David Beckel's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

David lives in a homeless shelter in Coco beach Florida, He spends most of his time their helping the staff any way he can, often utilizing his overwhelming strength in order to assist in renovation or hauling. He has neglected his search for employment as he does not like taking money from people ( even when they insist ). Due to David's constant assistance at the homeless shelter, the staff keep "extending" the time on his stay ( although they couldn't bring themselves to throw him out anyway). David's room at the homeless shelter is adorned with crocheted items such as dream catchers, murals of elephants ( his favorite animal ), and coasters. These decorations change fairly often due to David giving them away to people as gifts during holidays and birthdays. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

David receives money from donations and "lottery's" he wins at the homeless shelter, ( which are rigged to give him an excuse to take the money).he spends his money on yarn for his crochet projects, food, water, and clothes ( although he has only been seen buy clothes once). David spends any money he does not see as necessary on donations to local charity groups. He also attends local power lifting competitions in order to make up money for the shelter he is at. Overall David is a broke man by nature as apposed to circumstance, being that his parents abandoned him at a orphanage, he was inspired by the staff to give everything he can to others.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, To Russia With Love

David has an innate desire to help people and defend the weak, which often overpowers his self preservation. David will not kill to obtain his goal unless absolutely and the person is truly evil . His ambition is to become a protector of the disenfranchised and powerless, to overcome adversity through strong will and strength. David discovered that his desires where not only just a part of his personality, but also strong enough to manifest as extraordinary power and strength via the contracts, which he uses in his downtime to defend people in his local area from street crime and hoodlums. He would rather die than kill an innocent person as it goes against his very being. David would sacrifice himself if it meant saving an innocent life.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Seas the day:A loop of mystery

David, at the age of 15, hung out in his orphanage and said good night to everybody before going to bed. When suddenly, David heard a noise outside that sounded out of place. When he went to investigate, he saw one of his fellow orphans being taken by a strange man in a balaclava, which he can only assume lured them out there verbally since he did not see any broken windows or attempts to break in immediately. David lept into action and fought the grown man with all his might. While David was successful, he was badly injured, scaring his face terribly. In the aftermath, even though David was pretty hurt, he felt a rush of warmth he had never felt before; from that day forward, David knew that he must defend the innocent and fight for justice.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Seas the day:A loop of mystery

David's best friend is Mrs. Blum, a 75 year old homeless woman who runs a garden in the backyard of the homeless shelter. David talks with her about her different plants and soil enrichment techniques, and David talks about his new crochet techniques, Mrs. Blum has tried to learn crochet from David, but she says her hands would rather be working in the soil. David in return makes sure to water her orange tree which she named Allen, after he late husband. Outside of Mrs.Blum, David is also friends with the owner of the homeless shelter, Chris Appleton, of which David sees almost as a father figure. Finally, David's other best friend (he doesn't believe in only having one) is his gym buddy named Paul, he's about 100 pounds lighter than David but has just as big of a heart, Paul pushes David on the treadmill, and David pushes him on the bench press.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Seas the day:A loop of mystery

David was abandoned at 1 month old at Crosswinds Youth service in Coco Florida. The staff where well meaning but underfunded, although David was never bothered by the lack of material things he received at a young age, although he was often bullied by his peers due to his facial deformity which made it seem like he had had a knife drawn across his face at odd angles at birth. Overtime David became obsessed at a young age with the old Mr. Roger's neighborhood tapes that where donated to his orphanage, taking in everyone of Mr. Rogers words, and embracing them in his day to day life, helping his fellow children and the care givers when he was old enough. David went to public school and did considerably well, given his circumstances, he would often be the one to help the teacher with putting away chairs and sweeping the classroom at the end of class. The bullying was also a staple of his school life, mostly in the form of taunts and name calling which David didn't particularly care for. David found comfort in the shop class, where he could be found making bird houses and little dioramas of elephants.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Seas the day:A loop of mystery

David feels compassion and empathy for everyone. He has had crushes in the past, but constant harassment over his appearance deterred him from ever asking any girl out on a date. David is a big romantic and believes that one day he will find someone that he will fall deeply in love with. His ideal date is a moonlit dinner on the pier ( a local restaurant) where he and his sweetheart can speak on the beauty of the world. Alas, his priorities as of late have shifted, as now he is focused on becoming the penultimate guardian of the innocent, and that takes up quite a lot of his time and energy.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Tower of God

David's worst fear is letting the people around him down. He had seen the evil of the world and will not stop until he achieves a safer tomorrow. One not governed by fear and selfishness, but one of care and compassion. David also is terrified of every contract he goes on, but he knows he must keep a brave face in order to inspire hope in his compatriots. David never really fears for his own life on contracts, he only really fears for the lives of his fellow contractors and the people that get in his way, as David can only do so much to prevent the deaths of his adversary's. David also dreads the day that Mrs. Blum passes, as he knows she is up there in age and that it might be difficult for him to take care of her garden while he is away on contracts. He hopes to send the tree over to Marcelles nursery in order to take care of the tree for an extended period of time. David also fears making other people uncomfortable with his appearance, as he does not like frightening people. Even Though David fears these things, he will not give up his fight to become the ultimate guardian of the innocent. 

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Tower of God

David's most prize possession is a crochet scarf that his friend Mrs. Blum made for him while he was teaching her how to crochet. The scarf is off amateur construction, with ends not properly tied and gaps in the stitch which make it fairly ineffectual as a scarf. David cherishes the time he spent with Mrs. Blum and the patience she had while he was helping her put it together. David's other prized possession is a 330 pound dumbbell which he won in a promotional event at his local gym. In reality David had no idea that the event was taking place, he was just looking for a dumbbell he could use to do curls that was suitable for his weight. David tied the scarf to the Dumbbell in order to keep both safe, since the scarf was tied tight and the dumbbell would be far to difficult for a normal thief to steel.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Tower of God

David's biggest problem is his employment status. He does not like taking money from people, so much so that he couldn't bring himself to go out and actually get a job. David needs to find a way to learn that a little self interest is not bad, and is healthy. David can take money when it is presented as a gift, or it is sunk into his room without him noticing. David has considered attending the fire academy, but doesn't have the money to pay the 600 dollar fee. He has considered reaching out to some of his fellow contractors, but he doesn't wish to bother them, so he ends up not bring up the issue to begin with. The shelter has also offered to give him the money, but he can't except, since he already see's his room and board as payment enough. David knows deep down that he has a problem, but it will take a lot for him to confront it.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Tower of God

David wakes up at 8:00 to 8:30, depending on what he did last night ( charity work equals 8, Vigilante work equals 8:30 ). After waking up David does the ol brush, shower, and shave and gets dressed for the day. David goes out to the soup kitchen and begins prepping the food for the morning, his favorite meal to make is hash browns and scrambled eggs. David is a vegetarian, (since he feels bad for the animals that would have to die in order for him to eat) so his average breakfast is a coffee protein shake, Hash browns and scrambled eggs, 4 slices of toast, strawberry jelly, and a smoothie. After that David talks to Mrs. Blum a bit and Chris, which usually involves conversations about local news and some jokes. David then watches the local news station on the tv in the dining room to see if their is any crime or accidents he can intervein on.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 6, There Will Be Blood

David would clean his coat up especially well and would take one of his crocheted sweaters if it was a celebration to give it to the host. Not only would he clean up his coat he would also comb his hair and make sure it was neat before going. It would probably take David ten minutes to be ready and out the door. Most of the time David doesn't usually get invited to many special events or party's due to his more humble style of living. David may want to attend more special events in the future after he begins his Altruistic Alliance squad where he'll start the fight for peace. The nicest place David has been is a restaurant in Canada, where he ate some vegetarian Putin which he liked a good bit. Overall David doesn't do very much to get ready for a fancy events since he is not really concerned with that.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 6, There Will Be Blood

David would like to go out to the pier, eat at a restaurant, and look at the waves with all of his friends and tell them how much he appreciates them. After that he would give them all hand made gifts. Although David knows that its not normal to give gifts to others on his birthday, but he feels better when he's giving than when he is receiving so he is conflicted in this sense. At the end of the day, if David has a nice time with his friends, he will be more than happy with his birthday, one way or the other.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 6, There Will Be Blood

David's greatest regret is all the souls that he failed to save. Even when their was nothing he could really do about it at the time, he still feels somewhat responsible for lose of life that happens in his vicinity. David wants to protect everybody, but at his current level he knows that is going to be improbable. Even with this in mind, David continues his work, getting better and better over time in order to create the world he knows is possible; A world that is governed by compassion and wisdom, not corruption and greed, a world built for people to learn and grow, not be exploited and disenfranchised. Although David thinks about the people he's failed, he knows that they will rest easy knowing that he is fighting for there family's, their daughters and sons, their grandsons and granddaughter, and every generation after. The Guardian of peace is coming, and the evil of the world will tremble with fear.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 6, There Will Be Blood

David's powers come from his innate potential as a guardian of peace, miraculously created by a mysterious entity seemingly with the intent of giving the world a champion they can trust. David is able to use the contracts as tests for his zeal, which upon their completion, he gains access to more of his potential. David's powers directly interface with his body before being made manifest, so he is unable to manifest items as powers, ( essentially blocking him from gaining artifact powers ). Another aspect of his powers is the potential to summon similar ethereal being like himself, Great warriors and hero's of the past to fight along him. While he may not have this power yet, he will soon. David imagines that the entity that created him is probably similar to a harbinger, although not as self involved as the others, which is why he is able to use the contracts in his unique way.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 6, There Will Be Blood

David is very spiritual due to the fact that he was created by an otherworldly being. David believes that death is only the beginning, and that there is no true death for someone, only a transition from one form to another. David also believes in karma, and that evil deeds are tracked on an individual which they must pay for upon their death. David believes in redemption, that eternal punishment is unjustifiable, as no crime done in a finite amount of time can be met with an infinite punishment. David's ideology does not fit in with most, as he does not fully align with any of the major denominations, as he believes that the true power of the spiritual world is held by all living creatures, not just a few divine beings, otherwise they would be far more proactive than they are. On top of this, David believes that people can be born either evil or good, and can switch over the course of their many lives.

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 6, There Will Be Blood

David was surprised at first, but was mostly unaffected after learning of his creation. He is not always a fan of what the contracts ask him to do, but he sees it as a test for him to try and make the best out of awful, terrible, no-good scenarios. David does act a little differently around his fellow man after discovering the contracts, both on the side of caution and compassion, since now he REALLY doesn't know how some ones day was. For all he knows, that person just had to chase a leprechaun out of their house in order to get a decent nights rest. He also is more aware of the stage of things, seeing others both below, around, and above him in the contract game, all with their own motivations, some good, some very very bad. David has made friends with some, acquaintances with others, and potential future enemy's with a few.