bystanders witnessed the final moments of the attack. Multiple reports describe him staggering in place and suddenly collapsing, his aggression vanishing as quickly as it appeared.

When police arrived, Fueller was dazed and unresponsive, muttering about “something crawling under his skin.” Officers initially suspected drug use, but toxicology tests have yet to confirm any substances in his system.

His coworkers, after reviewing the footage, have been left unsettled. “That wasn’t Bryan. I’ve worked with the guy for years, and he’s never even raised his voice,” said one colleague, who wished to remain anonymous. “One second he’s losing it, the next he’s just... gone. Like a light switch.”

Security cameras also captured a young woman approaching the front entrance minutes before the attack. Described as disheveled, dressed in loose-fitting clothes, and briefly peering inside before returning to her car, her presence has not been linked to the incident, though some online speculation has begun questioning if she saw something unusual before leaving.

Adding another layer to the mystery, a routine inventory check following the incident has revealed that two bodies are unaccounted for. There were no signs of forced entry or tampering with the facility’s locks, and investigators have not determined if the missing corpses are connected to the attack.

One other strange detail has caught investigators’ attention. Security footage shows an unidentified figure entering the morgue through the rear entrance shortly after the attack. The individual was inside for just a few minutes before leaving, and nothing else appears to have been taken. Police have not confirmed whether they believe this person is connected to the incident.

As Fueller awaits psychiatric evaluation at King County Detention Center, theories about his sudden breakdown continue to spread. While some blame undiagnosed mental illness or substance abuse, others are reaching for more unusual explanations.

Vasquez, still recovering from minor injuries, remains shaken. “It doesn’t make sense,” she said. “That wasn’t Bryan.”

Norman made a Move (Author GMed) 1 week, 5 days ago. View Move

ARC Community College Student Found Dead in Home

Jeffery Samuel Davis, age 22, of Elk Grove, CA, passed away on March 14th, 2025. He was found dead in his rental home this Tuesday morning, five days after his death as staff at American River College voiced their concerns at his unusual absence. 

Once on the scene, police found what appeared to be a suicide, the weapon of choice being a glock-22. When questioned, peers stated that Jeffery was a loner and has become increasingly more seclusive since first arriving at ARC. 

While police are currently still undergoing an investigation, they have given a statement that seems to indicate suicide was likely. No more information has been released at this time.



"What the fuck?" a young man, an officer, says. "This rooms stinks like shit..."

"What did you expect? It's some loner kid's house. Of course it's going to smell." A slightly older officer says, scratching his beard.

Some silence goes by.

"Okay, what the fuck?!"

"What- Oh my god, what is that?"

"It's some letters drawn in blood. Has to be. This looks so fuckin' cultic."

"I hate to agree, but I do."

A short pause.

"Damn...this gives me the creeps."


"You don't sound concerned."

"Do you want to get more involved? It looks like a suicide. I can't tell otherwise. And the only alternative is demons or murder. Do YOU get paid enough? I don't."

"...I mean it all points to suicide, right?"


Norman made a Move (Author GMed) 3 weeks, 1 day ago. View Move

JDawg sent you a message!



guess who just got use out of the "shit book"


What did you do


just summoned a fuckmothering demon is what


Okay? Obviously send proof


nah come over after the film festival ill show you


What so you can kill me and use me as materials? I'm good.


since when were you such a pussy


Since you claimed to have just done in under a year what the rest of us have been trying to do since before you came to this school (edited)



Leo started a call that lasted 3 minutes.


i was busy talking to it I had to put you on mute


Yeah okay. We'll come after the film festival. If you're not full of shit, you can be an official member.


wtf am I now


An intern.


If you feel like your Contractor would know about this event, talk to your World Leader about it. (You do not.)

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