
Member Since Nov. 17, 2022 | Send lunaticwhale a Message

Sheltered Veteran

lunaticwhale has played 22 Contractors in a total of 106 Contracts, earning 103 Wins, 2 Failures, and 0 Contractor Deaths.

They have survived 3 Contracts where another Contractor died.
View Contractors

Just Manager

lunaticwhale has run 7 Contracts and 0 Moves in 1 Playgroup for 15 Contractors and 7 Players. Contractors in their Contracts received 18 Gifts, failed but survived 0 times, and met with 3 unfortunate ends.

They have achieved the Golden Ratio 1 time.
View Contracts and Scenarios


Edward Graves The Necromantic doctor doctor

17-Victory Professional Contractor from GA5-1921

Caspian Seaver The fisherman warlock

12-Victory Seasoned Contractor from GA5-1921

Grebber The goblin in a bryan cranston morphsuit (sometimes) fella

10-Victory Seasoned Contractor from GA5-1921

Sun Wukong The God trapped in mortal form free monkey

8-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

Gloria The mutant mercenary badass

7-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

Laurence Lowe The skeptic philosophy major reality anchor

7-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

Crane Wilmoth The mothman recluse

6-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

Lacey lace The hungry lad good grandson

6-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

Rollie The sphere sphere

4-Victory Novice Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Caroline (real) The normal office worker serial killer

4-Victory Novice Contractor from GA5-1921

Scriggles The skittish cat-dude mega cat

3-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Benoit Beaumont The mime hitman

3-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Mister Iron Jackal The pugilist gentleman

3-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Others

James Thomson The WW1 'survivor' normal person

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Site 61-9

Blake Brown The audiokinetic moon stomper music wizard

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Elizabeth Vanderson The one armed pirate master of the seven seas

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Sosna The woodland spirit gambler

2-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Mateo Ramirez The magical drug dealer real one

1-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Steve The religious fisherman pastor

1-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Reacharound The friendly neighbourhood gay activist superhero

1-Victory Newbie Contractor from The Others

Socrates The philosopher brainy guy

1-Victory Newbie Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Vihaan Khatri The ghost hunting real estate agent

Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Clifford Hathawaye Sr. The retiree warlock

Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Sir Loin The minotaur knight

Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Paul "Wall" Johnson The wall stalwart defender

Newbie Contractor from The Others

Derek Dinosi The hardcore kid superhuman

Newbie Contractor from Weavers of Fate

Kōji (縞似) The Tanuki master shapeshifter

Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Jackson Park The boxer champ

Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Deceased Contractors

Thomas Taylor The doctor bag holder

A 1-Victory Newbie Contractor from GA5-1921

Contract Record