Gloria's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem

Gloria is currently living in the RMRC, also known as the Root Mountain Detention Centre. The RMRC is a max security prison in California that is known only to the select few as it homes many supernatural entities, mostly being criminals. The prison even sometimes runs tests and experiments on their prisoners. Gloria is in a reinforced cell that accounts for her mutagenically improved strength. She is currently imprisoned here as many Mexican gangs and criminals know here as 'el diablo tranquilo' through often taking jobs and contracts involving bringing the unjust to justice by employing a lot of death and destruction. During this time, she was travelling around Mexico taking these jobs until one day the person she was working for betrayed her and turned her in which is why she got caught and taken to the RMRC

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem

Currently, Gloria doesn't get money except for money she is given for contracts due to being in prison. When she is let out for contracts though, she will spend this money on whatever is necessary for the contract as she has nothing she could spend it on. However, if she was out of prison she would be earning money taking jobs and would use that money to buy new weapons, bullets and explosives along with whatever she needs to complete these jobs and to survive day to day. This allows her to continue doing her job effectively by killing criminals.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem

Gloria's number one objective is to make the world a better place by getting rid of as many of the scummy bastards that are inhabiting it as she can. When striving for this goal, there's only a few places she's not willing to go to achieve it. She's unlikely to be willing to endanger innocent people's life unless it's necessary (although if it is necessary she's not exactly going to cry over it) but she has absolutely no quandaries with putting the life of her or the people she hunts in danger, often going as far as to relinquish them of said lives even if some people would complain that it's stooping down to their level. In terms of her own death, Gloria knows that it's inevitable with how many lives she's taken and so she doesn't exactly run from death even if she may not seek it herself in the end.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem

The most defining moment in Gloria's life coincidentally is also the first moment she ever remembers. The first sight associated with the life she knows know was a cold, sterile lab. And needles. Lots of needles. In this lab, it seemed as if the doctors there were trying to find a way to make a super soldier that they could use for their own ends. This led to the formulation of Gloria's powers as they used whatever they were putting in her with all the needles to mutate her DNA which gave her exceptionally improved strength and accuracy. Despite this, the mutations also took away one of her core functions as a person, the ability to communicate through human speech. This experience created the sense of justice that she holds to this day as these experiments she was put through made her want to make them pay for what they were doing to her and others, just like she does to any other bastard using other people for their own ends.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem


Gloria hasn't talked to many people, even when she was outside of prison she never cared to. But Lucius is one of the people she has seen at least twice since she started the contracts. First when taking the prison bus back to prison and then when he managed to get her freed from prison for some time. This was something she very much appreciated and to show this appreciation, she protected him from the people trying to capture him.


This guy annoys the fuck out of Gloria but at least he gives her the chance to get out of prison every once in a while. His attitude irritates her, his vagueness irritates her and especially the fact that he speaks as if she can speak back irritates her.


The cook who makes her meals. Not too bad food for prison food. Outside of prison Gloria's used to eating food not really made to be good (but rather to last as long as possible) anyway.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem

Gloria's childhood was just about the same as anyone who had been used as a lab experiment from a young age. She doesn't have any memories of parents and doesn't even know if she has parents at all. All she remembers is being experimented on day in and day out. Overall, this created a very turbulent time for Gloria to develop as a person, being filled with a lot of anger and spite. It was only when she was 20 or so that this came to an end. Obviously due to this she had very little education in anything not heling her become a killing machine, instead taking on some of this education picking up small details later in life. As well as this, the experiences she received in this time gave her an unbelievably strong fear of needles and a major superiority complex, thinking that if she was made to be the best of the best then that is what she must be.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, Minestrone Mayhem

Not a single time has Gloria experienced love, as far as she can tell. It's never really been something she's even thought about because she hasn't had those feelings before. She's also always been too preoccupied with other things she found important to even explore companionship as a whole. The closest she's ever gotten is a business partnership (so basically not much). Maybe if she met the right person she could experience something but being in prison currently its unlikely to happen. Being someone who cares about justice a lot around a large group of criminals are unlikely conditions for love to blossom.