The Torrent

A world where there’s an ongoing torrent of the paranatural.

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Jacob Cruz made a Move (Cryst0lline GMed) 2 months, 3 weeks ago. View Move

Fragments of an ambivalent lifetime... seen through the eyes of Jacob Cruz.




"Is this Jacob Cruz? No? Doesn't matter.

Tell him that Adam is inviting him out for dinner. Might get gyros. Oh, and if you know a Neil, tell him to come along too."






"It's me. I don't exactly know anyone who could help, but I'll see what I can offer on my end. Just... watch your back this time. Also, the spaghetti was good. Didn't want the birds to eat it and get sick. I only tried one strand. Burned the rest because... maybe that'll get to him somehow. Also, he visited in a dream. ...Yeah."






"Heyyy, it's meee. It's funny how people start off calls like that. Very cliched, but very cool and mysterious anyway! I'm so cool. Anyways yeah if I don't answer any calls don't panic, I'm just on some very important business as I mentioned, and if things go well I won't be back, like, ever. Or maybe I will be, I love my friends.

I've told the others already, I just think it'd be very nice of me to send a personalized message to everyone. I know, it's probably a waste of tuition money, and I know you complain about how I seem to just throw money away at every whim but hey, I'll be happy and that's what matters. I mean what? I'm always happy.

Thanks for joining my ouija thingy though. I still don't know why it spelled out your name. Sorry if that was creepy."






"If you dare tell anyone, you know what I'm capable of. Surely you've seen people like me before. Live and let live, you say? Fine. Just know that he meant something to me, and if you even think about dragging his name through the mud, K will be the least of your worries."






"Hey. I was told I should check on you more often, but surely you've been able to hold your own. I don't know why you keep looking at me weird, but if you've got something to say, say it to my face. Also... I don't know if that's Caliose. ...Just saying. How would I know? Well..."


Posted by HumbleMemeMumbles, 2 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Oregon Congresswoman Lori Chavez-Deremer missing


Latest Journals

4 days, 19 hours ago: Luciano Romero wrote a Downtime Journal for The Hospital

I just wanna fassforwood

The doctours sayd they did a lot to mayke my skjn better after i had a very log sleep, but they culdnt mayke all of it the same agen. A lot of it is Scar Tissew (lieke that mean lion man in Lion King) which they say is tuffer but it doesnt look vry nice. One of the doctours told me that it wood be better when im older but until then they want me to talk a lot to Dr Kojima They sayd he is a sykaiatrist but he sayd to just call him Hideki.


Karyn told me she wood riip all of my skin and feed me Cigarette Stew if i told him what hapenned so i sayd i didnt wanna talk abowt it He sayd that was okay and unstandible but that i shood try to right abowt it if i can He sayd it mite mayke me feel better so i tryed it owt


It didnt mayke me better. It mayde me fink abowt it a lot and mayde me feel bad

Karyn sayd i neaded to give it to her befour he cood sea it so i gayve it to her and she readed it and laffed at me and called me stewpid and rolled it up and smoked it and said Packwatch

She kept going until and being very mean until i cryed and then she put my tears in a lil botel and sayd she wood do me a favur and pass it on for me and mayde me say thank you nice Karyn lady.


She passt it on but i think she put a bunch of weird stuff in their becus Hideki told me that Menopause was a natral part of lyfe that chainjes evry1 diffrenly and that evrythin will be ok if i lern to manage it Hes not hellping me a lot anemoor

I wish i cood jus fassforwood to wen i look normal agen Evryone in the word my age looks at me like im Feddy Fazbore and all the adults stare at me and ask me questuns that mayke me feel bad The onle peeple hoo where nice to me where the doctours and now they act weerd becus of Karyn


Im gonna eat her heart


Oh and the offr Grown-Up hoo ate Worm Sandwitches with me visted He taked me to the gun rainge and helped me lern how to shoot That was cool

Mean Karyn lady seys i have a job soon so that shud help Maybe this time peeple wont get hurt becus of me

1 month ago: Andromeda wrote a Downtime Journal for In the sights of Crackshot!

And The Stars Look Very Different Today







I am recording this for record keeping purposes.

[A phone buzzes]


[The buzzing continues]



Whoops! Looks like I didn't pick up the phone. Don't leave a voicemail, I won't listen to it. Text me if you aren't a scammer. [Beep]


[Ten consecutive beeps, and the phone begins to buzz once more]


[And it keeps buzzing]

Whoops! Loo-

Come on...

[Ten beeps, buzzing]

Pick up...



[Ten beeps, buzzing... Buzzing...]



[Ten beeps]




What do you want!?!


Holy sh- Ab- Andromeda? Is that you!?!


Say something!

I-I- Yes? It's... It's me.

You're... You're alive! Abby- Fuck. Andromeda. Oh my God, Andromeda, They said you died!

What? Who?

Everyone! The school, the police, those- those I don't know, therapists or whatever? We've had like, so many assemblies talking about you; telling us that there's people who can help us whenever we're feeling like- like- I don't know, suicidal? Scared? 


Say something!

I- I don't know what to say! I- I-

What do you mean you don't know what to say?! It's been months! Where have you been! What have you been doing! Why is this the first time you've called me! I thought you were dead, Abby! Fuck! Andromeda.

You can just call me Abby, it's fi-

Andromeda. I'm not deadnaming you. Where the fuck have you been?

I... It's a long story...

So? It's 2AM on a Saturday. I've got a long time to listen.

Arcti, I... I don't know where to start. So much is different now. I...


Promise that you won't tell anyone?

Pinky promise.


Take your time. Focus on your breathing, in and out.

I don't know if I'm still me.


Ever since I ran away, strange things have been happening to me.

What do you mean?

I'm... I'm magic?


I- I don't know. I can shoot the Aurora Borealis out of my fingers, I figured out how to make these miniature sun things, I learned that I can make things float with my mind yesterday, and-

Is this a joke? This isn't funny, Andromeda. Are you even her? I swear, if you're some fucking impostor using A.I. voices or someth-

No no no! It's me. Arcti, I'm telling the truth. I- Why would I even be lying right now?! I wouldn't call you for the first time in months and make jokes like that!

Say something that only the real Andromeda would know!

Are you serious?

Do it!

I- I don't know? Um... The letter I gave you! The one where I told you I'd be running away. I didn't tell anyone about that.

Where did the letter say you were going?

Doré Lake Observatory, the one that closed a few years ago.

Okay, it's you. It's actually you. Holy shit, it's actually you.

Arcti, I-

Why are you magic?

I don't know! This- There was this guy who came to my observatory around the time I first got here. He called himself "The Friend" and he had me sign this contract. Ever since then, these things called "Harbingers" have been coming here and having me do these jobs.

So you're... What?

I can explain it again if you'd like.

No, it's fine. Just... Give me a second... So. This weird guy in the woods or whatever found you, had you sign a contract, and now you're doing jobs for him? Wh-

It's not only him, there's other guys too.

Whatever. Where does you being magic factor into this?

The Harbingers give me more magic powers after I finish the jobs.

So... Abigail. Did you- Shit. Andromeda. Did you sign away your soul to the devil?


WHAT D- what do you mean maybe.

I mean, I think I still have my soul? But I- I mean... When I signed the contract, I think I lost something? I just... I don't know what it was.

... Jesus Christ. Why did you sign that thing!

I didn't know what would happen to me! They just promised me power, they left out a lot of the important details.

Like what?




What do you do on the jobs?

That was the part they left out.


Horrible things, Arctic. They've made me do horrible things. I- I- I don't- I can't. Oh my God. I- I- I have to-


No! No. No- No I... There's blood on my hands, Arctic.


I- I've done everything I can to stop people from dying! I- I've tried my best.

Stop doing those jobs then, Ab- Andromeda!

I can't!

Why not?!

I- I don't know.

Tell someone! Call the police or something! If you want, I can do it for y-

NO! No. Don't- Don't call them.

Why not?

Because they'll take me back to her! I-

To who? Chelsea?


Jesus Christ. You cannot actually believe that going back to your mom is worse than killing people.



I don't want to see her again. I can't go back. I- I don't- She'll kill me. 

... God Damn it.

Please don't tell anyon-

I'm not going to tell anyone. I don't go back on pinky promises, you know this.


I... Jesus Christ, Andromeda...

I'm sorry.


I don't know...



They had a funeral for you.


After a few months of you being gone, the police announced that they were giving up the search. Your dad arranged a funeral a few days after.

Who came?

Me, your dad, a lot of our teachers, our classmates... Chelsea wasn't there.


Oh shit...


You don't know...

Don't know what?

Your parents got divorced.


I don't know the exact reason, but it was probably caused by your disappearance


Your dad is still looking for you. He's been trying to get the search started up again, but I don't think he's had any luck. I've seen him driving around a lot, scanning the streets, putting up posters...


I've tried to comfort him, but I... I'm still a kid, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.

I'm sorry...

Stop saying that!

I don't know what else to say!

Then say nothing! You can't just say that and expect it to make things better.

I'm not trying to make things better.

Well! Fucking! Start trying then! You've caused a lot of problems over here, could you at least try to fix them?

I don't know how.



... Then I'll help you.


I don't know! But we'll figure it out together, alright?

O- Okay...

No more of this radio silence. Call me the next time one of these Harbingers show up.

I- I don't think they'd like that.

What happens if you tell them no?

I'm not sure, but I feel like... I feel like there'd be consequences.

Alright. Call me after the jobs then. Actually, fuck it. Call me everyday.

I... I can do that.

Good. Okay...


Stay safe, please.

I will.

Don't disappear again, alright?

I won't.

Pinky promise.

I pinky promise.



Get some sleep, Andromeda.



It's what most people call me.


The people who do the jobs with me.


Goodnight, Arcti.

Sleep tight, Andy. I'll call you again tomorrow.

I... Okay... Thank you...





[A shaky, broken exhale]

1 month ago: Delphyrion Arcanis wrote a Downtime Journal for In the sights of Crackshot!

I Think, Therefore I (am not enough)

It feels... stagnant.

Still. Frozen. Constant. Unchanging. Something to do with the sense of remaining in one state across time and space. Anything.

Everything but peaceful.

When time is stopped in all those television shows, a silence follows---not the kind you'd experience in the city. There remains no ambient noise at all, not even the low rumbling of airplanes that only digital devices could pick up. There's a whole line of technology and research based around mitigating that background buzz.

But not here, in the real world. I can speak into my streaming setup as much as I want, but the moment I stand up and step away from my desk, it comes back---that incessant buzzing in my ears, the distinct ring that tears through the air after a shotgun fires just 5 feet away...

But nothing happens. The pulsing pain doesn't stretch far past the initial sting---I find that my armor usually blocks it all. 

But I remember, you know. All of it. I remember all too well---it's getting harder to let go. The moment a memory resurfaces, my mind grips onto it with all its might, as if keeping it in tow would do anything besides keep me awake at night. No, of course my mind would hold me hostage among the screaming voices and panicked footsteps---the ones just outside the safety of this lab were never enough to satiate me. I wonder how much more panic my work has caused---do I want to know? Did I want to do it? I don't know. Don't ask me. Why are you asking me? Why do you care? Why does it suddenly mATTER WHEN ALL YOU CARE ABOUT IS GETTING THE FUCKING JOB DONE?! CHILDREN ARE DYING BECAUSE OF YOU, TOO! I'M NOT THE ONLY ONE AT FAULT HERE---BLAME THE SYSTEM, NOT THE COGS. IT'S ALL I CAN FOCUS ON IT'S ALL I CAN THINK ABOUT IT'S---

Riddle me this. What makes one human?

Is it all physical? Two hands, a head, ten fingers, two legs, skin, nails, fine motor movement?

Metaphysical? The drive to improve, succeed, procreate, discover, know? What makes us think this is unique to humans in any sense? We think we're better than anyone. ...Huh.

Or is






tear myself apart

heal all my scars, knowing it'd never be enough to sew myself back together

indulge in all the most superficial niceties of the lives I've stolen

neglect the ethics that force innovation and experimentation into an endless standstill

keel over and stand back up, time and time again, because there's nothing better to do


Think, Delphyrion. Think.

It's all I can do, you know.

Yet I've been slipping, all the same. I feel like I've forgotten something important, but I don't forget important things so surely it was never that important after all. Hahaha. These same white walls, over and over again, while America burns outside. So what if people are dying? The world keeps turning. You think they care? You think you care? All you've done is sit back and make us do all your dirty work. I'm starting to think this is a dead-end job, really.

Somewhere out there I bet some Contractors are busy tearing each other apart---you find it oh so funny watching it all go down, don't you?

Why are you even humoring my thoughts? I'm just one person, if I could still consider myself that.

Surely thinking isn't enough. A brain in a jar could do that just fine. Maybe.

I'm not enough.

I don't need to be.

I don't even want to think about it.

Not the robots and the pizza, not the clocktower and the ciphers, not the virus, and certainly not time travel shenanigans that run a village down. Not the cornfield or the basement, not the bugs within the walls, or the windows too many floors up to jump down from. Not the spiders nor possession---not even how they've scuttled deep into the systems that run the world. And certainly, not the celebrity involved in the death of a politician. 

So much has happened.

And still, it's not enough.

Not enough to make me think I've done anything of worth at all.

At least Cassiopeia has finally decided to find other priorities and stop wasting her breath on me. At least Jacob's made it onto the news with the whole failed assassination. At least Goro's out there, making... waves. At least Stan has an actual life to live. And the children... have so much more time to decide what to do.

I should've decided long ago, but I've always been on the fence. In the end I fail to achieve anything meaningful because I halfheartedly try to do everything at once. 

I'm no better than a basement-dweller in the end.

Wish I could just eat raw, tasteless corn in a poorly-tended field again. At least I won't have to pretend I'm being productive, with no one to lay their eyes on me.

Move to Canada?


Who am I kidding? I can never sit still. It feels like it's been ages since I've started this, but I've still got a long way to go. Something tells me it'll never end. Fine, then.

I'll humor you, if it matters that much.

2 months, 3 weeks ago: Andromeda wrote a Downtime Journal for Don't Look Up

Under Sunlight











Uh- Ahem. So, in between this entry and the last, I have figured out how to create Portable Suns. Portable Suns are these miniature suns that shoot out miniature solar flares. They are very good for starting fires, I personally have been using mine to start campfires for staying toasty and roasting marshmallows, but they're probably also good for hurting people. I have a Portable Sun of my own, but I am capable of creating more. Soooooo I figured that I should try to sell one of them using that Offr website. I mean, that thing is constantly advertising weird and supernatural services at ludicrous prices, so, I mean, it seemed like a good idea to try to sell a Portable Sun there.

I snuck my way down to Meadow Lake, found a library, used one of the computers, put up a listing under an alias, and immediately received a response from someone named "Saffron." A bit of deal making later, and I gained $75,000.


Now, I've been surviving on... I want to say... $100 a month? I mean, not counting all the shoplifting that I do, that's how much money I normally have. So $75,000 is uh... A lot.

But I didn't only sell one Portable Sun. I have sold five... Or... Five and a half? It's complicated... Not really, actually, one of the Suns was traded for another item instead of being sold.

SO. With my first sale, I bought myself a new phone, some actual food, and a ton of other stuff. Then the other buyers came in and... Uh... I now have $725,000. So... Um... That's a LOT of money. I don't even know what to do with it all... Well, it's better to save it, I don't need to spend all of it immediately. Anyways, in order, the buyers were: Saffron, Marianne, Janus, and "Chucks Trucks and Crucks." I wrote more about them on a paper, so I'm not going to repeat myself here. I don't know any of them, but I think they might be contractors? Not sure.


Outside of money, I got two other... Magical items? No, that's not very catchy... Artifacts! Yeah, that's a good name. I got two other Artifacts from my Offr adventures. The first one was this bracelet made of clay from Ollie! I got it by trading a Portable Sun for it, and it's really cool! It can summon three clay pegasi, all of which are British... I don't know why they're British, but they are. It's nice to have a bit of company at the observatory, these horses are surprisingly good at conversation. They're only around for two hours though, so that's sad. Anyways, I'm glad that I got to talk to Ollie again! He seems to be doing well!


As for the second Artifact... It's um... It's a motorcycle... I don't think it's magical, but it looks pretty cool! I got it from that Janus guy, and I've been trying to learn how to drive it. I haven't had too much success yet, but I'm getting there! Normally, I wouldn't buy a motorcycle because... I mean... Duh. Buuuuut Janus told me that he was a contractor, and apparently a much more experienced one than me. At some point, transportation for these jobs is supposed to dry up, so I really need a way to move around that isn't walking. Besides, once I learn how to ride this thing, it'll be a lot easier to go to and from Meadow Lake. I probably won't have to spend an entire day walking anymore! Maybe I'll be able to go to other places, as well!


Is there anything else that's important to mention?... Hm... I don't think so- oh... Oh right... I um... I haven't talked to Arcti yet. I just... So much happened so quickly and it slipped my mind and I... I'm still scared. I...




One more job.

One more job and I'll talk to her.


I promise.


Sic Quaerimus Astra.



2 months, 3 weeks ago: Goro Hamada wrote a Contract Journal for Chess

An Orange Quandry (feat. Goro Hamada)

When you really think about it, the world's a big orange. The outer crust, the peel, the gritty shield to the world... It's something. I haven't put my finger down on what it represents yet, but it definitely represents something. The fleshy interior, the desired only part that truly matters... is also probably something. I'm normally a lot better at these sorts of things, so like, give me a minute here, alright? Coming up with analogies on the spot is hard. Is this an analogy? It might be a metaphor actually, I'm not too sure. Does it really matter? Maybe. Maybe it does.

What if my wife's an orange? I actually saw her again, had a whole talk and everything. I'm starting to get the impression that she might wanna divorce me, mighta rushed into things marrying her day one. The whole "you carried me once, wanna be my wife?" angle really doesn't work out too well long term. I guess relationships are supposed to be built on more flowery stuff than that, stability and whatnot. I don't get why though? I don't think I've ever got that really. Mutual dependance, constant openness, all that gets you is stabbed in the back and thrown in a tub kidneyless. We're all ugly inside, aren't we? Is the point of relationships showing people that ugliness and seeking acceptance?

What if that's all relationships, and not just stupid love affairs? If all relationships rely on that shit, have I ever actually had one? It feels like my entire life, I've been spewing bile and hoping it sticks. I never had many friends... ever, really. I wouldn't call them that at least. People have always been kinda boring, they don't get it, the bigger picture I mean. Our lives are controlled by big old invisible hands that act behind closed doors, keeping us sick, complicit, and docile. Our agency is locked behind wealth, class barriers, the basic structures that form our world. Why? Why are they allowed to do that? Power is only an idea, a concept that only takes on meaning if you let it. A dog is only ever on a leash voluntarily, the option to maul their master always exists. It's cowardice, fear, an aversion to uncertainty. It's pathetic. People should want to do something, to make something of themselves. I don't wanna live through the day-to-day monotony of life, I want everyday to be an adventure. I want constant challenges, constant adversity to keep my kicking. Certainty, mundanity, predeterminism bullshit, that's what kills you. Your body might still be kicking, but your spirits gone.


What if people are oranges? They've got this peel around them, that perfectly crafted exterior that they flaunt to the world. Inside there's that ugliness, the flesh, the real you. It's the you that dreams of adventure, of rising above your rank and being something, someone. All these people, these random faces you see walking the streets, are they oranges? Or has complacency rotted them? It's always the fruit that rots first, never the peel. They're walking husks, fake people, dead oranges ruining our appetites. That rot spreads, their stupid notions about what is and what isn't possible, they pass it on like a plague. One orange goes bad and starts raving about how happy they are with their life, how their 80 hour work week makes them feel "SO SATISFIED!!", and they convince you that it's normal. If they're happy, why aren't you? Your standards MUST be too high if I can put up with it, you're just weak.

It makes me sick. All of it, all of it makes me want to hurl. I keep trying to force myself into thinking that any of this shit is salvageable, that there's something positive that we can foster her. There just isn't though. There's no point in caring about these people, they've already made up their minds. They're happy with the rot, it's comforting even. They never get thrown a curveball, they never know the joys of ripping off a peel. It's sick. It's all just sick. Precious resources are being wasted on these sacks of shit, why should they get to eat while dreamers starve? There are plenty of people now who COULD act, COULD attempt to change something, they just refuse to. They're worthless. No amount of encouragement could ever get those lards to revolt.

Something about oranges, that's what this was supposed to be about. There has to be some sort of throughline to this rant, a lesson to learn. Is it that we're all just pieces of shit? That nothing matters because no ones willing to fight to change a damn thing? That can't be it, that's the same logic those sacks of shit use. What if it's that I'm the only real person left? That I am the last orange alive? The rest of the world has already succumbed to the rot, is that it? 

If I'm the last orange, why should I care about these relationships? Why should my wife hating me matter if she didn't in the first place? I have yet to see evidence that she exists, that she's not just another drone acting out the movements of a person. This could all just be a blight of the human mind, a natural sickness that takes hold of us. Would that make my husband exempt? The man lacks a heart, a human's soul, and yet he still showcases certain yearning that others lack. He was made for a purpose, to uphold the status quo, and yet he dares to try and break free. He rejects what his makers wanted out of his existence and craves to find his own meaning. Does that make him an orange too? Are him and I the last real people left on this world? 
I'll write here again once I learn more on this orange experiment, once I find some sort of greater meaning to it all. 

In other news, I'm having sardines for dinner.

3 months ago: Koriol Celestheryne wrote a Downtime Journal for Gotta Catch 'em All!


[Dirt and debris cloud the air, upturned by the iron shovel. The rustling of leaves dampens infrequent coughs and sputters.]

Is this enough? It should be enough.

Thank goodness I have a bore now, otherwise I'd have spent weeks trying to carve into this.

[Something heavy slides across the uneven ground. It scratches and chafes until it rests almost perfectly in the shallow mark made in the earth. The shovel solidifies its final resting place.]

It's not my best work, but he'd be uncomfortable if I did anything more. He'd be uncomfortable with all my decisions thus far. There's no surprise there - I would abhor myself if I weren't so distracted with everyone else's problems. 

Carving into wood is slightly more bearable - I've brought tools from the studio. Does this do it any justice? Hardly. I designed this stuff. I've drawn it a million times during the plane ride to and from the job.

I drew him too - it was flawless the first time, as though he were looking back at me. I couldn't do it again. I wonder what that says about me and art and the world at large. The image of his face must be slipping my mind even though I've been born not to let that happen. I can't convince myself that the face in my memories is truly accurate either, but I only have the odd photo from rare selfies. Why am I questioning it now?

Birds chirp from above. ...Hm.

What is this feeling called? I can't quite place a word on it. Always feels this way when I visit cemeteries - I suppose I've succeeded, then. ...Or this is simply what mourning is meant to be. Just me and... this representation of someone from the past. I don't think I've ever spent enough time to dwell on just what this would mean for me.

...I... I guess all I can do now is... wait. You wouldn't mind if I hung around, right?

3 months ago: Koriol Celestheryne wrote a Contract Journal for Gotta Catch 'em All!

I can't tell if I'm not me.


I remember it from my childhood, I remember it from simpler times when I still felt like me. Feels like it's been ripped away to leave twisted entrails behind. Putting it back in the palm of my hands hardly brings it back, but for a moment in that place I could feel... lighter.

Like I'm still confident in what I wanted to do. Like I'm still aware of what I have to do. 

It was nostalgic, don't get me wrong, but every part of it was a million knives through my chest. Doesn't help that Thalassia was trying her best to be friendly - she tried to give me several handcrafted gifts. I feel horrible about accepting them because of how much I'd much rather spend this time alone instead. I'd sooner abandon it all for the sake of my goals, and having more to hesitate on only hinders me.

I would've been a lot more receptive to these gestures last month. That's another thing - I look at myself and all I can see is the ways I've changed. Forget the one forged from hours of absorbing pop culture, I can't even call myself by my real name without dwelling on how much of a lie that is. 




Doesn't sound like anything meaningful in the first place, does it. Just a made-up word with no thought put into it at all. 

Stan told me I'd be better off leaving a few jobs in, but the more I think about it the less I want to leave. There's nothing to go back to. There's nothing worth returning to. I'm sorry.

I can't take myself seriously with all the choices I've made. 

I've said it before, but the one that heard those words is gone. I'll say it once more: people that know the lengths I've gone to fulfill a goal will rarely stick around. 

Am I... really doing this because I want to, or is it all just for other people because it'd somehow make them happy?

3 months ago: Koriol Celestheryne wrote a Downtime Journal for The Graveyard Shift


They called me.

Jimbo, was it? Chuck? Goro?

Doesn't matter, they can raise and shed a name with the snap of a finger. They play dumb about the 'jobs' but it's more of an unsaid truth by now. No one seeking magical artifacts could possibly be a regular person, and that includes them.

There was another guy too, didn't catch their name. Just seems to be along for the ride. I can respect that.

They wanted to meet at my place, but I know better. I'm still concerned that Goro has given me this much seemingly without an expectation for returns. 

There's so much to know, so much to learn, too much to do, time is slipping my grasp and I can hardly think straight. Am I straight? Ha... shouldn't have pulled that all-nighter looking into...


Jacob Cruz. 

Let's start from the top. Order of operations:

  1. Goro called me. Said they wanted to eat gyros together and give me something.
  2. Went to Oliver Crescent. Taxi.
  3. Introductions. They looked like Linus Tech Tips. Said they were Linus Touch Tips.
  4. Ate food. It was pretty good. Don't get the fries, apparently.
  5. They had wanted to see Jacob Cruz instead, but the guy wasn't picking up. Dead? Unlikely.
  6. Chatted for a bit. Goro knew Zeph. Shocker.
  7. Gave me an address. Jacob Cruz's residence: Arbutus Residences South Tower, 4288 Yew St, Vancouver, BC V6L 0C4
  8. Gathered some things.
  9. Retrieved a thing. The Knobbler spoke to me. Kept chanting about misery and strength and having nothing to lose and goals and achievement. Kept changing their own narrative each time I called them out. Suspicious, but could be useful. I'll see where that takes me. Doesn't change the fact that I'll leave soon enough.
  10. Went home.

That should've calmed me down. It didn't. Didn't know I could make this face. Shame from looking in the mirror doesn't even dispel it. It's not my place to tell myself I'm wrong for feeling this way. This guy took advantage of Zephyren. How old is he? Like, 30? Zeph was 19 up until a month or two ago. Wallowing in self-pity when all the things he's done are by his own hand - he has no one to blame but himself. 

I have his papers.

Nothing's stopping me from exposing him the moment I find him. Now, to decide whether he gets to live...

But Zeph... I... I don't know. I don't think I want to know? God, I just... What am I supposed to do here, with all this information and leverage and power and-

I never wanted this. I just wanted to know what happened and how I could possibly save him if he were in trouble. Jacob is the missing link here, I'm sure of it. He knows. I'll decide what to do with him after I've gotten what I needed.


3 months, 1 week ago: Andromeda wrote a Downtime Journal for Already Over It

The Unfathomable Depth of the Cosmos







Good news! I was able to manifest something to help Luciole like I said that I would! It's... I don't really know how to describe it, but it's sort of like an illusion mixed with therapy? The specifics aren't important, what matters is that it's magic, gives people a vision of space, and works over the phone.




Unfortunately, I don't currently have a phone, so I have to walk all the way to Meadow Lake to use it. I've done the trip a few times already, but... It's exhausting. It's a full day of walking and there's not much out there. I wish I could hitchhike or something, but it's far too risky to get into a car with someone who's not... You know... magic. Despite the distance, I was able to make it to a payphone and call Luciole, and thankfully she picked up! We had a nice little conversation, and then afterwards I picked up some supplies and made my way home. Now I've just got to wait around for another job and... Yeah. Nothing... Nothing else for me to do right now...




Luciole is... Luciole is a lot. She- or they? I don't... I'm not really sure what to call them anymore. They're... No, I think it's still she... She's... Give me a second.


[There's about a minute of silence that is occasionally broken up by footsteps, shuffling, and exhales]



In our conversation, Luciole revealed a lot of secrets to me. I don't intend to share what they told me with anyone else. This is between me and them. I will say what I learned here for record keeping purposes.


The most important detail is that Luciole isn't a singular consciousness. I don't exactly know what that entails, and I don't expect that I will ever truly learn. It sounds... complex, to say the least. I am aware of Aria, she seems mean, but Luciole considers her a friend. I think that Aria and I might have just got off on the wrong foot, I think I was pushing a little too hard when I met them... I did try to apologize, but she... I think she might have just been stressed. I don't think Aria is the only consciousness that Luciole has. I don't know how many voices are in Luciole, there could be tens, hundreds, even millions of consciousnesses within her... Or there could be like... three. Like I said, I don't know.

Currently, I think of Luciole as: 1. Luciole, the primary consciousness, the commander, so to say. 2. Aria, the secondary consciousness, the pilot, second in command. 3. Lucioles, the undefined consciousnesses, the rest of the crew, may or may not exist.

For the sake of clarity, I will continue to call the whole being "Luciole" because that is what she calls herself. I do not know how accurate my assessment is, and I suspect that there are many, many things that I do not know. I don't even know if I'm right to divide them into consciousnesses...


Secondly, Luciole is haunted by... Something. She called it "They" and didn't seem to want to go into specifics on what "They" are. Luciole last met "Them" seven years ago, and she seems very afraid of encountering "Them" again. She doesn't remember what "They" did to her, though she did mention not being able to close her eyes for quite some time after meeting "Them." Apparently, "They" are the reason that Luciole is... Multiple. She described it as "Ils ont te fait 'Vous'" which would roughly translate to "They make you 'yous'." Whoever or whatever "They" are, Luciole is really afraid of "Them."

I don't know the exact specifics on "Their" nature, but I get the impression that "They're" analogous to a cult. My other theory is that "They" are a Lovecraftian Horror that is inherently unknowable. Whatever "They" are, "They" are not something to be meddled with, given Luciole's fear of "Them."


There is the possibility that "They" are not real. Well, no. "They" are real, but not to the world at large... That doesn't make sense. Hang on...

What I mean is that "They" might be an entity that only exists within Luciole's mind, comparable to a sleep paralysis demon but far, far worse. Regardless of "Their" nature, however, I should treat "Them" as being real. Luciole has been hurt by "Them" and that is unquestionably real. "They" are real to Luciole, and that's the important part. Dismissing "Them" as fake won't help Luciole.


Third, Luciole is trapped. I don't know who is trapping Luciole, but I think it might be her family given the fact that Luciole mentioned living with them. By the sounds of it, her home life is really, really rough. In a lot of ways, it reminds me of my own home life, but without Dad, without Arcti, without... Without anywhere to go. She's tried running away before, and it didn't work. It sounds awful, worse than how it was for me. I don't know how she's even surviving, she's... She's a lot stronger than me, that's for sure.


What if I brought her here? I mean, I've been here for months now and no one has even come close to finding me. If I went on another job with her, I could ask her to come home with me... That would be a bad idea. Luciole has tried to run away before and that didn't work. Her family- or whoever is trapping her- would come to find her. We could last a while, but sooner or later, they would find us. I can't bring her here, that's putting a target on my back...

I owe it to her to try. I can't... I can't leave her alone out there. Sure, I don't have any responsibility to help but... Luciole is my friend, and I want to help her.


There's more, there's so, so much more. I think Luciole is afraid of being a burden? The people trapping her tell her that she's not special. She seems to hide her emotions and true feelings a lot. There's so much more, so much that I don't know. I could go on and on and on, but... My voice is getting tired.


I'm sorry Luciole, but... Thank you for being my friend.


Sic Quaerimus Astra.



3 months, 1 week ago: Koriol Celestheryne wrote a Downtime Journal for The Graveyard Shift


I dream of you tonight.

There you are, basking in the golden glow. You've always flocked to all that glitters and glows - it's your second nature. Your passion is bright and I can't help but draw near as well.

There is a look of childlike longing as your hand hits a glass wall. It's a world you've never been able to touch, dangling just beyond your fingertips. You reach upwards nonetheless, as valiant steeds catch your gifted eye. It's cruel, how you're made to see everything and yet you're still held back from the little bit of comfort you'll ever scrounge. Would you forgive me if I tried to help?

The ticket lies before you now. Some twisted part of me hopes that if I have what you want, what you need, then I will in proxy become the one you want. Your gaze stares past me. Of course it does - how could I ever blame you? A tragic tale it is, that if I ever spoke up, I'd be deemed spoilt and selfish. All I wanted was that little bit of happiness they promised on TV. I'd never expect you to solve my problems or fix me - I just want you to be here. 

Talk to me.

Look at me.

Know me.

You don't have to understand. You don't have to feel the same.

Just let me help you be happy. Just this once, I beg of you.

Your smile is all I could ever hope for - I know you still have it within you.

You're sat upon the horse now, kitsch turned miraculous. Your crimson hair is a complement, but really, I just like the sight of you. A knight in shining armour, like that seat was meant for you. Faux gold reflects within your eyes and I can only imagine what I'd look like in them too. The gold is for my hair, the gold is for I like you

Look, no hands, is what I think I hear. You spread your arms wide like wings to the sky, you've always been meant to fly. So fly, why don't you, as deathly screeching halts the tale. Porcelain shatters beneath you and suddenly you've fallen. Down, down, far into the abyss, and all I could do is watch in abject horror. Gears gnash and creak and crush, and my heartbeat falters at the sound of squelching flesh and shattered bones. Did it hurt? Did you know? How long did it last? Have you died by my hand? Would this have happened had I not given you that ticket? Or did you choose not to fly, just so you could be that much farther away from me?

...I get it. I understand. I wouldn't be friends with me either.

I just... wish you didn't find the need to die to prove a point.

All I can do is thrash and scream, knowing in worlds beyond that these words couldn't feasibly reach you:


I wake up. There is darkness.

...I'm cold.

3 months, 2 weeks ago: Anthony P.A. Williams wrote a Downtime Journal for The Hospital

Guns Are Cool

I was at the shooting range today and something weird happened. There was another guy there that looked kinda like the guy I stopped from shooting up that high school and he was saying weird stuff so I didn't really like him and then he was shooting and he was actually pretty good at it. When he had some people watch him to do a trick shot I had the idea to try and intercept his bullet with mine like in movies and it actually worked and he was really embarrassed. I also realized that I was faster than normal at reloading my guns so that was weird too. I don't really know what it means but it's less jarring than seeing everything all the time and is actually kinda cool. I hope I get more powers like this one so that I'm not in constant discomfort all the time like I was with the other one.


Illuminated Earth

Illuminated Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from The Torrent Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
The Torrent grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.


  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.
  • Asset Limit: The maximum amount of assets and liability points is 5.
  • Discord Server: Join the Discord server and follow the rules in detail there.

Full Setting Description

They named that time The Illumination, and it was by the flash of a camera phone.


The year was 2004. Until that point the Earth was as we had always known her. We filled her cruel vastness with legends, superstitions, and rumors. Warlocks, monsters, and gods lurked on the edge of the collective consciousness, always a possibility but never more. We lacked evidence. That evidence came as humanity filled its pockets with technology equipped to capture and transmit.


An iPhone found on High School senior Nate Klienman’s mangled corpse held a video of his girlfriend’s bone-snapping transformation into a monstrous wolf creature. A Brazilian widow documented a series of conversations with the misty figure of her late husband. A Chinese fishing boat caught a mermaid in a net and put it on display in the Beijing aquarium.


Each week brought a new revelation that we were not alone. Superstitions reversed their slow death overnight. Salem held their first witch trial in a century. The jury rendered a verdict of “guilty on all charges” and sentenced Maxibelle Horux to death. A week after her lethal injection, half the jury died from a tainted batch of flu vaccine. A fearful, populist movement arose to rid humanity of the creatures lurking in its ranks. Suspects are forcibly subjected to bizarre tests of their humanity, and the results are often open to interpretation. A mob’s justice is swift.


Yet the paranormal is not merely relegated to a persecuted class. Where some see monsters, some see sentience, and others see opportunity. If a vampire can sustain themselves on cloned blood and work the graveyard shift, why not legalize and tax? Politicians and Aristocrats employ odd-looking individuals as "advisors" or "protection." Entertainment magazines publish revelations every week about which celebrities shed their human skins at home. Charlatans of all stripes, from palmistry mediums to televangelists, have flourished despite the risks. The treatment of the paranormal varies from place to place, person to person.


Long have cabals, cults, and secret societies thrived in the shadows. Their roots run deeply through humanity’s oldest systems of power. Machinations are challenged, and sleeping dangers awaken. The world is changing, forcing long-dormant powers into desperate action. And it is in the midst of this great period of change that The Powers That Be have once again turned their attention to the blue marble. For the first time in two hundred years, Harbingers approach worthy individuals with an offer they won't refuse.

The Games have returned, and a new generation of Contractors are being forged.

World Events

Jacob Cruz made a Move (Cryst0lline GMed) 2 months, 3 weeks ago. View Move

Fragments of an ambivalent lifetime... seen through the eyes of Jacob Cruz.




"Is this Jacob Cruz? No? Doesn't matter.

Tell him that Adam is inviting him out for dinner. Might get gyros. Oh, and if you know a Neil, tell him to come along too."






"It's me. I don't exactly know anyone who could help, but I'll see what I can offer on my end. Just... watch your back this time. Also, the spaghetti was good. Didn't want the birds to eat it and get sick. I only tried one strand. Burned the rest because... maybe that'll get to him somehow. Also, he visited in a dream. ...Yeah."






"Heyyy, it's meee. It's funny how people start off calls like that. Very cliched, but very cool and mysterious anyway! I'm so cool. Anyways yeah if I don't answer any calls don't panic, I'm just on some very important business as I mentioned, and if things go well I won't be back, like, ever. Or maybe I will be, I love my friends.

I've told the others already, I just think it'd be very nice of me to send a personalized message to everyone. I know, it's probably a waste of tuition money, and I know you complain about how I seem to just throw money away at every whim but hey, I'll be happy and that's what matters. I mean what? I'm always happy.

Thanks for joining my ouija thingy though. I still don't know why it spelled out your name. Sorry if that was creepy."






"If you dare tell anyone, you know what I'm capable of. Surely you've seen people like me before. Live and let live, you say? Fine. Just know that he meant something to me, and if you even think about dragging his name through the mud, K will be the least of your worries."






"Hey. I was told I should check on you more often, but surely you've been able to hold your own. I don't know why you keep looking at me weird, but if you've got something to say, say it to my face. Also... I don't know if that's Caliose. ...Just saying. How would I know? Well..."


Posted by HumbleMemeMumbles, 2 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Oregon Congresswoman Lori Chavez-Deremer missing


Koriol Celestheryne made a Move (HumbleMemeMumbles GMed) 3 months ago. View Move

Real life Green Goblin Spider-man caught on video at 3AM!!! Gone Wrong, gone wrong! GONE WRONG! GONE WRONG HELP. (Amusement Arcadians)

The video opens up on a young man.

He's tired.

He's been doing this for awhile, too long. But, in all honesty... it pays the bills at least.

"Hey guys! Welcome back to another calling at 3 AM Challenge video, now today I've got the number of the Green Goblin, yes you heard it, the Green Goblin from Spider man's phone number." The act is meaningless, barely there, but the world spins anyways.

"Now from what I've heard if you call the Green Goblin at 3 AM, he will come to your house and-" 

Knock, Knock, Knock 

"Who is that... Elijah, did you call someone over?" 

"No? Is that...?"

"I just saw him go into the- this isn't apart of the..."

"Well, you wanna go check? Or do you want me to turn off the camera?"

"Nah, keep it rolling... this might be something interesting, people don't just knock at this time of day..."


There's a hesitation as the young man walks towards the door. A Fan perhaps? at this hour? Maybe.

Checking outside the window... he can't see anything. Neither can the camera.

"Alright guys... we're gonna open the door. Maybe the Green Goblin found us already, you never know."

"Should we do it slowly or-"


"What was that?"


There's an explosion. The young man blasted backwards by the door, slamming him into the wall.

There's a scrambling. The camera sliding across the floor as the cameraman crawls towards it.


An individual an a strange garb waltzes into the scene, their face obscured by a somewhat bulbous helmet and hood. Body obscured mostly via tattered cloak.

They seem to be somewhat silvered in color... Nickel perhaps? Or maybe a distressed chrome...

The breath of the cameraman is heavy... an attempt to hide away. Leads to them hiding behind a corner wall.

Heavy steps approach the young man, the click of... something else.

"We have some business... you and I."

"Wh-what? Who are you?!"

"I'm your newest worst nightmare. Now get up."

The young man is picked up by the collar of his shirt, as a VRRRRRSH, comes in from off-screen.

Some sort of flying drone bursts into the room as the oddly garbed individual gets on top of it, young man in hand.

"Let's go for a ride... shall we? I know a place with a great view..."

As the two fly out of the room on the drone. A doorknob is chucked near the cameraman...

"A Parting gift!"

The Camera attempts to capture their escape, but they're too late... catching the perp only flying into the night.

There's another K ABOOM!  as the camera turns around to reveal a house in flames.

"Oh... fuck."

"We're totally getting demonetized..."

The video ends shortly after.

Jacob Cruz made a Move (HumbleMemeMumbles GMed) 3 months ago. View Move

VPD Forensics Department Whistleblower speaks out. Department denies claims of corruption.

 C  News


Its no surprise that a lot has happened in the last few months down in Vancouver, SFU with it's lawsuit is only one of many potential life-altering events happening in the Vancouver area. This week, a man by the name of Jacob Cruz has spoken out against the Vancouver Police Department's forensics division about supposed corruption. 

A Video appeared on cryptoleak to apparently expose the department and it's corruption and how he was apart of "fixing" the cases due to blackmail. Much of it, upon further investigation seems legitimate.

CTV Vancouver attempted to reach out to Mr. Cruz to discuss these claims, yet found no way to contact him.

Chief of Vancouver Police Department, Troy Price, had this to say about the matter, "We're currently going under internal investigations on both the location of Mr. Cruz, and the claims of 'corruption' inside our forensics department." He said in a press conference this morning. "We don't know if this source is trustworthy or not and proper precautions must be taken so that the investigation doesn't wind up a wild goose chase."

When asked about the legitimacy of Mr. Cruz's claims, the response was simply, "We get these claims all the time from disgruntled folks with nothing to lose, it's important to know what and who you're looking at," notes Price. "We've done our own investigations and research on Mr. Cruz and we think we have an idea of who he is and what he's all about, which effects how we take this information and use it in our own assessments of corruption."

While the department says it's going under investigations, trust in the police dwindles among the populace.

On social media, Anti-police accounts post things such as "I always knew the pigs were corrupt! Just took someone inside to blow the whistle," One account writes. 

Another account posts, "There's always going to be some people who don't believe us when we say the Police DONT protect and serve. Well, now there's a video to prove it, and it can't be taken down."

When asked about how these accusations affect her line of work, Deputy Chief of Investigation - Fiona Wilson - had this to say, "These accusations only hurt our line of work more than help it. Who can trust the investigators when they can't even trust that the cases are true?" She notes. "There is a public trust that the Police have with communities, and these allegations corrode that trust. It's no good for either side."

Many cases are now being looked at with a more cynical or inquisitive lens, however, it's still hard to tell if this really is the truth, or just another charlatan. Whoever the whistleblower truly is, things are changing in Vancouver, it's just a matter of time before we see what this change truly brings.



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Vancouver Top Stories    







'It was like Home alone':

Arbutus Residences Condo Floods

Causing massive damage 


Vancouver Residents report 

'Missing Doorknobs' in a strange set

of Doorknob related Thefts.


Skewers Pita Bar under investigation

for Health code violations due to

'Rat piss' in their fries

Jacob Cruz made a Move (Cryst0lline GMed) 3 months ago. View Move

Wronging Past Wrongs

From the depths of a cave in Daemsdale, Scotland, a screen flickers to life, followed by another, and another. A silhouette sits before it, dark and obscured by the bright light behind them. 

"Jacob Cruz...

You have treaded carelessly into territory that you can't even claim to understand. The first thing you ask of a stranger is for him to kill you, shirking the final request of the one you never deserved. Instead you come crawling to his abode and taint his status quo. He asked for you to live so you shall live until he finds it suiting to change his mind. I'm only doing this for him, though I doubt either fate would satisfy your undying ego. Deny it as you may, but in the end your true self peeks through the cracks. 

You're just a fed from start to end - don't think for a single second that I've forgotten. You are of some use to me for now, but soon enough I'll make you wish for death so terribly that you could barely breathe. Your current state is bliss compared to what I'll put you through. Ever read that short story by Harlan Ellison?

Zephyren was forgiving. Now, he's dead. If you're assuming you could take advantage of me as you have done to him...

We'll have so much fun.

Don't fail now, Jacob.

There is very much left to do.

You wish not to release those files...

So now your lives are in my hands."

The screens flicker and crackle before they all turn off at once.

An empty laugh echoes through the lonely cavern.

Stan T. Mann made a Move (Cryst0lline GMed) 3 months, 1 week ago. View Move

Stan's Happy Marriage

[Crackle. Click. The reel starts turning. Maria waves at the camera.]

"Testing, testing...

Y'know, I've always wanted to try using one of these. I didn't know we had one lying around in the first place, but cleaning out storage has found me this old gem. Old-school film has always been nostalgic for me, I remember going to the movies for the first time. The film scene has changed a lot since then - I get why you've been endeavoring to restore its old glow. Don't the youngsters have film grain filters on their phones nowadays? Anyways.

Stan, I can't say I completely understand what you've seen and why you're doing it - change can start from the flap of a butterfly's wings. I guess powers are a shortcut to it and you've always had that noble sense of heroism, but this isn't DND. Your life is at stake, far more than the dangers of daily life or stunts. I'd hate to see you get hurt, and I hope you understand I find it hard to believe in armor provided by a nameless person. Worst of all I thought you'd killed yourself. Do you understand how terrifying it would've been if you hadn't lived through this job to come back to me?

But I'm afraid that if I were to argue too much, you'd stop telling me things again in hopes of decreasing my worries. That just makes it worse for all of us. I...I think I need to go see a therapist. I haven't been sleeping well. Not since last month.

You've always wanted to help people and I love you for that. Just let me help you too. You're only human, and I hope these jobs will never take away from that.

Te amo.

Now... that feels a bit better. What do I do with this? ...Ah, it's almost time to pick the kids up from school."


Verglas Frij made a Move (Cryst0lline GMed) 3 months, 1 week ago. View Move

SFU Turned VFU?

In light of recent events regarding SFU's Harbour Centre, a man by the name of Verglas Frij has stepped up as a representative of the university student body to deliver their collective complaints to Dr. Joy Johnson's doorstep in the form of a scathing lawsuit. While case details remain largely unknown, students speculate that it has something to do with the cause of the explosion and ongoing investigations about harrassment in the Burnaby campus. It remains unconfirmed whether Mr. Frij was the anonymous source from the previous news report, but it has been confirmed that a rebranding will be occurring in the next while - after the executives come back from winter vacation, of course. 

Tune in next time for raccoon compilations collected from various students of VFU.

Posted by Cryst0lline, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

Harbour Centre Explodes?

Vancouver Moon: Local office building beneath the Vancouver Rotating Restaurant explodes

On December 10, at 11pm, what sounded like an explosion occurred in the office building just under the tourist landmark, the Vancouver Rotating Restaurant. It seems to have originated from the middle floors of Harbour Centre, and remains of turtle shells can be found on the street near the disaster site. The building structure is relatively unharmed, though the public is advised not to enter the building for any reason for the moment.

Authorities are cooperating with staff of Simon Fraser University, which co-owns this building, to locate any possible missing persons or casualties.

Tune in later for- 



[Witnesses could still hear the fleeting voice of a certain little creature: "HELLO!"]


In other news, an anonymous source has alerted us to an ongoing series of complaints related to the handling of student mental health and security within Simon Fraser University. Alongside ongoing issues with harrassment from people beyond the student populace, they describe the unfair conditions under which teaching assistants and security guards are working, as well as strange dealings with a college that is associated with the university. They are advocating for better efforts towards ensuring safety and accountability from staff and faculty, especially regarding the Harbour Centre incident. They also highlight hygiene-related issues regarding facilities.

They close with this statement: "Academia should not fall to the whims of greed and sloth."

Goro Hamada made a Move (HumbleMemeMumbles GMed) 3 months, 2 weeks ago. View Move

Terrorism Strikes across the west coast!


We interrupt your broadcast to bring you breaking news. A Potbelly Subs, beloved Portland Sandwich restaurant has exploded in what seems to be an act of terrorism. Those on the scene report hearing gunshots from nearby, with multiple individuals caught in the blast. Authorities and Emergency services arrived at the scene moments after the blast to evacuate civilians and retrieve the wounded. Officials are still counting the casualties from the blast, but luckily it seems like most had evacuated the scene before then. Leaving this attack with minimal dead.

One individual took keen note of the scene before the blast.

"I was sitting in the restaurant eating my sandwich when suddenly I hear a gunshot and this sickly lookin' guy drops dead! And then two dudes pulled out guns and we were outta there... there was some guy in a pink cowboy hat, seemed odd. I think he said something about his name bein' "Goro" or whatever? I got a feelin' he was the one that shot first somehow, and that and he definitely was in with some terrible people."

We'll continue to bring you updates on the situation as it comes to us... in other news, local Korean Taco Truck Owner, Sung Won Shu was seemingly murdered in broad daylight. Police say that a light caliber rifle was most likely used...




It's a terrible day for the bay area as families and friends alike mourn the loss of hospitalized loved ones. In a tragedy that nobody could've seen coming, Saint Francis Hospital has fallen. With a death total coming in the hundreds to thousands, San Francisco will never be the same.

It was first attacked by a gang of armed men on drugs. An army of them stood outside the building, denying entrance to the hospital and blocking first responders from moving in. As such a SWAT Team was called in to deal with the hostile threat. However, it was too late as more than half of the floors were devoid of life. 

Not too soon after that, an explosion rocked the 10th floor of the building, causing massive damage to the structure and causing it to collapse in on itself. The SWAT Team was able to evacuate some civilians and wounded in time... but not many. Authorities also noticed a sniper on a rooftop, it is unknown who the individual is or who he works for, however he had succeeded in killing at least 3 officers. Additionally, there were times where bystanders swore they could see someone on the side of the building. Footage of this individual has not been obtained, nor the identity of the supposed Wall-crawler. However, eye-witness reports say that a man wearing "Spider-Armor" reportedly entered the building along with the attackers.

Clearly this is nothing less than a targeted attack on San Francisco.

It is unknown whether this attack is linked to the Condo bombing from a couple days ago. However, authorities are not ruling out the possibility...

Posted by HumbleMemeMumbles, 3 months, 2 weeks ago. Permalink

New Two Species of Cryptid sighted? The latest Cryptid News with Ted Kabgoon

Cryptidwatch Quickie

Hey-oh folks, welcome to Cryptidwatch, the show where we show you the latest and greatest cryptid news. I'm your host, Ted Kabgoon, and today on Cryptidwatch... we've got reports on two new species of Cryptid appearing outta thin air! Seems like they got some sorta symbiotic relationship... seems like we're lookin' at spiders with hands and giant... bird things? Really we ain't too sure here, but we got something! Most of the reports we're getting are in Fiji, seems like a major pest problem too when it comes to those spiders.

Attempts have been made to reduce the population of 'em but they've come up with barely any reduction. Now folks, I'm not saying that all is lost in Fiji, but I'm just saying that if you want to go Cryptid hunting... well, there's the place to be. And to all my viewers in Fiji, stay safe out there! Looks like a problem akin to the great Emu war, ain't that fresh? 

If you've got your own reports on the matter, feel free to email us at [email protected] with your cryptid stories and information and make sure to comment down below how you think these things got here, we love seein' your theories and all that and it helps us with our own theories and thoughts on the matter. 

Anyways I've been your host, Ted Kabgoon, don't forget to like and subscribe to the channel and remember.

Stay Curious Cryptidwatchers!

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