World of Darkness

A world of vampires, werewolves and other monsters living among us; hiding in plain sight.

Latest Journals

2 years, 2 months ago: Gulliver Archer wrote a Downtime Journal for The Painkiller 2 years, 3 months ago: Angel Cooper wrote a Downtime Journal for There Will Be Blood

Severance, Sand, and Vomit

Mercedes was sort of “traded” for a new job. I guess I was kinda asking to get jumped, wandering around a new city, not knowing the language, not looking like a local, driving like I’m drunk and making a dumbass of myself. Still kinda surprised me, but what paranoid psychopath is constantly waiting and ready to get jumped?


These dudes stopped me, conned me, and I barely got a hit in before they got their lucky shot and knocked my ass flat. They must’ve seen something they liked (hopefully the magicy lookin bat skills) cuz I woke up in this tiny little room and kinda processed things before they came n got me, brought me to someone who looked important and stereotypically intimidating, with an excessive amount of lion tattoo, and had us talk. Stereotypical Gang Leader Guy introduced himself as Tao and speaks alright English. He told me that everyone there does, but not everyone will bother to talk to me, so I gotta watch my mouth. But since then, everyone’s been suspiciously nice. Lots of white guy dreads and gold teeth.


We talked and he made me demonstrate what his guys were talking about; Tao thinks he’s got me under his thumb as some sorta pet power from above freak of nature, which I guess he kinda does… but all the time he’s talking, I can feel the finger I’m missing start to itch. Nothing I could do about it… I had to stay or I felt like they’d all turn on me. Fucking sucked, feeling it get worse over the next few days until I could convince them I needed to borrow a car. Let Tao put a kid/parent style tracker app on my phone and I was fucking gone, looking for those tribal skeleton dudes. Best shot I had.


Two days of driving later and skeleton dudes tell me I gotta help them destroy Big Oil so my whitebread ass can earn their help, which was understandable. Back to the derrick we JUST fixed, lit up in its own product, terrified some assholes, and I’m out back to the dunes for shamanistic ritual time.


I… honestly can’t describe what they did to me. Black Panther type “drink this and get buried” thing. I don’t ever want to get buried again. Gonna fucking sever something again, the ground is too… solid. But the motherfuckers really did it. I can’t feel the rats anymore, not even that phantom limb shit. And I can kinda see people’s outlines moving before they do now- not anything useful, but what IS is the new intuitive sense of what people are saying, even if I don’t know the language. That shit is cool, like my third eye’s been opened. I can do so much goddamn eavesdropping now…

3 years ago: Grace Cyanide wrote a Downtime Journal for Sin Eater


Dear Diary,


Back in Surrey, again. More and more people have caught glimpses of me, and I’ve had to hide from the police a few times. I saw a man with binoculars way off one time when I was grabbing eggs from a pigeon’s nest, looking right at me. He brought out a camera, and I hid. I climbed down the tree and moved away to make him leave. He seemed disappointed…


Another time, a bunch of drunk teenagers came near one of the ruins I like, talking about urban legends. Bloody Mary (there’s not even a bathroom out here), the Big Grey Man (hmm), someone hit his friend because he said something about the Loch Ness Monster, and then one of them started talking about me. ME. I have to get better at hiding… I don’t think they had a name for me, just “the girl in the woods.” I feel like Bigfoot. It’s not that I don’t like scaring mean people sometimes, but it’s weird knowing people are trying to watch me. I’m glad my place in the hill is a little farther away from where I usually hung out.


Speaking of lakes and monsters, I fixed my fear of water. I’ve been scared of it since the first Contract, and really, I don’t know why. It’s annoying being hesitant every time I get near the rivers or lakes. I like the rain. It cleans everything, I mean, now that I have a good shelter I can keep what I want to keep  keep dry what I want to keep dry, and at least get the dirt off my clothes and sometimes the unicorns.

3 years, 5 months ago: Nikki wrote a Downtime Journal for Sin Eater

Sin Eater II


so this is my real voice...well ok....this is as close to my real voice as anyone's gonna hear ever again probably. where to begin. ok. after a convoluted fiasco of leaving harem girl behind and getting shipped to my old manager in LA, I'm now skinriding a homeless guy who was asleep outside my manager's office. I say convoluted fiasco because getting this motherfucker to believe I was me was a chore. Had to work some of my whammy on 'em. my mojo. my magic. but ok. Bert my manager now believes I'm alive. I still don't have access to any of my money, as my estate is in the hands of blah blah blah, financial bullshit. but Bert thinks I'm me. I told him I went to Tibet and became a native and shit. I told him I needed to disappear for a while and get off the H. he didn't think it would take 15 fuckin years to do, but I assured him it did. and then there's the "why do you look like you did 15 years ago" question.  OH YEAH!  I forgot to mention. this is hilarious! when I possessed this bum, I became me! my old self. I look exactly like I used to. it's absolutely killer. I know it won't last forever, because I feel the bum back there occasionally shufflin around and every day it feels like he gets little bit closer to the surface. but hey man, it's good for now. I can't do any of the cool shit though. so while this works for trying to get my life back in order, it ain't gonna work as a battle form. need to be free floatin in my natural state to unlock my Super Saiyan powers. which does blow, I'll admit.


the other place feels, I dunno, further away when I'm like this. the world has color again. it's not like those twisted gray hellscapes everywhere when I'm inside. no Kingdoms of Iron and these bullshit old ghosts acting like kings and emperors and shit. just your usual forms of authoritarianism. and that's the wild thing. it feels like I was only gone from the world for a day. but when I'm in that place, I feel every goddamn day of those 15 years. so in a weird way, maybe I did know time was passing. it's a weird feeling.


but yeah, anyway. I got Bert back on Team Nikki and he's looking into things. we're keeping shit real DL right now. no media, no nothing. all behind the scenes stuff. be nice to not have to get shipped everywhere in a cardboard box. but yeah. I'm here for now at the management agency. I'm sleeping in an apartment they keep upstairs for celebrities who are trying to avoid the press. so. it works. until the day there's a homeless guy sleeping in that bed instead of me. ah well. burn that bridge when we get to it.



World of Darkness has no members and is closed.

This is a world of Vampires fighting secret Jihads over centuries old political and ideological differences. This is a world of Werewolves trying to save themselves from the genocide of globalization. A world of Mages losing the war of reality against rationalism and technology. Wraiths spend eternity fighting for their own souls in a perpetual nightmare while Changelings search for wonder in a world growing jaded with casual skepticism.

House Rules

Contractors from World of Darkness Are portable, and may play in Contracts in other Playgroups.
World of Darkness grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.

Please run games that are thematically appropriate to White Wolf/Obsidian's World of Darkness setting.


Ask BOMBSHELL2150 or any World Judge questions if you have any.

Full Setting Description

"The world is a reflection of our own: it's still Earth, with the same countries, the same people in power, a Starbucks on every corner. However, it is nonetheless a worse place: people care a little less, the boot on your neck grinds a little deeper. Gargoyles peer down uncaringly from nearly every edifice, even as the skeletal fingers of those skyscrapers stretch further into the heavens.* *Despite this, or perhaps because of it, you fight back. The systems of power are unfair. Hell, the world itself is unfair. So you fight back. Because you can. Because you have no other choice, if you want to survive."


This is a world of Vampires fighting secret Jihads over centuries old political and ideological differences. This is a world of Werewolves trying to save themselves from the genocide of globalization. A world of Mages losing the war of reality against rationalism and technology. Wraiths spend eternity fighting for their own souls in a perpetual nightmare while Changelings search for wonder in a world growing jaded with casual skepticism.


This is the World of Darkness