In an unexpected turn of events, a recently opened bubble tea shop called Bobasaurus has sparked quite the craving amongst those in San Francisco, California. People are raving all over the world to get a taste of these Jurassic themed drinks. A few customers have been bold enough to say these drinks are so addictive, that once you start you can't stop. This has caused many to beg the shop owner to branch out Bobasaurus so other parts of the country can taste this ancient treat.
"Most people know as the home of the gig economy: a website where you can find a buyer for your old couch, and a worker to haul it away. It’s the home of everything from marketplace goods and bespoke commissions to task fulfillment and transportation services. Some whisper about less-than-legal deals being available on a 'dark web' version of The company denies these claims."
Sooner or later, all Contractors receive an invitation to join Offr Red, the secret membership tier. Offr Red members gain access to exclusive high-confidence, anonymous services. They can sell extraordinary items to Offr or put them up for auction for other Offr Red members to bid on. Crafty Contractors rejoice!
On rare occasions, Offr can even make deals to tie up pesky Loose Ends. However, they always demand a special favor in return.