Battle for the Caribbean

A world where you battle for honor on the high seas.

This Playgroup has open memberships. But you must Sign up or Log in to join.

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Posted by CptWoodesRogers, 4 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Mysterious Horse Roams the Water

A horse has been spotted with a octopus riding on its back is walking on water somehow. Its intentions are unknown, use caution while roaming the seas.

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Caribbean in the 1700s

A ancient(ish) world divided between war, factions battling for control for years. Modern day technology is gone, what remains are ships of war, waiting to demolish their enemies. Will you put your honor on the line to battle for the seas? Will you risk your life to fight for what you think is right?

House Rules

Contractors from Battle for the Caribbean Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Battle for the Caribbean grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

- As of now this is just an experimental playgroup -

For now no one will be expected to Gm until everyone understands how it works

Contractor Creation 

Feel free to do whatever with creation, as long as it is not too disruptive it will be fine

Be reasonable, but here are the basic guidelines

* Try to limit to 5 assets and liabilities

* Be respectful and keep in mind how other people might feel about certain things when creating your character

* Have fun with it, take restricted assets and liabilities if you want

* Get your contractor approved in the approval section of the discord before playing
* Be ok with death, there might be a high chance of death here so don't be to bummed if you die

Most Importantly:

Good luck, have fun, don't die.


Full Setting Description

Welcome to the Caribbean!

The year is 1715, the Caribbean is divided by a fierce conflict between two pirate captains of unknown origin. Their names are Captain Doug Upp and Captain Polter Geist. You are brought from the modern day world to this time. You must now choose a side, or forge your own destiny, in this BATTLE FOR THE CARIBBEAN. Fight for honor among the seas, capture islands and forge your destiny, join a faction or make your own crew and fight to control. Welcome, to the Caribbean.

- This is all susceptible to change -

There is gonna be repayable contracts

There might be a weekly or biweekly event for the main game of this, depending on how it goes

Possibility for Faction Wars

You may be able to create/join different factions to fight for control of the Caribbean, or fly solo if you wish. Build a crew and a base during down times, build an army worthy to challenge the man who brought you here. Or join him or his rival as they battle it out on the large scale. 

World Events

Posted by CptWoodesRogers, 4 months, 3 weeks ago. Permalink

Mysterious Horse Roams the Water

A horse has been spotted with a octopus riding on its back is walking on water somehow. Its intentions are unknown, use caution while roaming the seas.

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