The Park is Closed
Even before this latest contract, grandmother had left without telling me. She left me a new message to go with all the ones she'd made before but never gave me. This one told me that she had gone on one last contract, and refused to tell me any details. Tuppence told me the only important detail, grandmother was dead.
All of her arrangements and messages told me that without her the park would change, and be closed to the public. Her intention was to make it a permanent home for all the supernatural beings she'd kept safe. I doubt that I've met them all, but Tuppence decided it was time to introduce me to some.
First the piskies from Cymru (pixies from Wales if you're a colonizer), who explained to me the truth of how the UK was never truly united and that Cymru (said kim-ree) was the first place the English kings had conquered and kept under their thumb. Scotland wasn't exactly conquered, but has had an uneasy alliance for centuries. I think the English should let Ireland be whole again. I know I'm not using all the right words, but I don't really remember them all.
Second were the gargoyles, actual living stone that was discovered hiding in France. They'd spent the days staying still as decoration, but moved about when no humans were there. They know it's safe to move now, they don't have to hide unless I give them advance warning.
Then Tuppence asked me to go to grandmother's estate, a place she hadn't told me about that she used for hosting meetings and conferences with others like all of us. I was to find her kittyhawks and bring them to the park. I was a bit surprised that they have nothing to do with the Wright Brothers, but are actually housecat sized gryphons.
When that was done, Tuppence said I could move into the estate house, and use the grounds however I liked, but to be aware that at any time I might be visited there by all sorts of things. I didn't have to become a mediator or arbiter, not unless I felt ready and wanted to, but the place would always be considered neutral ground for all things humans aren't ready to know. As long as a Zelenko lived there.
Maybe this will work as a new means to prepare the world, since I can't use the park to open imaginations anymore. I can get to know the people and beings I want the world to embrace, and see how they want it done. If they want it done. I'm sure some will always stay hidden.
Now to decide what I want to do with my career, I think it's time for a shift from stunts and pyrotechnics.