Philip Lace Holder's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

When not at duty, Holder lives in the Ascendancy city of Aro, in his parent's house. It is a house in the outskirts, where the rural and the urban melts. It has three floors, and has a medium sized farmland in front, property of his parents but with Holder helping out himself every once and then. Besides that, it is a very average house, the most highlightable part of it being, maybe, the fridge filled with magnets on the family's travels.

The house itself is located near a local, small stream where Holder goes to fish every once and then, and is connected with the city center with a 40 minute tram ride.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

While Holder does get a pay from being part of the Pathfinder corps, he does not give it an use, usually handing it over to his family or handing it over to his teammates as he does not believe in money or capitalism, instead aiming towards an extreme fashion of self-sufficiency. When away from Aro, and presuming he does not have access to the accomodations provided by the ascendancy, he will hunt, craft all appliances he requires, make his own shelter and so on and so forth.

Regarding occasional, obligatory purchases however, these are usually done through the team's budget.