
A world caught in a trans-dimensional rip current.

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Posted by ShadyTradesman, 3 years, 5 months ago. Permalink

A Crumpled Newspaper

You pull a crumpled newspaper out of the trash. It has tomorrow's date. A full-sized color image on the front page shows what looks like a monstrous dog in an airplane, but it's too water-damaged to tell for sure. You toss it back with the rest of the refuse. Yesterday's news. 

Latest Journals

3 years ago: Felix wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary

Ummm, ghost hand?

So, as it turns out it seems like I have a new arm due to a ghost, I don't really know what's up with that, but the ghost seems nice, if I remember his name was ramen or something like that, oh wait it's Roman. Yeah, but it's kind of weird when I wake up and my hand is doing something. Also, today I found out that his fingernails can be quite sharp. He's actually a good person and he tells a lot of stories of castles and what not, it seems like he originated from England.

3 years, 1 month ago: Ryan Stiller wrote a Downtime Journal for Sanctuary

Subtle Flaws

I got almost mowed down by the lawn edger, yet my wound has healed completely in less than two weeks. I made a cut on my finger, and it was gone by the end of the day. My everyday life is now filled with such subtle flaws in facade of normalcy. There is a link between this newfound fast regeneration and Rite of Moonlight - same eerie pale glow.

I cannot find any notes on similar rituals or spells that produce similar pale glow. While it is possible I might be the first to discover this, I doubt this might be the case. Nevertheless, I did decided to name it for documentation purposes. Sticking to theme of the Moon due to the pale glow, I decided to give this regeneration designation "Moon's Grace". I do not know whenever or not it is some ritual I have unknowingly conducted, but it is likely this is the payment "Mist" was talking about.

This becomes much more dangerous than I ever anticipated it would become. Yes, first "gig" from Coyote was dangerous, but not overly so - no one came close to dying. But this one was dangerous. Everyone got hurt, some more than others. I nearly got incapacitated, which would turn me into amazing target practice, and Felix lost his hand. I hope he is doing fine, both him and hand of his.

I do not know if I should continue naming those activities "gigs". Perhaps "Contract"? "Quest"? Who knows. For now I'll keep referring to them as "gigs". But after this latest one, I have soaked much of my gear - it's a miracle my notes survived. I do need to buy replacements. Perhaps get some more gear - say, a compass, because you never know when you need one. Maybe some leather jacket for extra protection. Pack of biscuits in case I get hungry. Maybe even some sports gear - elbow and knee guards and a bike helmet?

What I do know is that I need to work on my lacking skills regarding dodging deadly attacks. Some athletical activities should help me quite a bit.

Curiously enough, I found the book in a cold, unmarked package on my doorstep shortly after I got home. It's the same book as I found previously, and it more than likely contains secrets - perhaps, enough to start working on my research. I still can't tell what the text mans, but at least I can work towards learning the language it is written in.

3 years, 1 month ago: Felix wrote a Contract Journal for Sanctuary

Shoot my hand.

I felt like i just had the crazyist dream, but as it turned out It Wasn't a dream. How do i know it wasn't a dream, because my hand i current resting in my bag, off my body. Last time i will ever let some one do that to me again... hopefuly. and with that i leave a message.... SHOOT I LOST MY HAND AGAIN!






-By some random person felix convenced into writeing this for him



Here in the swirling temporal eddies, reality works differently. Events happen, and then un-happen. The same murder reoccurs every week. An atom bomb destroys a city, the mushroom cloud freezes in a still frame, and the camera pans out to reveal a crowded movie theater in that same city.

House Rules

Contractors from Corryvreckan Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Corryvreckan grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

1. No Contractors may be Homed in Corryvreckan.

2. Every Game run in Corryvreckan should have at least one new(-ish) Player. 

3. Approved GMs only.

Full Setting Description

Those who are tossed into Corryvreckan may not notice any difference. The world is quite the same as the one they're used to-- the same politicians running for office, the same videos of supernatural phenomena going viral on a weekly basis. Only when they return to their world and find it unaffected by their exploits do they begin to ask questions.

A lucky few Harbingers have found this world. They use it to pass cohorts of promising candidates through particularly good tests again and again. Other Harbingers are merely echos themselves. For those would-be Contractors caught in the undertow, the only ticket out is to sign The Contract.

World Events

Posted by ShadyTradesman, 3 years, 5 months ago. Permalink

A Crumpled Newspaper

You pull a crumpled newspaper out of the trash. It has tomorrow's date. A full-sized color image on the front page shows what looks like a monstrous dog in an airplane, but it's too water-damaged to tell for sure. You toss it back with the rest of the refuse. Yesterday's news. 

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