World Events of Realm of mysteries

Posted by GreenAppll, 3 years, 6 months ago. Permalink

The churches solution

the world relaxes and the churches of evernight goddess has solved everything.

Posted by GreenAppll, 3 years, 6 months ago. Permalink

Vessal Of The Fallen Creator

The vessal of the Fallen Creator has been unleashed. +1 difficulty in mind rolls for all natives. War rampages on and fuels the Fallen creator more and more. The aurora order becomes as strong as a orthodox church and is now a threat to the world. 

Posted by GreenAppll, 3 years, 7 months ago. Permalink

War is coming

Tension is rising as skirmishes between kingdom starts ramping up. There was a massacre in a town near Leon Kingdom. A bunch of fleshy mushroom was found there.
Citizens are scared, hoarding food while kingdoms are raising taxes and preparing for war. Churchs are becoming more reclusive but those of the Beyonders know that this war is a battle between the churchs and the cults.

Posted by GreenAppll, 3 years, 8 months ago. Permalink

The Lover has returned

 Everyone with even a hint of supernatural power, suddenly imagines a deck of tarot card flipped over. The card for The Lovers suddenly flip showing Amon with a finger over his lips. 


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