Happy Sunshine Land

A world <insert tag line soon>.

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90s Earth

Supernatural is fairly common, but normal humans will go out of their way to rationalize it somehow.

(Yeah yeah, I'll get around to changing this too)

House Rules

Contractors from Happy Sunshine Land Are NOT portable, and may NOT visit other Playgroups to participate in Contracts.
Happy Sunshine Land grants 6 Experience points to GMs who achieve the Golden Ratio.
  1. No Gifted, and other Restricted options are on a case by case basis.
  2. Everyone starts human
  3. Trauma rolls are at Diff 9
  4. Character are made here and stay here... barring some exceptions


Name of the setting is fixed, because Lumiq didn't believe me


Banned players :

Red, cause he thinks Doctor Horrible is better than Buffy, which is the worst opinion in the history of opinions


Cool players :

Dylan, fellow Buffy fan

Full Setting Description


90s Earth

Supernatural is fairly common, but normal humans will go out of their way to rationalize it somehow. ("That guy on PCP killed a dude and left 2 puncture marks on his neck")


Notable organizations:

The Council, a shady group with widespread reach that hoards knowledge of the supernatural

The Hand of Deva, a religious group that embraces the supernatural