Anomalous Earth

A world where the veil remains intact, no matter the cost.

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A world much like our own, save for the near constant magic happening in the background, deftly hidden from public eye by a host of secret societies. A world where just an idea can kill you, and a world where an ancient power has just awoken. An ancient power capable of granting the spectacular mortals of earth mystical powers beyond imagination... for a price.

Full Setting Description

Magic is real, and it is kept under lock, key, blindfold, earplug, cut tongue, and memory wipe.

Hey, the author (Pyre) here. I'll keep this brief.

The supernatural is startlingly common. But it is all kept hidden by a few groups, the most prominent being the SCP Foundation and GOC (Global Occult Coalition). Prominent does not mean publicly known, though.


I'll also add this simple piece of advice, to be found out as supernatural would be tantamount to death. Unless you plan on breaking the veil and illuminating the entire world, you're not going to be able to make yourself a public figure based on your magic. That isn't to say it's impossible to let anyone know, and that you can't engineer a situation where the watchdogs of the world will let you be, it will just be very difficult.