Harmonia Tenebrae

A world where the strange and supernatural hides under a veil of normalcy.

Latest World Events

Posted by Snow, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink


100th Game on a NEWBIE!!!!!

My first GM in the game.

Latest Journals

4 days ago: Alan Samuel Cole wrote a Downtime Journal for Tome Tracker

An untitled Journal

Imagine infinity stretching out before you. The vastness of the universe in all its glory. Try to hold in your head the notion of a space incomprehensibly large and deep and wide with everything that exists and more within,. Now imagine that infinity shot through with threads, infinitely long on a completely different plane of measurement, weaving in and around and through one another so tightly that together all the tiny threads of this infinity form a rope, a woven line of infinitude containing infinity at every point along it. Now once more, stretch your awareness out to see the infinitude of these lines branching and stretching out in infinite directions., and surrounded by infinitely more lines that split and branch and fray, some running into another infinity and some fraying into nothingness at varying points.  




You can't imagine it, can you? Not truly. Neither can I. But I remember knowing it. Understanding it. For the briefest second stretched into the deepest eternity I glimpsed the truth of time itself. I remember knowing what I cannot fathom. What is utterly beyond me.  




What I know here and now is that I have so much to learn and so much to grow.  




I reached beyond my grasp. I thought I could distill magic and time and existence down into something small as science. That rituals of knowing, of peering beyond the limits of one infinity into another were mere cookbook instructions. I had to know if there was something left to fight for, if this 'contracting' actually had meaning, or if I was better off cutting my losses and learning to live as him. I couldn't bear the notion, and this time of knowledge made it look *so* simple...




I could not understand what I asked for, nor how to shape the wards needed around my mind to filter the everyeverything down into just what I sought. 




Instead of seeing my home I saw all of the all of the all of me. I can't pull it to mind now that I am once again so very small, but for that instant of terror and bliss I lived countless lives all at once and I can feel some part of it has come back with me. I am not the man I was, and yet I cannot retain the changes, and so can only be who I was.  




What I can say is that everything now is vibrant. I see and hear and feel in ways most people blunt away. I am a man of science who understands how woefully small and ignorant our sciences are. The art of infinity is what I must now come to know, and I have taken only a child's steps. But now...




I see.

1 week, 3 days ago: Momoko Tsuki wrote a Downtime Journal for 'til Death Do Us...

An untitled Journal

I haven't swallowed the bitter pill yet, so I'm still working with what I've already got. I managed to make something, but on the scale of what I know is possible it's basically a toy. And I have no idea how to successfully make another. Why isn't alchemy more precise?


At least now I can use it to fake my way into better research facilities.


On that though, if you find somewhere with some truly old genuine magical texts, you're likely to have two problems. The simple one is translation. This limited me to stuff in English (mostly useless) and in Egyptian. Hidden behind all the ritual and metaphor, I figured a few things out. I *might* be able to imbue something with its own awareness and decision-making, better than AI but not truly a consciousness as I understand it. It would do what I want it to, even work out how to, but otherwise it would just wait for me to tell it what to do. So not even as self aware as a bird.


I shouldn't have tried to do more than that, not yet. Skipping ahead too far led me to open the wrong book. Unlike fantasy stories, it wasn't chained in place or moving about, all it did was hum. I could hear it in the case, I could see it through the glass, I could pick the simple lock. And I did, and I regret it.


I don't think a normal person could hear it, I don't think it would hurt them if they had. I just *had* to take out my loupe though, for a closer look at a diagram. I guess it was the magical equivalent of a fractal, the details just kept going and somehow it pulled me in. It didn't tell me how to wake a machine into full sapience, it woke me. In waking me, it drew my consciousness in. My watch said it was just over three minutes, but it felt like three weeks. Three weeks in a world of nothing but symbols, in a lot more dimensions than a simple three or four, and I understood so little. I'm still deciphering what I remember.

1 week, 3 days ago: Momoko Tsuki wrote a Downtime Journal for Bobasaurus

An untitled Journal

So, I'm learning about new junk. I thought I could leap right in and make magical machines, aka magitech. I was wrong. Instead I'm learning about how magical energies interact with machines. Fun. I want to make a flying motorcycle already.


So, yeah, resonances, sustaining energy, that stuff. So many things to learn, and mostly all I'm figuring out is how to fix things. At least I can fix my bike on the fly, since it seems likely that it'll break a lot in the future.


I want to learn more about magic in general, but none of the people I just worked with know any kind I feel would be useful. So, I went to all the best research libraries I could finagle access to, searched around on the internet, cross referenced texts I didn't have credentials to read, and finally found a couple of those scanned online. Alchemy.


I don't think it'll really do what I need, not alone. It's like how technology won't do it all alone either. Why is this so tough? I didn't expect all the stuff about deities and talking to trees and meditating would help, but it's difficult to find anything actually relevant. I need more resources.

2 weeks, 1 day ago: Alan Samuel Cole wrote a Downtime Journal for Child of the Maize

More research, less flailing.

Things have been quiet for a while, and I've taken some time to reflect on the nature of these jobs.  


I keep hopping in and out of different versions of reality. That alone is useful to me.  For all I know, one of these jobs may take me home on its own.  Maybe that's what these behind the scenes types are prepping me for. 


I can't just trust that, though.  If they're trying to help me, great but this is on me to figure out.  I'm getting better at manipulating the time flow around objects.  Once you decide the mystical mumbo-jumbo on it, a lot of it has to do with something kind of like Gravity, only instead of physical mass, it's perceptional? Objects have a relatively weak "thread" of cohesive time around them.  Easier to manipulate.  Animals, things that can perceive events but maybe not understand them are a bit stronger.  People are stronger than that, because they understand causality and sequentially.  It gives their "thread" more weight. 


If I understand correctly, I can pull an object free of its 'thread' and slide it down a stronger one.  Right now I can use my own. Visually it's weird, like I'm hand it to myself.  The catch is I don't know when I will reach for it.  But if I can learn to do that with stronger threads, maybe I can even do it to my own someday. Pull it free of this timeline and pass it across to another? 

I know this sounds like gibberish, but remember, magic is just science we're not yet in on. If you're reading this maybe it's common knowledge right now.  Or maybe I get myself killed spectacularly, in which case you can take this as What Not to Do. 


2 weeks, 4 days ago: Valentin Reznik wrote a Downtime Journal for Icks Book 1

The knives are sharp. Not that I’ve had much use for them lately.

I keep them ready, though—same as the mask, the coat. Habit, I guess. They say when you let go of something long enough, it stops feeling like a part of you. That hasn’t happened yet. Maybe it never will. Maybe I don’t want it to.

I should be out there. Someone’s always dying in the dark, and I used to be the one to stop it. But I go alone now, and that’s not how it’s supposed to be. We were a team. I was never meant to hunt alone.

I walked past a missing person flyer today. Didn’t stop to read it. Didn’t want to know.

Still, I wonder. If I take another job—another Contract—will I find a reason to hunt again? Or will it just be another ghost I can’t save?

There's still the old touchstones; Borker, Laurence, Dr. Starter, even Kitt. It's been months since the surgery they funded to help me breath, yet I still have the old mask, sometimes I even put it on when I'm at home with Borker. The home they helped me find in that poor town of Goshen.

I feel more at home in this one, safer and more able to make a difference. The old one was too far gone, but it felt like it needed me more.

Maybe I need this one, this world. In that old one I kept wondering what happened to you, but here I'll never find out if something awful happened to you.


Maybe that's better...


3 weeks, 5 days ago: Sarah "Bunny" Brok wrote a Downtime Journal for Adam's Apple (Part 1)

Fun at Home

I woke up at Floyd's place, starting to call it home and getting used to calling him dad. Penny has a youtube channel set up, and used something called a VPN to keep it secret. How do we keep legal stuff away and still get paid? Maybe I could set up a post office box in Canada and fly there to pick up the checks? I don't think people in the US can go after Canadians for trespassing. Or maybe Penny can claim she receives the footage and sends me money, but doesn't know who I really am. That could work. Better than that guy I saw on the Disney video Penny showed me, he claimed he read and memorized someone else's narration then just repeated it. I don't believe a word of it, but I guess that helps if Disney goes after him. He had to climb to see any of the fun stuff, but I can just fly in and claim it's a drone or trained bird.


I'm gonna cry though, Floyd made me some presents! It feels like Santa came late, but did show up. At first I thought it was just a new dress and a choker, but even though they're both really pretty, they do stuff! He said all the stuff he learned to make, he made first for himself, then made others only cosmetically different for people like mom. I think he quit because she died, I'm glad he finds so much joy in making stuff for me.


Is it bad that I'm so amused at his originals of both new toys? His were some mechanic's coveralls and a shiny necklace. Tacky, but he didn't care.

3 weeks, 5 days ago: Sarah "Bunny" Brok wrote a Downtime Journal for First Date

Frozen Storm Drains Are Wonky

I don't know how to host a video, am I really supposed to talk about everything over my exploring? At least I can just record myself and give that to Penny when I get back. I should definitely spend more time as a bird next time, I don't think claiming I have a remote controlled ground drone will stay convincing so I need more human height views. I don't really know anything about drones anyway. Also I need to get better supplies. Simpler maybe.


The Great Lakes are super cold and kinda boring, I don't have any idea what's worth recording here, so I just went into the storm drains. I hope people like that, I got into spots humans could barely crawl through. Maybe I should just say I have teensy cameras and trained animals. Could work.


Anyway, I don't like needing a coat, next time I'm gonna take the time to get an arctic adaptation going. Or at least get warmer tights.

3 weeks, 5 days ago: Sarah "Bunny" Brok wrote a Downtime Journal for Mushroom Hunt

City of Lost Wages

So, after that fiasco, I hitchhiked to Vegas. I thought about going to Los Angeles, or maybe San Ventura, but I figured that Vegas could be more fun to explore, and it sure was! Eventually I'm going to have to sneak around Disney parks and other fun places. Also, Penny's helping me save and edit the video! Yeah, she has dad teaching her how, but she does most of the work.


Anyhow, I wouldn't even have video if I hadn't figured out something I bet no other pwca ever has. That trick to use animal traits to toughen my skin and stuff, it can sort of do technology too! Yeah, it cycles through animal traits while I set it up, stuff like elephant for memory, lots of animals for eyes and ears, but especially electric animals like eels! The eels are the key part, otherwise I could only replay stuff inside my own head. That bit lets me stick a USB cord in my mouth and the other end to a computer or phone, and download the "raw sensory data" as dad (Floyd) calls it.


Other than footage of places most people never see, I didn't find a lot that was super useful, but scrounging for food is super easy there. Lots more food waste than most places I've been.

4 weeks, 1 day ago: Gideon Vipponah wrote a Downtime Journal for Adam's Apple (Part 1)

To become one with the wilds itself...



Now I can truly become one with the spirits of the wild! So far I have gained the ability to merge with a brown bear, a timber wolf, and a peregrine falcon@! Hotame does not yet recognize me in these forms, and the spiritual change is evident in the eyes, but it is one heck of a start! This may be the most important ability I have gained yet! It is hard to explain how exciting I find this to be. This changes everything, and I intend to develop this further and expand upon its capability. I'm just speechless, floored. Certainly there are other things I would like to learn to do, but this one is major, perhaps even key. Of course, its importance may be inflated since it is something I have wanted to be able to do since I was a child, but that is neither here nor there.

1 month ago: Katherine DeLacey wrote a Downtime Journal for First Date

Range Time

So, when I used my new gun, I wasn't really expecting it to shoot ball lightning or whatever the hell that shit is.  Is it bad of me that I'm glad I learned about that little effect while on a contract.  Better not take that gun with me into the field, assuming I'm ever let back into the field again.  Assuming they don't discharge me.  Yet. 

As I've gone on these Contracts, I've realized that I still manage just fine in the moment.  When the adrenalin's high, I'm still me.  It's only in the middle of the night when I wake up shivering and covered in sweat that I'm not the woman I always knew I was.  That I second guess my life and every choice I made that brought me to this point.  

Anyway, Sparky and I went out into the woods to see what She can do and daaaamn.  Let's just say that I feel better knowing I have Her as my back up.  Even if I think I should maybe keep her a little more... discrete... as I move forward.  

Latest Completed Contracts

17 Contracts have been run in this Playgroup


Harmonia Tenebrae is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the supernatural is hidden and explained away, even forgotten by the masses despite it being very real. Here, witch hunts do not happen. Billionaires and Senators employ capitalist greed to control society, and everyone knows. Charlatans might have real power, but no respect, and cults are reviled, not for the worship of eldritch horrors, but for the brainwashing of innocents and violent acts that do make the news. But the world is changing. The advent of the smartphone and its widespread use threatens "The Veil" daily, and the secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to keep control. At any moment it might come down, and then the world could be changed forever...

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from Harmonia Tenebrae Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Harmonia Tenebrae grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in Harmonia Tenebrae again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.
  • Dice Rolling: This playgroup will use a different method of dice rolling, more details on the Discord server.
  • Timekeeping: Time will align with real-world time for the most part, however, this will be playtested and may be changed. This is explained in more depth on the Discord server.

Full Setting Description

This is where the shadows grow long

Most people live their days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around them. Their experiences rarely draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in their midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause them to retreat into comforting lies - 'There are no such things as monsters' - or stir their morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper.

Abandon hope whoever enters here

What if monsters were real? Not as abominations lurking in the shadows… but cunning predators hiding in plain sight? Influencing every aspect of our world in ways we would never dare to imagine? What if you could contend with them? Or even become one of them?

In Harmonia Tenebrae, vampires, werewolves, and monsters of many different kinds are all living among us: an entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight. But the onset of camera phones and the internet threaten The Veil; the baroque web of secrets, ancient conspiracies, and modern upheaval used to conceal the truth few, like yourself, can or even dare to see.

You might be a monster, pretending to be human, fighting for survival and supremacy in a dark and mysterious world. Or you might be something else entirely... Called upon to fight back against the darkness that lies just beyond the Veil by supernatural, mythological, or even scientific means... or maybe some strange combination.

Change the world. You pick the hours.

Either way, you are summoned at the whims of mad gods with arcane agendas to do insane things that are both dangerous and lucrative. The Harbingers have tapped you and Imbued you with knowledge, gifts, and abilities beyond mortal ken, but they do so only in exchange for success. Payment on delivery. 

This is the supernatural gig economy...


World Events

Posted by Snow, 1 month, 1 week ago. Permalink


100th Game on a NEWBIE!!!!!

My first GM in the game.

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