I am one of many... and we are a rather rare and unique creature that lives in a small town, sparsely populated but adequately so, of Lachlan. It lies in the land mass called Ireland and Lachlan is a place of many lakes. We like it here because the environment, the isolated communities of people, the atmospheric density, all combine together to give us an area where we can live and hunt freely. You see, we are a beast of the seas, a legend that most outside of this European land mass don't even know if they believe or not... We live here because it's easy to hide and our prey is plentiful. Our home is the great seas itself or deep lakes wherein we can dive beneath and lurk, patiently waiting while our prey steps ever closer to our hideaway. Humans would think it is foul here, so we go elsewhere to meet because the smell of death and decay would turn many away before they were close enough...