The Dreamsphere

A world where the sleepwalkers hold back chaos and the subconscious becomes restless.

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Posted by SanguineSerpent, 2 days, 1 hour ago. Permalink

The Dreamer's World Awakens

After making their way through the nightmare, the layer of fog that obscured the larger surface of the Dreamsphere has dissappeared.


There now exists a hub area (for those of you without the Outsider condition) that you may visit which can serve as a backdrop for several things such as Moves or Hustles, as well as a store where you can accquire mundane objects.


The Dreamsphere's 'Community' is quite small and undiscovered, finding another (non-player) dreamer is difficult, leaving most buildings empty.

This hub is the bridge between worlds which allows you to visit other Dreamer's hubs, usually via finding them randomly.

You find that the internet does not work here, nor will your electronics (computers, phones, the like), written correspondence or physical communication seems to be the only way of speaking, as of now.


In due time, this world will expand beyond your wildest dreams, i'm sure of it.

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The Dreamsphere is a world born of all minds waking and dead, a world where your memories shape reality and where your will gives you power.

You, as a dreamer, are a sworn protector of mind, reality, and sanity, employed specially to keep the machine running and the waking world safe.
There wasn't an interview process, there was no resume you needed to hand in, you were merely chosen, seemingly at random, by fate or by luck, to do this job.

This world is small, and yet it only keeps growing.

House Rules

Contractors from The Dreamsphere Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
The Dreamsphere grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  • This is My Rifle: Every Dreamer starts with a Legendary Artifact of the player's choice.
  • Endless Nameless: Dreamers cannot die up until seasoned, instead they are forcefully woken up and whatever contract they're playing counts as a failure.
  • My Baby!: Up until Novice level, your Dreamer gains the condition called 'Unanchored', wherein if they are separated from their Legendary Artifact for longer than half an hour, they will suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls that stacks with Stress. (Flavor text of 'You are not yet bound fully to the Dreamsphere, your will being the only thing that holds you to this realm.')

Full Setting Description

Beneath the world, beneath everything, lies The Dreamsphere. A melting pot of all human conscious, and the Dreamers are it's chosen protectors. It's a place where nothing makes sense, where things never before seen exist in droves, where sanity comes to meet it's end.


A closely guarded secret kept away from the waking world, the Dreamers' physical bodies are no more than ordinary humans, but once you fall asleep, you become powerful.

And when you're powerful?

The world lies at your fingertips, to crush and to nurture as you please.

Just so long as the waking world knows not of your escapades.



In the Waking World, the supernatural and the imagined are real, but not a soul believes in them. UFOs, Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster, all of those things were and are real, thanks to the powerful Dreamers who brought them forth from their minds. Thankfully, everything's been kept under lock and key by the Dreamers themselves, allowing the world to maintain the peaceful lull of the collective unconsciousness.

It is only among kindred may knowledge be passed around in the Waking World, else this low hum be disrupted and turned into a torrential chaos.


Your finances are not exactly 'money', but moreso they are 'wishes'. A force you may exert to 'buy' items of your choice. Weapons, ammo, healing supplies, armor. All of it available by merely willing it to be. You have a certain capacity for wishes that are refreshed every month in place of your finances, but if a dream requires it, your wishes will be turned into equivalent currency.


'Harbingers' as a concept don't exactly exist, it is moreso the will of the universe pushing a set of dreamers to keep it safe.

World Events

Posted by SanguineSerpent, 2 days, 1 hour ago. Permalink

The Dreamer's World Awakens

After making their way through the nightmare, the layer of fog that obscured the larger surface of the Dreamsphere has dissappeared.


There now exists a hub area (for those of you without the Outsider condition) that you may visit which can serve as a backdrop for several things such as Moves or Hustles, as well as a store where you can accquire mundane objects.


The Dreamsphere's 'Community' is quite small and undiscovered, finding another (non-player) dreamer is difficult, leaving most buildings empty.

This hub is the bridge between worlds which allows you to visit other Dreamer's hubs, usually via finding them randomly.

You find that the internet does not work here, nor will your electronics (computers, phones, the like), written correspondence or physical communication seems to be the only way of speaking, as of now.


In due time, this world will expand beyond your wildest dreams, i'm sure of it.

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