Witched Earth

A world where magic runs rampant.

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It's 1989 and magic has always been around, really.

Well, maybe not always. It's older than recorded history, but not as old as civilization as far as the guys who study it can tell.

"But that's not why you are here, is it? Nah, You didn't come for the history class, you came for the Dealer, right? That's what I thought. Talk to Q, he'll brief you in"

"So, everyone here knows 'bout magic but not everyone can use it, right? You can study it alright, and build all the rituals, and draw all them circles you want, but no magic is goin' anywhere if you ain't got the spark. But the spark ain't that easy to come around now, is it? You can't learn it. You can't buy it. Normally you can't do nothing other than luck into being born with it, and it don't even matter if your mama is a Crafter or your papa is a Witch or somethin'. Some people got it. Most people don't. Ain't no rhyme or reason"

Of course, that's a severe oversimplification, but we don't have time for details right now. The Dealer is coming, and she wants her players

Full Setting Description

It's a magical world, for those with the spark


The spark is the little piece of supernatural force that allows a few inhabitants of Witched Earth to wield the instinctive sorcery they call Core Magic and the well academic witchcraft they call High Magic. The spark makes one nearly ageless, and practice can give one near endless forms of Core Magic.

Core Magic is natural and instinctive and takes no study to use, but it's never flashy or visibly supernatural and it's not as powerful or versatile as High Magic. In game terms, it can show up as any kind of power that isn't visibly supernatural (Minor Mind Control is okay, Fireballs aren't. World Creator has final say on what qualifies).

High Magic, on the other hand, takes an academic approach to bending reality. It takes study to learn and preparation to cast (working, in game terms, much like Vancian Magic) but it's near limitless in potential.


Contractors from this world may start their life with a gift (Pending approval), and the Ageless background.