Harmonia Tenebrae

A world where the strange and supernatural hides under a veil of normalcy.

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Posted by Snow, 2 months, 1 week ago. Permalink


100th Game on a NEWBIE!!!!!

My first GM in the game.

Latest Journals

7 hours, 59 minutes ago: Sage wrote a Downtime Journal for Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

The Park is Closed

Even before this latest contract, grandmother had left without telling me. She left me a new message to go with all the ones she'd made before but never gave me. This one told me that she had gone on one last contract, and refused to tell me any details. Tuppence told me the only important detail, grandmother was dead.


All of her arrangements and messages told me that without her the park would change, and be closed to the public. Her intention was to make it a permanent home for all the supernatural beings she'd kept safe. I doubt that I've met them all, but Tuppence decided it was time to introduce me to some.


First the piskies from Cymru (pixies from Wales if you're a colonizer), who explained to me the truth of how the UK was never truly united and that Cymru (said kim-ree) was the first place the English kings had conquered and kept under their thumb. Scotland wasn't exactly conquered, but has had an uneasy alliance for centuries. I think the English should let Ireland be whole again. I know I'm not using all the right words, but I don't really remember them all.


Second were the gargoyles, actual living stone that was discovered hiding in France. They'd spent the days staying still as decoration, but moved about when no humans were there. They know it's safe to move now, they don't have to hide unless I give them advance warning.


Then Tuppence asked me to go to grandmother's estate, a place she hadn't told me about that she used for hosting meetings and conferences with others like all of us. I was to find her kittyhawks and bring them to the park. I was a bit surprised that they have nothing to do with the Wright Brothers, but are actually housecat sized gryphons.


When that was done, Tuppence said I could move into the estate house, and use the grounds however I liked, but to be aware that at any time I might be visited there by all sorts of things. I didn't have to become a mediator or arbiter, not unless I felt ready and wanted to, but the place would always be considered neutral ground for all things humans aren't ready to know. As long as a Zelenko lived there.

Maybe this will work as a new means to prepare the world, since I can't use the park to open imaginations anymore. I can get to know the people and beings I want the world to embrace, and see how they want it done. If they want it done. I'm sure some will always stay hidden.


Now to decide what I want to do with my career, I think it's time for a shift from stunts and pyrotechnics.

8 hours, 49 minutes ago: Sage wrote a Downtime Journal for To Russia With Love

Back Home

When I got home from Russia, grandmother had some things to show me. When the park had closed for the night we went to the largest level, the one with a roof high enough to simulate the sky. We went to the large oak tree in the center, where I learned both why it was there and how.


Someone was waiting for us there, a woman with green hair dressed in... bark? No, the bark is part of her, and her 'hair' is more pine needles, or leafless ivy vines. Her name is Acacia, and she's a dryad. Grandmother had gotten her there with the same transportation magic she had promised to fetch me with if I needed it. A normal tree couldn't come with her, but a tree with a mind and soul could. Somehow the magic could only work with something sapient, or at least sentient.


Acacia insisted to me that all trees do think, and even mentioned that the mycelium web that connects the mushrooms in an area connects trees as well, facilitating conversation in their way. Grandmother admitted that this was true, but that their minds are incompatible with her magic, but Acacia's was close enough.


That's when I decided that we needed more saplings on that level, to bring her friends, or at least 'children' to care for. We had plenty of other places for the sculptures I'd initially chosen to decorate it with. The metaphor of metal that looks alive is fine, but it's not what she needs.

3 days, 21 hours ago: Brandy Reed wrote a Downtime Journal for Empress Ekaterina's Hunger

Step 1 complete.

So that job paid really well, plus Tabby and Sage gave me a bonus since I'm so awesome! So I used it to buy myself a larger plot of land and had my trailer moved there. Once everyone was gone, I turned the house into a double-wide, and now the inside is twice as big as it was too! This is so awesome! I still have money left over, so I think I'm going to go to Lady Van Sterling's castle and see if I can convince her to turn me into a full vampire like her. I really hope she does it! I gotta bring my A-game though if I'm going to pull this off. Talk about shooting the shot of your (hopefully) unlife, amiright? Like, this really could be what that Asian lady spoke about before she showed up; supernatural gifts to fit and shape my entire life.

3 weeks, 2 days ago: Alan Samuel Cole wrote a Downtime Journal for 'til Death Do Us...

Expanding my sight.

Okay, this time I understand the limits.  

Stay local, manage my exposure.

I can do this. 

I focus on the item before me: a leather-bound tome with ever-changing content.  As I look beyond it's three physical dimensions, I see along the line of its existence, back before it intermingled with mine.  As I skim back across, I feel the strange energies mingling with it near its beginning. It's power comes from its magic ink and it is the energy of supernal knowledge which gives it it's abnormal traits.  

As the moment fades, I realize that other knowledge was possible in the beginning, but limited by what I pursued.  I choose another object, and focus again.  This time the remains of the hourglass I ordered from Amazon.  I see the delivery driver fumble the box, his face clear in my mind, as my awareness brushes against his timeline where it mingles with the one I am following. My perception of him blurs along his life, refocusing on a signature he's placing on some document.  All I can catch is the name.  Daryl Hanson.  Before I can resolve anything more about him, I am again in my living room, in front of an unlit fireplace with a tiny space heater in front of it (long story).  About a minute of real-time passed with each examination. 


I continue to practice drawing information from the timelines of objects in my home, but for now it seems I can sense the unnatural influences on an object's history, and an understanding of those responsible for death or destruction.  The latter, likely related to the mystery that I just faced, and the former, my book suggests, is a sympathy to my own abnormal state.


Maybe with more jobs, I can learn to pull more information about more than just objects, but at least I can look with some control into the temporal flow.



Harmonia Tenebrae is a twisted reflection of the modern world where the supernatural is hidden and explained away, even forgotten by the masses despite it being very real. Here, witch hunts do not happen. Billionaires and Senators employ capitalist greed to control society, and everyone knows. Charlatans might have real power, but no respect, and cults are reviled, not for the worship of eldritch horrors, but for the brainwashing of innocents and violent acts that do make the news. But the world is changing. The advent of the smartphone and its widespread use threatens "The Veil" daily, and the secret societies that pull humanity's strings scramble to keep control. At any moment it might come down, and then the world could be changed forever...

Now's a good time to move up.

House Rules

Contractors from Harmonia Tenebrae Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
Harmonia Tenebrae grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • Citizenship: Active Players are expected to GM Contracts from time to time. If you have played as a Contractor in your most recent six Contracts, you are barred from playing in Harmonia Tenebrae again until you GM.
  • Supernatural Powers: All non-mastery, non-concealed Powers must be obviously supernatural when activated or grant a mutation that marks the wielder as supernatural or bizarre if discovered.
  • Dice Rolling: This playgroup will use a different method of dice rolling, more details on the Discord server.
  • Timekeeping: Time will align with real-world time for the most part, however, this will be playtested and may be changed. This is explained in more depth on the Discord server.

Full Setting Description

This is where the shadows grow long

Most people live their days completely ignorant of the true terrors lurking around them. Their experiences rarely draw back the veil of shadows and reveal the horror in their midst. These glimpses into the supernatural can cause them to retreat into comforting lies - 'There are no such things as monsters' - or stir their morbid curiosity. Only a few, however, can overcome their fear and dare to look deeper.

Abandon hope whoever enters here

What if monsters were real? Not as abominations lurking in the shadows… but cunning predators hiding in plain sight? Influencing every aspect of our world in ways we would never dare to imagine? What if you could contend with them? Or even become one of them?

In Harmonia Tenebrae, vampires, werewolves, and monsters of many different kinds are all living among us: an entire supernatural world hidden in plain sight. But the onset of camera phones and the internet threaten The Veil; the baroque web of secrets, ancient conspiracies, and modern upheaval used to conceal the truth few, like yourself, can or even dare to see.

You might be a monster, pretending to be human, fighting for survival and supremacy in a dark and mysterious world. Or you might be something else entirely... Called upon to fight back against the darkness that lies just beyond the Veil by supernatural, mythological, or even scientific means... or maybe some strange combination.

Change the world. You pick the hours.

Either way, you are summoned at the whims of mad gods with arcane agendas to do insane things that are both dangerous and lucrative. The Harbingers have tapped you and Imbued you with knowledge, gifts, and abilities beyond mortal ken, but they do so only in exchange for success. Payment on delivery. 

This is the supernatural gig economy...


World Events

Posted by Snow, 2 months, 1 week ago. Permalink


100th Game on a NEWBIE!!!!!

My first GM in the game.

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