The fools

A world The supernatural is a blossoming concept.

Latest World Events

Posted by jacob, 2 weeks, 1 day ago. Permalink

alien mushroom is loose on the city.

a strange mushroom is infecting people and ground zero being Rachel, Nevada

Latest Journals

2 days, 1 hour ago: Eliezar Mordichai wrote a Downtime Journal for Passing the Hours


after flying home in my jet from West Virginia, I started having these weird vivid dreams, that involved horrors from my past but also temptations of boundless power, power to bring her back, bring all of them back. the dream consisted of this recurring vision of my ancestors slaughtered then I found the pieces I needed a chalice in a rainforest, stone and parchment tablets in the desert, and red chains in gahena. Many other symbols and objects I didn't understand crowns of kings long past also appeared in my subconscious. After the 7th time, I decided to take action I traveled to the ancient library in Yerusalem and I looked over scrolls and texts for any reference of a chalice of life or jungles I looked for the symbols I dreamed of I couldn't find anything except what to me looked like the rune for a fancy upsidedown V, apparently its the symbol for a mountain in turkey from before the Babylonians before the Persian's the mount Ararat is what it is called today and I think that is where I will find the red chains that can free her from purgatory or at least maybe the first step or a clue about what these dreams mean off to turkey I go!  

2 days, 21 hours ago: George paif Halburn wrote a Contract Journal for Passing the Hours

An untitled Journal

I was experimenting with polio on some field mice, I was pursuing a hunch I had relating to possible benefits of the disease however that is irrelevant to what just happened to me. I was experimenting when an unregistered man in a suit knocked on the lab door. I quickly finished up and greeted him by taking him outside cause he was insistent on talking to me. I was feeling curious so I humored him and he told me he had a job for me. I would have assumed this was some crackhead who was harassing me except he knew about the grimoire. He promised that if I completed this task for him then I would be given more understanding of my grimoire and when I did finish the task this was reciprocated however I will visit this later. I accepted and shipped my car to the location, West Virginia, which I then drove to an orphanage where the task was given to us. I don't see use in narrating the job I went on, it was very dangerous and there were hints of the supernatural which is all that is important, and doubt will dissappear if a job like this turns up again. Another important aspect was the other "agents" on the job who assisted me in this task. The first was Doc Henry holliday, a wild west gunslinger? Overall I didn’t see much of him in action other than an artifact gun that he used to jump somewhere else, taking our target? That was interesting and definitely notable. The second was Johnny Fiddler, a little fiddle playing kid who could materialize beams of energy when he played his fiddle and create goons which he consistently abused. He was not very tactical but he seemed powerful. The third was Eliezar, a Nazi hunting Rabbi. He was very cooperative and seemed like an interesting guy. If I ever need help I will likely contact him. The fourth and final was Gundar. I don’t really understand his deal but he looked like a dungeons and dragons dwarf. However all of this is unimportant compared to what happened after the job. After I returned to my home I revisited my grimoire which taught me the cultivation of a mutilating plague. I now possess it in my body and can release it on targets to degrade their body quickly and horribly. I hope I will be visited again soon, signing off, Professor Halburn.

1 month ago: Johnny Fiddler wrote a Downtime Journal for The High Cost of Living

Learning How to Drive with Mark the asshole

After watching his companion get shot while driving, and not being able to do anything about it, Johnny Fiddler decided to put some of his fiddle practice hours into better use. He decided to put those hours into learning how to drive. After meeting up with the rest of the contractors at the hospital, Johnny asked Mark if he could teach him how to drive properly...

"Mark, aye, i know am' only thirtean' n 11 months but would ya teach me how to drive since ma borthday is coming up?" Mark was a complete asshole who only cared abut guns and drugs, so normally he would have said no to such request, but Mark saw what Johnny had done to that one criminal back at El Paso, so he thought twice before answering...

Mark agreed.

A month later Mark's teachings were successful and Johnny Fiddler know how to operate a vehicle that isnt a tractor. Johnny still doesnt know shit about traffic laws, but he wouldnt care about them anyway. Johnny has no license.

1 month ago: Johnny Fiddler wrote a Contract Journal for The High Cost of Living

Telling Mark what happened before i arrived to El Paso.

Mark wanna hear sumthin' cool?

I was playin the fiddle at what they call bay area, and all of a sudden KAPOW a letter appears in fron' of me. Ya know damn well i can't read or wrie't, so i asked  this musteh lookin' guy to read it for me. He done told me bout this contract in El Paso, Ari-whatever. Ya know i ain got nun' license or car, so i dun asked the homeless gentleman to steal a car for me. He wouldnt at first, but then i played a beautiful melody, which convinced him to steal the car for me. After i distracted sum people at a store with my perfect melodic fiddleing, he stole the car! Now... Mark, u and me both know i can't drive, so i asked the homeless man to drive me to El Paso. His dumbass actually did...

well some hours go by and the police are after us. I told his dumbass to slow down, because we shouldn't look suspicious, and he did! what a fuckin idiot.

So, not only did he steal this car, but he also had me, AN 14 YEAR OLD HILL BILLY W NO PARENTS. I told him exactly that, you should have seen his face, jajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja, he was terrified.


He got out of the car and tried running away, i heard screams and some gunshots, what a fuckin idiot, am i right Mark??? 


Well, after that the cop talked to me, and i lied to him sayin i dun got kidnapped, HE BELIEVED ME, fuckin idiot as well, not only is hea  pig but hes also an idiot.


Long story short he brought me to EL Paso and in EL Paso u know what happened.

Wasnt that a cool story Mark? can u teach me how to drive now.


Supernatural earth

Supernatural Earth is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the advent of smartphones and the internet confirmed the existence of the supernatural instead of disproving it. Here, witch hunts have merit. Billionaires and Senators employ paranormal advisors and bodyguards, and everyone knows. Charlatans become pop culture icons, and each revelation inspires a new cult. The world is changing. The secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to adapt.

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from The fools Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
The fools grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in The Illumination again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.

Full Setting Description


World Events

Posted by jacob, 2 weeks, 1 day ago. Permalink

alien mushroom is loose on the city.

a strange mushroom is infecting people and ground zero being Rachel, Nevada

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