World Events of The New West

Posted by Strazhari, 5 days, 1 hour ago. Permalink

Massacre in Pampa

One of the last holdouts of the TANN suffered terribly from some sort of maniac shooter - the like rarely seen in this day & age when most people when most people are armed - a sad say.

Posted by RNGrant, 6 days, 12 hours ago. Permalink

The Butcher of Pendelton

CW: Body horror referenced

There's a rumor, passed between travelers and traders. That the town of Pendelton is one full of monsters. That their doctor performs mad science, cutting organs and limbs from the poor to place into the rich living.

One Xander Debois has been the loudest voice denouncing the town, supposed appearing in the nearby town of troy with a group of individuals missing limbs, arms, and others. The Youngest being no more that 12. A Dr. Sandra Banks was with Xander, backing up his claims, although without the ability to speak herself.

Those looking for honest work have stopped looking in Pendelton. 

Those looking for dishonest work have started looking at Pendleton with much more interest.



Posted by jwesley123, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink

The Water Returns to Rustwater

After years of thirst, desperation, and dwindling hope, the small town of Rustwater has achieved what many thought was impossible: the well has returned to life. But this wasn’t the work of chance or fate—it was the collective effort of the town itself. Spurred by necessity and a renewed sense of purpose, the people of Rustwater rolled up their sleeves and took matters into their own hands.

It began when a group of travelers unearthed a long-forgotten tunnel beneath the dry well. The discovery hinted at a hidden source of water, deep underground, that had been blocked off or diverted. Word spread quickly, and in a town that had been teetering on the edge of survival, this revelation ignited a spark of hope. The people of Rustwater—once resigned to a slow decline—rallied together.

Led by the town’s few remaining able-bodied workers, a massive clearing effort began. Over the course of several weeks, the townsfolk organized themselves into shifts, clearing debris, collapsing sections, and strengthening the long-abandoned tunnel system. It was hard, dangerous work. Old beams had to be reinforced, the constant threat of cave-ins loomed, and the stagnant air of the tunnels made every breath a challenge. But the people pushed on, driven by the promise of returning water to their parched land.

Finally, after weeks of back-breaking labor, the moment arrived. One final blockage was cleared, and water began to flow again—first as a trickle, then as a steady stream. The underground reservoir that had once fed the well reconnected, and water rose up from the depths into the heart of Rustwater.

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