Real life Green Goblin Spider-man caught on video at 3AM!!! Gone Wrong, gone wrong! GONE WRONG! GONE WRONG HELP. (Amusement Arcadians)
The video opens up on a young man.
He's tired.
He's been doing this for awhile, too long. But, in all honesty... it pays the bills at least.
"Hey guys! Welcome back to another calling at 3 AM Challenge video, now today I've got the number of the Green Goblin, yes you heard it, the Green Goblin from Spider man's phone number." The act is meaningless, barely there, but the world spins anyways.
"Now from what I've heard if you call the Green Goblin at 3 AM, he will come to your house and-"
Knock, Knock, Knock
"Who is that... Elijah, did you call someone over?"
"No? Is that...?"
"I just saw him go into the- this isn't apart of the..."
"Well, you wanna go check? Or do you want me to turn off the camera?"
"Nah, keep it rolling... this might be something interesting, people don't just knock at this time of day..."
There's a hesitation as the young man walks towards the door. A Fan perhaps? at this hour? Maybe.
Checking outside the window... he can't see anything. Neither can the camera.
"Alright guys... we're gonna open the door. Maybe the Green Goblin found us already, you never know."
"Should we do it slowly or-"
"What was that?"
There's an explosion. The young man blasted backwards by the door, slamming him into the wall.
There's a scrambling. The camera sliding across the floor as the cameraman crawls towards it.
An individual an a strange garb waltzes into the scene, their face obscured by a somewhat bulbous helmet and hood. Body obscured mostly via tattered cloak.
They seem to be somewhat silvered in color... Nickel perhaps? Or maybe a distressed chrome...
The breath of the cameraman is heavy... an attempt to hide away. Leads to them hiding behind a corner wall.
Heavy steps approach the young man, the click of... something else.
"We have some business... you and I."
"Wh-what? Who are you?!"
"I'm your newest worst nightmare. Now get up."
The young man is picked up by the collar of his shirt, as a VRRRRRSH, comes in from off-screen.
Some sort of flying drone bursts into the room as the oddly garbed individual gets on top of it, young man in hand.
"Let's go for a ride... shall we? I know a place with a great view..."
As the two fly out of the room on the drone. A doorknob is chucked near the cameraman...
"A Parting gift!"
The Camera attempts to capture their escape, but they're too late... catching the perp only flying into the night.
There's another K ABOOM! as the camera turns around to reveal a house in flames.
"Oh... fuck."
"We're totally getting demonetized..."
The video ends shortly after.