And The Stars Look Very Different Today
I am recording this for record keeping purposes.
[A phone buzzes]
[The buzzing continues]
Whoops! Looks like I didn't pick up the phone. Don't leave a voicemail, I won't listen to it. Text me if you aren't a scammer. [Beep]
[Ten consecutive beeps, and the phone begins to buzz once more]
[And it keeps buzzing]
Whoops! Loo-
Come on...
[Ten beeps, buzzing]
Pick up...
[Ten beeps, buzzing... Buzzing...]
[Ten beeps]
What do you want!?!
Holy sh- Ab- Andromeda? Is that you!?!
Say something!
I-I- Yes? It's... It's me.
You're... You're alive! Abby- Fuck. Andromeda. Oh my God, Andromeda, They said you died!
What? Who?
Everyone! The school, the police, those- those I don't know, therapists or whatever? We've had like, so many assemblies talking about you; telling us that there's people who can help us whenever we're feeling like- like- I don't know, suicidal? Scared?
Say something!
I- I don't know what to say! I- I-
What do you mean you don't know what to say?! It's been months! Where have you been! What have you been doing! Why is this the first time you've called me! I thought you were dead, Abby! Fuck! Andromeda.
You can just call me Abby, it's fi-
Andromeda. I'm not deadnaming you. Where the fuck have you been?
I... It's a long story...
So? It's 2AM on a Saturday. I've got a long time to listen.
Arcti, I... I don't know where to start. So much is different now. I...
Promise that you won't tell anyone?
Pinky promise.
Take your time. Focus on your breathing, in and out.
I don't know if I'm still me.
Ever since I ran away, strange things have been happening to me.
What do you mean?
I'm... I'm magic?
I- I don't know. I can shoot the Aurora Borealis out of my fingers, I figured out how to make these miniature sun things, I learned that I can make things float with my mind yesterday, and-
Is this a joke? This isn't funny, Andromeda. Are you even her? I swear, if you're some fucking impostor using A.I. voices or someth-
No no no! It's me. Arcti, I'm telling the truth. I- Why would I even be lying right now?! I wouldn't call you for the first time in months and make jokes like that!
Say something that only the real Andromeda would know!
Are you serious?
Do it!
I- I don't know? Um... The letter I gave you! The one where I told you I'd be running away. I didn't tell anyone about that.
Where did the letter say you were going?
Doré Lake Observatory, the one that closed a few years ago.
Okay, it's you. It's actually you. Holy shit, it's actually you.
Arcti, I-
Why are you magic?
I don't know! This- There was this guy who came to my observatory around the time I first got here. He called himself "The Friend" and he had me sign this contract. Ever since then, these things called "Harbingers" have been coming here and having me do these jobs.
So you're... What?
I can explain it again if you'd like.
No, it's fine. Just... Give me a second... So. This weird guy in the woods or whatever found you, had you sign a contract, and now you're doing jobs for him? Wh-
It's not only him, there's other guys too.
Whatever. Where does you being magic factor into this?
The Harbingers give me more magic powers after I finish the jobs.
So... Abigail. Did you- Shit. Andromeda. Did you sign away your soul to the devil?
WHAT D- what do you mean maybe.
I mean, I think I still have my soul? But I- I mean... When I signed the contract, I think I lost something? I just... I don't know what it was.
... Jesus Christ. Why did you sign that thing!
I didn't know what would happen to me! They just promised me power, they left out a lot of the important details.
Like what?
What do you do on the jobs?
That was the part they left out.
Horrible things, Arctic. They've made me do horrible things. I- I- I don't- I can't. Oh my God. I- I- I have to-
No! No. No- No I... There's blood on my hands, Arctic.
I- I've done everything I can to stop people from dying! I- I've tried my best.
Stop doing those jobs then, Ab- Andromeda!
I can't!
Why not?!
I- I don't know.
Tell someone! Call the police or something! If you want, I can do it for y-
NO! No. Don't- Don't call them.
Why not?
Because they'll take me back to her! I-
To who? Chelsea?
Jesus Christ. You cannot actually believe that going back to your mom is worse than killing people.
I don't want to see her again. I can't go back. I- I don't- She'll kill me.
... God Damn it.
Please don't tell anyon-
I'm not going to tell anyone. I don't go back on pinky promises, you know this.
I... Jesus Christ, Andromeda...
I'm sorry.
I don't know...
They had a funeral for you.
After a few months of you being gone, the police announced that they were giving up the search. Your dad arranged a funeral a few days after.
Who came?
Me, your dad, a lot of our teachers, our classmates... Chelsea wasn't there.
Oh shit...
You don't know...
Don't know what?
Your parents got divorced.
I don't know the exact reason, but it was probably caused by your disappearance
Your dad is still looking for you. He's been trying to get the search started up again, but I don't think he's had any luck. I've seen him driving around a lot, scanning the streets, putting up posters...
I've tried to comfort him, but I... I'm still a kid, I don't know what the fuck I'm doing.
I'm sorry...
Stop saying that!
I don't know what else to say!
Then say nothing! You can't just say that and expect it to make things better.
I'm not trying to make things better.
Well! Fucking! Start trying then! You've caused a lot of problems over here, could you at least try to fix them?
I don't know how.
... Then I'll help you.
I don't know! But we'll figure it out together, alright?
O- Okay...
No more of this radio silence. Call me the next time one of these Harbingers show up.
I- I don't think they'd like that.
What happens if you tell them no?
I'm not sure, but I feel like... I feel like there'd be consequences.
Alright. Call me after the jobs then. Actually, fuck it. Call me everyday.
I... I can do that.
Good. Okay...
Stay safe, please.
I will.
Don't disappear again, alright?
I won't.
Pinky promise.
I pinky promise.
Get some sleep, Andromeda.
It's what most people call me.
The people who do the jobs with me.
Goodnight, Arcti.
Sleep tight, Andy. I'll call you again tomorrow.
I... Okay... Thank you...
[A shaky, broken exhale]