Caspian Seaver's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

Caspian was originally born and raised in Blackpool. Blackpool is a coastal town in Lancashire that is split between the pier which acts as a flashy working class tourism spot and the town itself is quite deprived, even for northern standards. Although, currently Caspian is staying in Bolton within Greater Manchester. This is because he goes to university there and, after being pestered by the voice of the Kraken in his head, he has taken to studying Marine Biology. He specifically chose this university because it is nearby and avoids the possible snobbery that could come from going to a university down south, as well as being generally much cheaper.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

Currently Caspian gets his money from his part time job. Caspian works in a rescue centre for aquatic life. previously he would have got his money from his family's small time fishing business but after moving, he started off volunteering where he works now and then stayed on to do it part time and get payed for it. In terms of spending, much of Caspian's money goes towards his student loans and living finances. Other than this, Caspian mostly just spends his money on everyday things based on the whims of him and the kraken. everything other than this is likely to go into some sort of savings.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

Currently, Caspian has very few major ambitions of his own. He is trying to find his own path in life as to not have to rely on the family business. Other than that, even though he finds the Kraken incessant and irritating, he appreciates that the Kraken has given him a path to go down and a higher calling of some kind vicariously. Due to this, Caspian often follows the advice and goals of the Kraken where he can which has led him to the contracts and directly opposed to the Sons of Ahab. This has put him near the possibility of death and will most likely to continue to do so again and again, the death of fellow contractor David Jones at the hands of Captain Monica Rexx emblazoning him to go even further down this path and risk his life more to be a pain for the group. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

 The most defining moment of Caspian's life was when he fished a mysterious trident out of the sea at Glynn Wall which he later discovered was a fragment of the Kraken. When this happened, upon picking it up and holding it, Caspian felt a strong urge to keep the trident. After a while, Caspian started to hear the voice of the Kraken in his head who would quite often try to speak to him. Caspian got the feeling that the voice was real and he wasn't insane after a few unexplainable events happened to him involving the trident. First, it came back to his hand after he tried to throw it away. Another thing it did is that it collapsed into a pocket knife.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

The Kraken-

The voice of the trident itself. The trident is a fragment of the Kraken after being 'killed' (supposedly). The Kraken is a commanding presence (or as much as you can be when you usually have little power over the person you are speaking to) and often tries to command Caspian to do it's bidding. This often comes through in helping aquatic life or fighting the enemies of aquatic life, like the Sons of Ahab. Although recently, due to a deal made by Caspian with Midas to save the life of his fellow contractors, the Kraken has gained significantly more power over Caspian, for better or for worse.


Crab is exactly what his name suggests and Caspian met him on their last contract in which they fought the SoA. Crab is actually the reason Caspian had found out he had gained the gift of speaking to aquatic life as Crab showed up to move in to Caspian's uni accommodation and when this happened Caspian could fully understand him. As a roommate, Crab doesn't do many chores (although how much could you expect from a crab?). Despite this, Crab seems to somehow always have money to pay towards rent for the accommodation. The how always eludes Caspian, but it seems as if Crab steals the money.

Laurence Lowe-

one of the few university students Caspian somewhat regularly talks to. Neither have realised that they are contractors or even supernatural in any way (although Laurence has not even realised he himself is either). An unlikely pairing, both for some reason just seem to enjoy the other's company.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

Caspian had a quite normal childhood. Loving parents, both alive, public school, so on. His parents would try to provide for him (to the best of their ability living in a deprived area) and raise him to the best of their ability, and didn't do too bad of a job in doing so. In school, he may have not been the most popular at any point but at least he balanced that out through his aptitude to pick things up quite quickly and be generally decent at a good range of things. Among these, he found a special affinity for biology and physical education (especially anything involving throwing as, even when he was young, he had a good arm and hand eye coordination). Sometimes there would be a chance he would get in fights with peers, often being due to them saying or doing something or they are just generally trying to pick a fight. Despite this, he did manage to form a small group of friends.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 3, The Last Stand of David Jones

In Caspian's early life, he never exactly found someone he was exactly 'in love' with traditionally, leading him to believe he was aromantic. The issue is, he's not exactly capable of testing this out currently. Having the Kraken in your head and being at the whims of it doesn't exactly make it easy to date. Due to this, he's not exactly looking at all at the moment. In fact, he is very unlikely to go looking as his situation is, unless someone particular came along that broke this view (even dating them would be awkward at best due to the Kraken though).