Lobotomy Corporation

A world where agents work with abnormalities to provide energy to the outside Wings.

Latest World Events

Posted by Aikesn, 6 months, 1 week ago. Permalink

New Coffee Flavor Out

It’s pretty good, come try it at Cafeteria 1

Latest Journals

3 months, 2 weeks ago: Zayir wrote a Downtime Journal for File your Complaint


Hey, cunt

Hi, Tenten!!

Yo girl

Hey, I'm really, really happy to hear from you.

It sounds like things are going to total shit over there. Fuck Thelma, as usual, and tell the Director to hang in there for me.. god, compared to what's going on with you guys, L Corp sounds like heaven. I wish I could've taken you and Aunty with me.

It's chill here compared to Fixer work. We get regular breaks, a good amount of sleep, they've got all these tech gizmos to keep us in tip-top shape.. hell one of my coworkers has even set up a gourmet kitchen. Not that I'd advise eating anything from it, but still.

God, that sounds like I'm flexing. I'm so sorry.

Aunty told me things were rough over there, but I didn't realize just how bad it was. Ugh, I shouldn't have left.. I kind of feel like shit, staying dry and cushy under a Wing while you guys deal with all of that. I'll make it out alive, whatever it takes. I'll come back to you guys and I'll help you, I promise.

Fuck, why did I write this? Now I just feel guilty as shit.

Sorry, Tenma.


3 months, 2 weeks ago: Zayir wrote a Contract Journal for File your Complaint

Letters Home - 11

Hey, Aunt Eva.

I get it, I'll be more careful about the things I tell you. I'm really sorry if I've caused you and the Association any more trouble. It's all right though, there's not a lot to report anyway. Things have been mostly chill since I last wrote. I don't know if I told you, but lately I've been hanging around somebody who calls themself the Shepherd. They're the one whose gear I'm using. They honestly remind me a lot of you, which is really nice.. it feels like a little bit of home, you know? The weird thing is that everybody and their mama seems to think Sheph is bad news. I don't get it myself, I'm pretty sure they're all just being a load of weak-willed pussies.

And don't worry about me. I promise, I'm not gonna get complacent. The thing about this fuckin' facility is that it keeps you on your damn toes, if nothing else. There's always some new bullshit to deal with, and I might be a bit of a narc with his head up his own ass but I know I'm definitely not as seasoned as some of my coworkers. I'll get there soon, though - I'll earn the right to be complacent. (That's a joke.)

There is something I think you should know about though. Recently, they made us fill out background check forms. I think it should be fine, I didn't put anything sensitive in there, but I think it's best I tell you just in case. Ugh, I hate having to use my surname for anything.

Oh, and I don't know if you know, but as for Tenma, she actually wrote to me herself. I don't know if I'll have the time to write back, seeing as the job's working us a little hard lately, but it's really nice to hear from her. Are you guys sure things back with the Association are okay? Please don't feel like you've gotta lie to me.. I know I shouldn't have left. I'm really sorry. Just say the word and I'll help however I can, I swear.

Oh, and.. thanks for talking to Tenma for me. I'm glad she's hanging in there.

Love you. Stay safe.

3 months, 3 weeks ago: Zayir wrote a Downtime Journal for Love Town


I'm glad to hear from you, Zayir.

Excuse the slightly late reply. Our schedule has been tight, which certainly isn't helped by the fact that we have one less set of hands on deck, thanks to you. I'm very glad to hear that you're safe, although I am quite disappointed that you're running your mouth again. Please bear in mind what I told you about divulging sensitive information to me in your letters - you are directly endangering me and the Association, and I don't want to have to keep reminding you of this. You should know better by now. Don't make me warn you again.

Furthermore, don't get complacent. You may be doing well now, but we both know that you have a tendency to become careless once you're comfortable that things will go well for you. Keep your guard up. A Wing is no place to be careless and mess around, and it's certainly no place to be having fun. Please, for your own sake, try to handle all of this with a little more maturity and finesse. You were raised the way a Shi Fixer should be, and I expect you to hold yourself to those same standards even though you no longer work for our branch.

As for Tenma, she's doing well. She didn't have much to say to you. Her only advice was that you ought to remember how to hold your weapon properly. I can only assume she has more pressing things to attend to. I advise you against trying to contact her or the Director in the future. You'll only be distracting them.

Be safe.


Dear Zayir,

It's Tenma. I hope this message finds you well... or at all. 

Things have been rough over on our side, nothing's changed with the branch manager and we're still so tired out. I hope the wing at least has better schedules, breaks are becoming a fading dream to us...

If you do have breaks, I pray you're doing better than we are... I also hope you haven't forgotten the methods I taught you. I wasn't really the best at guns, but if you've ever been issued a sword, remember what we practiced.

I had to make this short, as the Director's been getting worse and worse by the day. Soon we'll barely have time to even chitchat among each other by the looks of it.

Make it out alive and well rested. By now that probably counts as a dream...

Sincerely, Tenma.

4 months ago: Zayir wrote a Downtime Journal for Blue Smocked Slip Up

Notes to Self - 6

There's something seriously fucking wrong with this Sobin kid.

Lucky for him, though, whatever's wrong with him is really, really funny. I know he's been treating this whole thing like a performance, but girl, I just thought he was autistic or something, I didn't realize how much he'd committed to the bit. Yeah, this is gonna sound weird and fucked up, but that makes him more trustworthy in my eyes, since all he's after is a good show. He's not pretending to be some savior or saint like Mormon or Bill, he's not trying to dress what he wants up in pretty words like that snake Gene. It is really, really refreshing to just have somebody who's honest about what he wants and the kinda guy he is. Even if he's a callous, selfish dickhead about it. But hey, who am I to talk? Not like I'm any better.

Man, I hope this kid sticks around.

4 months ago: Zayir wrote a Downtime Journal for "What would you do?"

Notes to Self - 5

Okay so that was a fucking shitshow.

Those cunts Louis and Stormsoder have a lovers' quarrel over their issues, that's fine, that's all well and good, that's their business and I don't wanna stick my nose into it, I'm only there because Cap made me hunt those shitlords down for that meeting. But then one of those dykes runs off and gets possessed by that Abnormality that makes her go ax-crazy. You'd think people would be used to their damn coworkers kicking the bucket by now, but nope! Mormon and Bill decide it's a good idea to risk blowing up the entire fucking facility just to save that one girl. They didn't even fucking know her all that well.

Those two are fucking idiots and you know what? You ask me, a demotion wasn't enough. The manager should've just shot them dead the moment they started pulling that shit. Why bother with sending the Red Mist after them to dirty her EGO with their blood? He should've just blown their heads off on the spot. I should've just blown their heads off on the spot.

If there's one thing I can't fucking stand, it's these fake triggerlicking sons of bitches trying to act all altruistic and kind, pretending like they're doing any of this out of the goodness of their hearts. There are no truly selfless people. We're all pieces of shit. They at least ought to have the decency to own up to it.

At least I got to witness Tom shit himself over oily cheese.

4 months ago: Zayir wrote a Contract Journal for Love Town

Letters Home - 10

Hey again, Aunt Eva.

Today's shift was different, if you can believe it. We had to work the late shift this time, which I actually didn't mind so much. The manager picked out our work assignments this time, which was.. not what I expected, but I'm sure as fuck not complaining because guess what? I got to work on that handsome devil I told you about a few letters ago! We smoked together again, which was really nice, a welcome break from the rest of the bullshit games the other freaks in this facility like to play. And what do you know? He really, really likes me. Says he respects my consistency. He said if I was ever in a pinch, I could come to him and ask him to gun something down for me. Like I told you, even the Abnormalities in this place can't resist my charms.

If only the rest of the work day went as well. The facility got overrun by these freaky pink things, just like that pile of goop I told you about before. Not that they were any match for me, of course, I brought down a horde of those fucking things on my own! Well, not quite on my own - my captain stepped in to help at the last minute. Not that I needed it, I could've dealt with them without help, but at least I'm impressing my superiors even more. The rest of the facility was just as much of a fucking warzone, it was nasty as hell, and even a couple other monsters broke out and started wrecking shop.

It gets even fucking crazier, though. Those pink things were an infection. They spread from employee to employee, contaminating them and just making more and more of those fucked up shambling piles of goo. So, well.. we had to cull the infected. They put us in a room with the infected, gave us 9 mils and.. you get the gist.

I did have fun though. All in all, a good day, and a good performance from me. I'm gonna be the best agent this Wing has ever seen.

Also, just as an aside.. could you tell Tenma I miss her? It's silly but I've been thinking of her lately. I hope she and the Director are okay.

4 months ago: Mormon Icasas wrote a Downtime Journal for Love Town

The Poem of an ugly bitch who cant write for shit having some sort of fantasy over a sexy bitch. Written by the ugly bitch a few years ago in the facility,

I am a peacock.
I am attractive.
I clean my beautiful feathers, to impress the ladies.
I am regularly fed, admired, and adored.
The standard for all beautiful birds.
I am a peacock. I am attractive, but why must i be a peacock?

I am a crow.
I am free.
I fly to the streets to eat discarded bread and seeds in flower shops.
I am shooed.
A pest who flies among the mayabirds and rides along the winds.
I am a crow. I am free, but why must I be a crow?

People blind my eyes with their blinding suns in their slabs of metal.
People marvel at my beautiful feathers that I spend hours a day on.
People call me a standard. THE standard. As I bedazzle the city that I am not free to roam.
I am a peacock, I have to be loved, just to survive.

People put poison in their seeds and their loaves. Laxatives, Wolfsbane, you name it.
People gag at my black feathers and my raspy caw. People call me a pest. A PEST. As I fly across the city as if it were not mine as well.
I am a crow, I have to be free, just to survive. 

4 months ago: Zayir wrote a Contract Journal for Blue Smocked Slip Up

Letters Home - 9

Yo, Aunty.

Not.. a lot's happened since I got promoted, actually. I've been making some friends - or, well, friends with benefits is probably a better word for it - among my coworkers, I guess? I know you said not to trust anybody, and don't worry, I'm still keeping that in mind. They're just.. something to keep me entertained in the meantime. Sorry, I can't help being a slut any more than a bird can help the need to fly. If anything it's probably safer to whore around in here than it was in the Backstreets, 'cause I can just shoot up with a K Corp ampule and I don't gotta worry about contracting anything nasty.

Anyway, I didn't write this letter to run my mouth to you about my sex life. I've been doing pretty good, seriously. I'm impressing my captain and my superiors, and just in general I think my coworkers are starting to respect me more. I even managed to bring down three tough sons of bitches (with help - not that it matters) and bag myself some powerful EGO gear. I'm being careful, I'm learning, I'm getting better. I seriously think I've got the hang of this Feather stuff now, Aunty, and I swear I'll make you proud, I'll prove to you that you made the right choice letting me work here at L Corp.

I still don't really know what you meant when you said the Association was dealing with tragedies. Is it just more of Thelma's standard bullshit, or is it something more? Either way, just.. tell me how I can help, and I'll help you. I might be a Feather, but you'll always come first.

I hope you're doing alright, Aunty.

4 months ago: Mormon Icasas wrote a Downtime Journal for Blue Smocked Slip Up

Diary #1

I decided I'd make a diary. Why? Because why the fuck not you know?

I should prolly put everyone's favorite foods here first:

Bill - None
Zayir - Beef Goto (doesnt matter if it's tripe or tendon, so just do both)
Storm and Louis - Mushroom Soup (Hehe theyre dating). Also Louis likes healthy food. Typical of the medical person
Eliza - Coffee/Coffee Jelly? (I think this person has some sort of interest in Ryn)
Ryn - Sweets in general
Sobin - None
Nia - Enkephalin
Marcmarc - None
Micaela - Blueberry Ice Cream
Bongbong - Anything slathered in condiments. Goodness
Tom - Turkey. Man that guy really likes sleeping huh. he probably likes xanax as well.
Igoree - Chicken
Cecil - None

So I've probably forgotten a lot of them unfortunately. 


Zay's fucked most of my crew so far. Really odd but eh what am I supposed to do. It's benefitted the kitchen so far.

Hmmmmmm I think I'll have a taco day, eastern day, steamed day, baking day, DIY day, etc. 


5 months ago: Mormon Icasas wrote a Downtime Journal for All's Well.

Youre nothing without me boykisser edition -

Headcanon Story - Mormon and Storm stumble upon each other at a blind karaoke room in the facility where violence is punishable by death. And so theyre forced to sing a song together. Storm talks about how mormon is really weird and really wants him. Mormon teases him about how he thinks storm enjoyed that kiss and wants more.

Storm: You are some agent You just dont think well Get this, dumb agent Youre my personal hell Is your mouth lonely with no food in here Bitch ill mangle you the second you step out there Just what you are, I'll spell out You are an HR pain Id rather dip and go out And work with an ALEPH again Mormon: You are so jealous of my kissing skill Guess youd say id be jailed if my looks could kill Your weak guard brands you soft and vulnerable One slip up and you flop like a card table You drool at my advancements Defend? You didn’t even try worked on you with attachment and they say my results were high Both: You're nothing without me An agent who'd never be known Had we never kissed You'd never be missed I tell you, you’d end up alone A show off, a blowhard You're equal parts hot air and gall And no one would doubt me Without me, you're nothing at all Storm: You're in my plot, get off my department I’ll show you work when you go through DETACHMENT. You are so fucked, you eat, breathe, sleep stupid Ain’t your meal ticket, wont get shot by cupid You lustful ignoramus You haven't any shame I, was the guy that’s famous while most didn’t know of your name GEE I WONDER, ARE YOU MORMON OR ARE YOU FUCKING BOYKISSER. GOD WHYD YOU HAVE TO FUCK ME UP 

Both: You're nothing without me without me you'd still be a whore I’d win by a hair And no one would care Youd kiss any boy at the store A puppet, a blowhard A loser who's destined to fall im everything you always wanted to be Let's deal with the issue, you wish you had me You're nothing without me Without me, you're nothing at all


The cities are dystopian. Death is commonplace in the slums of the backstreets, or you can rather taste the oppressive behaviors of each of the wings while blindly ignoring the less fortunate for your own good.

You, an agent, are working for one of these wings as a feather. Lobotomy Corporation promises you a hefty salary and success, but won't elaborate on much else. With common sense, you know something will happen to with how dubious each wing can be, but you have nothing else to go for. Besides, the money is promising. It could get anyone out of a tough spot in no less than a few months.

House Rules

Contractors from Lobotomy Corporation Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Lobotomy Corporation grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description

The world has been exhausted of most of it's natural resources, leading to the discovery of miraculous technology known as "Singularities". Corporations rise to claim these wonders, forming a gigantic mega-city known as... well, "The City". 26 of these Corps (In accordance with the Alphabet) manage 26 districts, with the powerful organization known as "The Head" leading them.

However, with the rapid advancement of technology, comes a great difference in status between the rich and poor. This divide leads to the separation of the "Backstreets" and the "Nest" within a district, and with it, rampant crime and cruel exploitation by Corporations. Outside the City, is a barren wasteland known as the "Outskirts", and even further beyond are the "Ruins". In this dystopian society, only the strong willed survive.

Of course, opportunity also rises in the City. Contract mercenaries known as Fixers work to earn a living through various means, as well as the more criminally orientated Syndicates who often clash with the former. Additionally, employees of the 26 Corporations work to pay off their dues in order to keep their place in the Nest.

Lobotomy Corporation's main goal is to provide energy to all of the cities and wings. How they do it is unknown to the public, but not to the agents and clerks. Harnessing enkephalin from monsters born out of human emotions and concepts known as abnormalities and converting it into efficient, mass produced energy. These monsters range in power, but it's generally seen that the most powerful ones produce the most energy. 

The contractors, people down on their luck or aspiring wannabes of success. Fallen into the corporation's hand. Either they survive the monsters, or die in a way they never expected.

World Events

Posted by Aikesn, 6 months, 1 week ago. Permalink

New Coffee Flavor Out

It’s pretty good, come try it at Cafeteria 1

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