Philip Lace Holder's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

When not at duty, Holder lives in the Ascendancy city of Aro, in his parent's house. It is a house in the outskirts, where the rural and the urban melts. It has three floors, and has a medium sized farmland in front, property of his parents but with Holder helping out himself every once and then. Besides that, it is a very average house, the most highlightable part of it being, maybe, the fridge filled with magnets on the family's travels.

The house itself is located near a local, small stream where Holder goes to fish every once and then, and is connected with the city center with a 40 minute tram ride.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

While Holder does get a pay from being part of the Pathfinder corps, he does not give it an use, usually handing it over to his family or handing it over to his teammates as he does not believe in money or capitalism, instead aiming towards an extreme fashion of self-sufficiency. When away from Aro, and presuming he does not have access to the accomodations provided by the ascendancy, he will hunt, craft all appliances he requires, make his own shelter and so on and so forth.

Regarding occasional, obligatory purchases however, these are usually done through the team's budget.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Holder is a particular man. He is not driven by ambition, for he finds solace in an almost spartan, wildlife, off-grid lifestyle. Now this lays the question, what *moves* him to come out of the forest? That answer is simply boredom, and a thirst for adventure.

This, ironically, makes him an ideal soldier, for he has unlikely to act against orders on a purely ideological or rethoric argument. He understands that he is tasked with a job, that he needs to get out of the way fast, in order to enjoy the experiences that the travel that comes with the jobs he's assigned, which is his true joy and motivator. That was the case during his time in the pathfinders, and so is the case now with these couple khazians that smell like easy prey that needs some protecion from a seasoned veteran.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

The life of Holder lacks any particular turning points, with his life being less defined by Holder himself and more by the direction of his life's 'flow'. Some particularly notable events could be his time at college, where, surrounded by his stoner and low-grader friends he learnt of the Sai'ura religions and about the basic tenants of anarcho-primitivism, which seemed like a favourable alternative to the thought of spending the rest of his life tied to an office chair. Another defining moment for his life could have been his time in the pathfinders, his first time in contact with death itself, but also with killing non-animals. This gave him a certain perception of the corps that would, among other unrelated reasons, lead him to abandon the corps after a handful of succesfully completed missions, for the death of his partners and their almost fanatical adherence to the end goal was too much for him to digest.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Holder, unlike other korite, still has deep ties to hsi family, and whenever he's back in Aro he tends to spend time at the family home in its outskirts. To this effect, the three people that are the closest to him nowadays are:

His father, Francis Holder. He's a farmer that has lived all his life in the outskirts of Aro, owner of a small homestead consisting of three hectars of land employed for the production of different agricultural produce. Hardworking, and mostly tolerant to Holder's deliriums, he's largely the one to thank for a good part of Holder's knowledge of the wild.

His mother, Samantha Holder, one of the girls from the area, daughter of another family of small landholders. She's an accepting woman, which does not bar her from being rather religious and close minded deep down, even if she tries to accept others from time to time.

Finally, his sister, Lucille, technically succesfull, she's a businesswoman in the center of Aro, and the only one capable to compete with Philip's travels in the magnet competition they run at home. She's usually extremely busy due to the requirements of her work, and easily irritable. But she's family.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Holder's childhood was rather normal quite honestly, albeit he did take his studies way more 'clamly' than his peers. He did go to school, but he made a habit of missing class more often than not. "You only repeat the schoolyear if you fail 3 subjects" was his motto, and he more often than ot snuck out of school to have fun with a few friends, or go play in the river near his house. The fact he managed to make it to college was, in all honesty, quite unexpected.

While at school, Holder was part of the 'cool' clique, if only because missing school made him cool in the eyes of his peers, but also the fact that he was unaffected by social pressure nor social attacks, which made him untouchable by those that hated him in this age bracket.

All in all, you could say that since childhood Holder was already showing signs of the character he'd exhibit later in life.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Holder has not been in love nor have a crush of any kind for as long as he remembers. The reason why, well, he does not know, but he theorised that his general antisocial attitude, the high value that he puts on loneliness, and the fact that he manages to... 'handle' his own needs perfectly by himself made him see any possible partners as annoyances more than anything else.

That does not mean, however, that he did never have sex. Effectively, ha has, as he had hooked up a coule of times in college, but these casual sex partners were either particularly bad in bed or just not really a match to what his right hand could do, thus not making him see nor feel any value in a significant other, as it might 'clip his wings'.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Ultimately, Holder's worst fear is his own mortality, to the point of a permanent existential crisis. If the reason was not already obvious by itself to the reader, besides his self preservation instinct, there are a diversity of reasons this is the case:

- First of all, the fact that he has such a close relation to his family means that he would despise inflicting any kind of harm upon them as a cause of his actions or carelessness.

- Secondly, he is also scared of the idea of falling into non-existence. He fears that his existence are his actions, and if he loses his capacity to act, he will lose his existence in a world that will move on having completely forgotten him. While his parents may mourn, there will come a time when they, too, will die and who then will remember Philip Lace Holder? This takes special importance when one takes into account Philip's style of life, as while being off-grid certainly provides some bonuses on account of self-sufficiency, it also means that chances are no one will even ever know if he dies in the middle of an isolated forest, being as if he never existed at all. And he needs to have existed.