Lobotomy Corporation

A world where agents work with abnormalities to provide energy to the outside Wings.

Latest Journals

1 week ago: Zayir wrote a Downtime Journal for For The Better

Letters Home - 2.5

It seems like I was right: longer you stick with this gig, more desensitized you become, easier it gets to do your job and do it well. Which is good news for my numb ass, so like I said - I'll be one of the top agents in this place in no time.

Not sure if the freshies I'm stuck with are going anywhere, though. I got to chat with one of 'em after that poor kid Cooper died. He was moppin' the floors, cleaning up all the carnage, and I stayed behind to see if I could pick his brain about the whole sitch for a little. And whaddya know? Looks like I'm not the only one who's gotten used to poor sons of bitches kicking it after they got in over their head. Maybe this guy's got what it takes to hold this job.

He definitely thinks I'm a total freak though. And somehow he knows about Aunt Eva - who knows what else this dude has on me? I wouldn't be surprised if he knew about my Fixer work. Wonder if he'll try and hold it over my head?

He just seems chill and honestly, pretty tired. Now that, I can sympathize with.

1 week ago: Gene wrote a Downtime Journal for For The Better


Attachment makes stronger soldiers is something this corporation forgets, the Romans were all gay and attached to each other, and they seem quite undefeated. Fucking stupid... Ugh, am I hung up on this because I genuinely wanted Cooper to live or just because it hurts my ego that I couldn't save him? And maybe my ego IS hurt because these idiots don't want to acknowledge my accomplishments. But its fine, I'll become greater than they will ever be, I'll have a full head of hair, I'll know everything I want and I will be the greatest fucking fighter on this planet, fuck you all, you all don't even deserve my help, why do I even bother man? 

cock-suckers. I hate this place, but at least it's better than the backstreets, it's just as brutal, it's just as violent, but its cleaner, and the food is better, so I guess I have no right to complain, man I wonder what Uncle and Dee are doing back home, hope they're not dead, or something like that, and I wonder where Julie could be in this world, I hope she's somewhere better than this.

1 week ago: Gene wrote a Downtime Journal for Welcome to Our Corp!

Lollipops, cigarettes, and tennis balls.

You know what I need? a lollipop, or a cigarette, I never liked how they smell, but I feel like I need one right now, I just need something to put in my mouth, I guess, or something to take the edge off, help me think, a stress ball, or a tennis ball to bounce off the wall, something like that, I don't know why but my brain is going fucking wild, ideas, possibilities, shit like that, I don't know if this place is more bleak than the backstreets, it's cleaner, but for some reason it does feel more dangerous, at least this place doesn't smell of weed anymore, at least I don't come back home to backwoods littering the table tops, fucking... "doobs" or whatever, at least I feel clean for once, a nice, legal, corporate job, or something like that. 

Searching for a girl that doesn't exist,
She's in my head oh is this it?
Love's not real because she isn't.

1 week, 1 day ago: Zayir wrote a Downtime Journal for Welcome to Our Corp!

Letters Home - 1.5

Man, this gig really might be worth the hellfire that's gonna rain down on us if we fuck it up. This place is really nice - they've even got hot water in the bathrooms. I haven't had a shower that nice in forever, and I came out of there actually feeling pretty good for once. I could really get used to this, even if it means having to stick my neck out working with those freaky things all the time.

I figure it's the type of job that gets easier the longer you do it. No doubt I'm made of stronger stuff than all those other freshie schmucks - I give it a couple weeks before the last of 'em are on the first ride outta this place. That's not to say I would mind going back to Fixer work, but I'm just saying I'm more than capable of getting the hang of this.

Anyway, just like Fixer work, the golden rule seems to be the same here: do what you're told and try not to inconvenience the upper management, and that's how you'll succeed. Seems like the guy in charge of us knows the value of an employee who knows when to put up and shut up. I'll be the one bossing him around in no time.

1 week, 2 days ago: Bald Bill wrote a Downtime Journal for Welcome to Our Corp!

Facial Hair

Following the results of my interaction with Abnormality F-05-52, also known as “Opened Can of WellCheers”, I observed a substantial growth of hair follicles near my mental region and general lower jaw. Initially I was planning to do a hair transplant with the Ahn I would receive when my time here in L corp is done. But seeing this, perhaps I can utilize these abnormalities to benefit my own. Perhaps I’ll visit WellCheers again tomorrow, my hypothesis is that with enough work, I would be able to grow enough hair to reach the top of my head. If that doesn’t work, I’ll investigate the facility for any hair based abnormalities, in hopes of one providing a cure or solution for my predicament.


Hopefully I do find a way so I don’t have to spend any more money. It’s best to save up as much as I possibly can. So I can be unreachable from “them”.  Then I can be free.

Lobotomy Corporation was created by SplitSalvo 1 week, 3 days ago

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Sobin the L Corp Employee Team Captain
A 2-Victory Newbie Contractor

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The cities are dystopian. Death is commonplace in the slums of the backstreets, or you can rather taste the oppressive behaviors of each of the wings while blindly ignoring the less fortunate for your own good.

You, an agent, are working for one of these wings as a feather. Lobotomy Corporation promises you a hefty salary and success, but won't elaborate on much else. With common sense, you know something will happen to with how dubious each wing can be, but you have nothing else to go for. Besides, the money is promising. It could get anyone out of a tough spot in no less than a few months.

House Rules

Contractors from Lobotomy Corporation Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Lobotomy Corporation grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

The world has been exhausted of most of it's natural resources, leading to the discovery of miraculous technology known as "Singularities". Corporations rise to claim these wonders, forming a gigantic mega-city known as... well, "The City". 26 of these Corps (In accordance with the Alphabet) manage 26 districts, with the powerful organization known as "The Head" leading them.

However, with the rapid advancement of technology, comes a great difference in status between the rich and poor. This divide leads to the separation of the "Backstreets" and the "Nest" within a district, and with it, rampant crime and cruel exploitation by Corporations. Outside the City, is a barren wasteland known as the "Outskirts", and even further beyond are the "Ruins". In this dystopian society, only the strong willed survive.

Of course, opportunity also rises in the City. Contract mercenaries known as Fixers work to earn a living through various means, as well as the more criminally orientated Syndicates who often clash with the former. Additionally, employees of the 26 Corporations work to pay off their dues in order to keep their place in the Nest.

Lobotomy Corporation's main goal is to provide energy to all of the cities and wings. How they do it is unknown to the public, but not to the agents and clerks. Harnessing enkephalin from monsters born out of human emotions and concepts known as abnormalities and converting it into efficient, mass produced energy. These monsters range in power, but it's generally seen that the most powerful ones produce the most energy. 

The contractors, people down on their luck or aspiring wannabes of success. Fallen into the corporation's hand. Either they survive the monsters, or die in a way they never expected.