Ains Ladeen's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 7, Night Terrors

Ains Ladeen lives off the coast of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia, often described as big enough to be considered its own town, the Ladeen estate consists of the main Ladeen manor, outfitted with hundreds of seperate rooms including an olympic sized pool, a grand ballroom, an ampitheater which doubles down as a runway stage, one of the largest movie screens money can buy, and several other luxury commodities that no average person would need.

Alongside dozens of kilometers of land, there exists a runway for one of the several private jets that the Ladeens use to commandeer their exploits, storage for airplanes, vehicles, accessory dwelling units littered nearby for employees of the Ladeens, majority of all the essentials remain within the Ladeen estate.

Ains Ladeen lives there because the Ladeen Manor remains his birthhome, however, one identifying reason he enjoys it there is because of the security it provides, being the son of one of the most successful industrymen in the world has led to much unwanted attention, a fully staffed security team runs on the premises at all times.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 7, Night Terrors

Ains had never had to work for his wealth, earning it all through his allowance that his mother provides him, despite this, it fluctuates based on his grades, sometimes he has access to hundreds of thousands of dollars, sometimes none at all, the things Ains spends his money on mostly are all on vanity, expensive sportscars, the latest technology, high end computers, practically the definition of snobby, overspending, however, Ains has learned through true trial and error that it doesn't hurt to have a little cash to burn during contracts, as he's bought several invaluable items as hes progressed on contracts.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders
As Ains pushes on forwards to his goal of becoming the ultimate supervillain, his ambition reaches towering heights. He yearns not just for wealth or influence, but for absolute control over the world around him. His ultimate goal is to reshape reality itself, bending it to his will and demonstrating his dominance over all obstacles in his path.

Ains is willing to traverse the darkest paths imaginable to achieve his ambition. Manipulation, coercion, and exploitation are merely tools in his ruthless arsenal, used without hesitation to dismantle any opposition that dares to challenge his supremacy. The notion of taking lives, while not a preference, is seen as a regrettable necessity in his pursuit of absolute power.

Ains would push the limits to achieve his goal, finding the thin line between success and death, he would do anything to achieve his goals.


4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

For most of his life, Ains had been blissfully unaware of his financial status in the world, preschool and daycare weren't typically places where Ains would see the ultra poor; street scum of the earth, everything around him was surrounded by pearly white gates and silver platters, once Ains had come to the age where he could percieve things and the world around him could he understand his position in the world.


It all started when he was laughably chattering with his closest friends when in an offhanded remark, Ains heard from one of the children:

"My Daddy said that we are going to new york to see the latest broadway show! he said that we were even going to be able to get First Class seats!"

Now you see this suprised Ains, because as far as he knew the only people who ever flown on daddies plane was their family. It turns out some peasants considered flying in a stuffy uncomfortable big metal tube with a bunch of other sweaty commoners was a positive thing, even a desired thing.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

Cercyon Vulcanus

Once the closest person in Ains' life, he was his bodyguard, a strange fellow, with red skin all over and a demonically religious attitude about life, he was the closest thing Ains had to a true friend ever in his life.

When Cercyon died, Ains had felt a pain that he had not quite felt before, he had friends, plenty of friends, but not friends who had once saved his life, not friends who he could adequately call his equal.


 François Arnaud de Baudin

The best representation of a father figure in Ains' life, François had been there for Ains practically since the beginning, being the one to create his high tech suit, they were stuck together, thick through thin.

 François' death at the hands of Cercyons ghoul counterpart was the final straw that broke the camels back, being there to witness his friends death as Cercyons car peeled away would remain always as a permanent reminder in Ains' life that He Messed Up.


Tanya Yelenovich-Ladeen

Ains' mother, Tanya had been in Ains' life from quite literally day 1 (or even day 0, having been in her body for 9 months), she taught Ains practically everything he knew about high living.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

Ains' childhood was marked by privilege and isolation. His parents, prominent figures in high society, were distant and focused primarily on their own ambitions and social standing. They provided him with the best education money could buy but were emotionally unavailable, leaving Ains to navigate his formative years largely on his own. He attended prestigious private schools where he excelled academically but struggled to connect with his peers. Ains' aloof demeanor and early understanding of social hierarchy made genuine friendships elusive. Instead, he observed and learned to manipulate situations to his advantage, honing his skills in strategy and influence even from a young age.


In essence, Ains' childhood was one of privilege tainted by emotional neglect, shaping him into a self-reliant yet spoiled individual which would eventually shape him into his fathers ambitions of transforming Ains into the heir of the Ladeen family, the best CEO a CEO can be.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

Ains has never experienced love in the conventional sense. His upbringing and subsequent focus on ambition and power left little room for emotional attachments or romantic entanglements. From a young age, Ains understood relationships more as strategic alliances or transactions rather than avenues for genuine emotional connection.


In his earlier years, before fully embracing his ambitions as a supervillain, Ains did have two friends whom he considered comrades. Cercyon and Francois, they were allies that brought a source of comfort and understanding in a world where genuine connections were often scarce.

These friendships were marked by a rare sense of camaraderie that Ains seldom encountered elsewhere in his life. They were allies in navigating the complexities of their upbringing, offering each other support and understanding in a world where genuine connections were often scarce.


Ultimately, the bonds of friendship were shattered by their devastating losses, The destruction of these friendships served as a stark reminder of the sacrifices demanded by his ambitions, reinforcing his belief in the necessity of detachment and self-reliance in his quest for ultimate power.

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

My greatest fear would likely be losing everything that defines me — my wealth, power, and influence. Growing up in opulence and having everything handed to me, I've become accustomed to a life of privilege and entitlement. The thought of losing that status terrifies me because it's all I've known.


Beyond the material possessions, there's also the fear of losing control. As someone who relishes in power and authority, the idea of being at the mercy of others, or worse, becoming insignificant or powerless, is deeply unsettling. It would shatter the image I've cultivated of myself as a formidable force, possibly revealing vulnerability or inadequacy beneath the facade of confidence and arrogance.


Moreover, losing everything would mean facing a reality where I have to confront who I truly am, separate from the wealth and privilege. It could mean facing disappointment from my father, whose hopes for me to make a mark on the world would be dashed. This fear is not just about losing material possessions but also about losing face, losing respect, and losing any chance of redemption or transformation.


Ultimately, my greatest fear is the loss of identity — the identity that I've constructed around wealth, power, and being untouchable.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

As Ains Ladeen, my most prized possessions are not just material objects but symbols of my status and power. The first would be the sprawling, modern palace in Saudi Arabia where I reside. It's not just a home but a testament to my family's wealth and influence. Its grandeur reflects my position as heir to the largest oil company in the world, a reminder of the legacy I am set to inherit.


Another prized possession would be my collection of powerful and ultimately unattainable powers to the common person, to be able to become such a powerful individual compared to the average person, its unlimitlessly priceless, to be able to do supernatural things is unique.

Each possession is special because it reinforces my identity as a powerful figure destined for greatness. They are not merely items but extensions of my ambition and the means through which I assert my dominance and ambition in the contractors competitive and supernatural-infused environment.

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

The biggest problem in my life right now is the weight of expectation from my family and society. Born into immense wealth and privilege, I've grown up surrounded by opulence and entitlement. However, instead of embracing my responsibilities and proving myself worthy of my family's legacy, I've become complacent and apathetic. My father, a successful figure in the world of business, has always hoped I would rise to the occasion and make something meaningful of myself, but I've failed to find my purpose or drive.

This lack of direction has left me feeling conflicted and trapped. On one hand, I have access to every luxury and opportunity, yet on the other, I feel the pressure to live up to expectations that seem increasingly unattainable. The prospect of becoming a CEO and inheriting vast wealth and power is daunting rather than empowering. It's not just about achieving success; it's about finding genuine fulfillment and making a positive impact.

11. Describe a typical morning. How do you get ready to face the world?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

A typical morning for me, Ains Ladeen, kicks off with my alarm blaring at dawn. I snooze telekinetically—twice—before dragging myself out of bed. In the bathroom, my toothbrush floats to life, making the mundane a bit more magical. I get dressed with a touch of stylish flair, telekinetically fastening buttons and smoothing out wrinkles.

Breakfast is a spectacle of flying utensils and ingredients as I whip up eggs Benedict with levitating toast. My mother, Tanya, often checks in, fussing over my appearance, which I counter with a playful eye roll and a grin.

I pack my school bag, careful to keep my powers a secret from classmates. Before leaving, I pause at a photo of Cercyon and Francois, silently vowing to keep their memories alive.

Stepping out, I’m ready to tackle the day with a mix of mischief and determination. After all, life’s an adventure, and I’m just getting started.

And there you have it, a snapshot of how I Ains Ladeen, prepare to face the world each morning.

12. If you were going somewhere special that you wanted to look your best for, what would you do to prepare? What would you wear? How long would it take you to get ready?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

First off, I’d start the evening before with some well-deserved self-care. A luxurious bath with scented oils and a few floating candles (thanks to my telekinesis) sets the tone. I’d follow this with a good night's sleep to ensure I’m well-rested.

On the day of the event, I’d wake up a bit earlier than usual to give myself plenty of time. A thorough grooming session kicks things off—think meticulous shaving, a refreshing facial mask, and, of course, a perfect hairstyle. I might even use my powers to help style my hair just right.

Next, I'd choose my outfit. Given the occasion, I'd opt for one of my custom-designed suits, something sharp and stylish. Perhaps a deep navy suit with a crisp white shirt, paired with a silk tie and polished leather shoes. Every detail would be immaculate, from the cufflinks to the pocket square.

The entire process would probably take around two hours. I enjoy taking my time to ensure everything is perfect.

Finally, a spritz of cologne, a final check in the mirror, and I’m ready to go. Looking my best isn’t just about appearance; it’s about feeling confident and prepared to make an impression.

So, with a bit of preparation and a lot of style, I’d step out looking and feeling my absolute best, ready to dazzle and delight.

13. What will you do for your next birthday?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

For my next birthday, I'll plan an unforgettable celebration on the Ladeen superyacht off the coast of the Red Sea.  I'd enjoy gourmet cuisine, live music, and a stunning sunset view. I'd expect fun activities like water sports and a surprise firework show to cap the night. It'll be a day of laughter, luxury, and memorable moments, blending my love for adventure with the elegance befitting a Ladeen celebration, enjoying it with my mother and hopefully my father, even though he's often unavailable to participate in such outings, I'd make sure that the extravegance brought by the festivities would be unmatched however, father or not.

14. What is your greatest regret?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

My greatest regret is the tragic loss of Cercyon and Francois during our mission in the sewers. Cercyon, exposed to the wormwood gas on our first ever mission, transformed into Zercyon upon death, turning against us. Cercyon and I had been walking through the sewers, hoping to capture one when we were ambushed by hordes of ghouls. Seeing Francois killed by the now-zombified Cercyon on that beach is a memory that haunts me.

I regret not being able to save them, despite all our experience and camaraderie. Their deaths weigh heavily on me, a stark reminder of the dangers we faced together. This loss, coupled with my own close brush with death, fuels my determination to honor their memories and ensure that their sacrifices weren't in vain.

This regret has shaped me, deepening my resolve to protect those I care about and to find a way to make their lives, and deaths, meaningful.

15. What is the nature of your Gifts? Are they inherent potential? Do harbingers just grant your wishes?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

I like to think that the Harbingers simply just activated what was already deep inside of me, ha! I doubt I'd be able to live up to my truest potential without them, although definitely the true augmentation of my abilities came from the Harbingers, being mystical entities who granted me extraordinary powers in response to my desires and latent potential. They didn’t simply grant my wishes like a genie; instead, they enhanced what was already within me and unlocked new dimensions of my abilities. Each Gift seemed to align with my personality and aspirations, suggesting a deep, intrinsic connection between my inherent potential and the powers bestowed.


My Gifts are a harmonious blend of inherent abilities and the mystical enhancements granted by the Harbingers. They reflect my personality, my desires, and the latent potential that has always been a part of me. Through these Gifts, I navigate a world filled with challenges and opportunities, always striving to honor the memory of those I've lost and the legacy I aim to build.

16. How do you feel about spirituality? Are you religious? What do you believe?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

Spirituality is a complex and intriguing aspect of my life. While me? I wouldn't call myself traditionally religious, ALTHOUGH, I do believe there's more to the world than meets the eye. The Harbingers and the gifts they've bestowed upon me are proof enough that powerful, unseen forces exist.

I respect my family's Islamic heritage, and I do participate in cultural and religious traditions out of respect for my parents, especially, ESPECIALLY for my father, Yusef. However, my own beliefs are more eclectic. I find wisdom in various philosophies and spiritual practices, drawing from them what resonates with my experiences and inner truths.

The idea of a higher power or guiding force is something I can't ignore, given the extraordinary abilities I possess and the challenges I've faced. Ultimately, my spirituality is personal and ever-evolving, a blend of reverence for the unknown and a quest for understanding the deeper connections in life.

17. How do the events of the Contracts conflict with your worldview? How do you react when everything you thought was true is put in doubt?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

The events of the Contracts have profoundly shaken my worldview. Growing up as the son of a wealthy oil baron, I was accustomed to a life of privilege and control. My abilities, granted by the Harbingers, seemed to affirm that I was destined for greatness, destined to shape the world around me. However, the chaos and loss during the Contracts—Cercyon's transformation, Francois' death—have thrown everything into doubt.

The Contracts exposed a darker, more unpredictable side of the world, where even my powers and wealth couldn't protect those I cared about. It forced me to confront the limitations of my control and the harsh reality that life is fragile and often unfair. The knowledge that Cercyon's zombification was the result of a previous mission's exposure to the wormwood gas, and not some malevolent scheme, only deepened my sense of vulnerability and confusion.


When everything I thought was true is put in doubt, my initial reaction is one of disbelief and frustration. My usual coping mechanism of humor feels hollow, and the weight of my losses becomes almost unbearable. However, I am nothing if not resilient. I delve deeper into understanding the true nature of my abilities and the forces at play, seeking out knowledge and allies to make sense of the chaos.

18. Give a brief description of the other Contractors you see often. What do you like or dislike about them?

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

Harry Johnson: Harry’s the type who never backs down from a challenge, especially in the ring. He’s got this raw determination that’s pretty impressive, you know? Growing up tough in San Fran, he’s seen it all—joy, struggle, and everything in between. He’s Boss Bear in our crew, always pushing to be the best fighter out there. I respect his drive, but sometimes his impulsiveness worries me. You gotta watch out for him, but you can’t deny he’s got guts.

Iktan: Now, Iktan’s a different story altogether. He’s like this wise sage wrapped in mystery. Lives in the jungle, deep into all these ancient rituals and stuff. We sparred once for a top spot in our crew, and while I came out on top, Iktan’s cool with it. His dedication to his craft is admirable, but the whole necromancy thing? Yeah, it’s a bit eerie. Still, he’s got this calm vibe that’s reassuring, even if I don’t always get where he’s coming from.

Working with Harry and Iktan is like navigating a maze—you admire their strengths, but you gotta be wary of their edges. They bring skills to the table that we need in the Maul, I'm lucky to be working with them.

19. Describe the perfect room.

Link Answered after Contract 8, Ghost Riders

The perfect room for me would marry sleek modern design with state-of-the-art technology. LED lighting would be fully customizable through a smart home system, adapting to my activities and mood. Interactive digital walls would display rotating art pieces or panoramic views, all changeable with a touch.

Furniture would be both stylish and functional, featuring built-in wireless charging stations and hidden compartments for seamless organization. A central entertainment hub would boast a large, high-definition screen with surround sound, controlled by voice commands or touch panels.

Automated climate control and smart windows would ensure optimal comfort throughout the day, while a sophisticated home office setup with a minimalist desk and ergonomic chair would cater to productivity needs. High-speed internet and integrated smart devices would complete the room, providing connectivity and convenience at every turn. Overall, the perfect room would blend cutting-edge technology with elegant design, creating a space where relaxation, productivity, and entertainment harmoniously coexist.

20. Everyone excels at something. What is your philosophy about the thing you are best at?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Passing the Hours

The thing I excel at most is developing connections with others. My philosophy around this skill is rooted in understanding and empathy, but recently, I've started to hone my stealth-based powers. I believe that to truly connect with people, you must see the world from their perspective, often from the shadows, unnoticed. This isn't about manipulation; it's about finding common ground and building genuine relationships, even if it means gathering insights quietly and strategically.

In my world, where power and influence can be everything, the ability to read a room and adapt my approach is crucial. With my stealth abilities, I can observe without being seen, understand unspoken dynamics, and gather critical information. This helps me respond thoughtfully and strategically, ensuring that I connect with people on a deeper level.

Charisma isn't just about charm; it's about authenticity and making others feel valued. Using my stealth skills, I can protect these connections, intervening discreetly when necessary to ensure their safety and loyalty. This approach not only builds trust but also fosters cooperation and loyalty.

21. What do your Limits say about you? What would it take to make you break them?

Link Answered after Contract 9, Passing the Hours

My limits—betrayal, anguish, and capture—reveal much about my core values and resilience. Betrayal, being misled or lied to, is a direct assault on my entire philosophy in life, coming from a long line of Ladeens, It’s not just a breach of trust; it’s a profound wound to my belief in authentic relationships. Anguish, enduring extreme physical or mental agony, tests my endurance and mental fortitude. Though I've faced challenges, relentless torment can erode even the strongest resolve.

Capture, being held against my will, challenges my sense of freedom and control. My abilities and my influence hinge on my autonomy, and losing that would be a severe blow to my identity.

To break my limits would require a profound betrayal from someone I deeply trust, relentless and unbearable agony, or the experience of being captured and stripped of my freedom. These would push me to the brink, testing every ounce of my resilience and determination.