Charlie Blackstone's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

Charlie Blackstone (which from this point forward will be referred to as EX-C) currently resides within the Silverwolf Inc. location in Maine. After a series of incidents that slowly revealed their location, she abandoned her home upstate under the pretense of “investigating the shady fuckers” but quickly integrated into the community. EX-C seems to have dropped her suspicions entirely after several months, in no small part due to the relationships formed there and her new partner, which has seemed to placate her nearly entirely. Her on site living quarters are standard, and have not been outfitted with any surveillance equipment other than what is on her computer and cellular phone, due to concerns of her being able to pick up the sounds of recording devices.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

EX-C is currently under the employment of the Silverwolf Maine Location, working as assistant medical staff, and on occasion as one of their *Hunters. Her income is supplemented by the bakery she owns upstate. Her funds usually go back into being saved for her hesitantly allowed expeditions to human society. Despite the complaints from higher ups, these are allowed to ensure EX-C is pacified and will hopefully eventually stop of her own volition. 

*Hunters: Elite members of Silverwolf communities that serve as multi-talented mercenaries. Her skill set is centered around investigation, making her a valuable asset when it comes to objectives that need to be handled with a bit more care, such as missing persons and catching elusive enemies of the company, regardless of her unwillingness to use her transformation, which is worrying.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

My end goal? Do you really need to ask? I’ll give you three guesses.

No? Okay then. I want full societal integration. I want people to be able to walk around a city in whatever form they choose to be. It’s funny really, I feel so wrong everywhere I go, so I want to find a middle ground. Too weird for the normies, too human for the furries. I want both these worlds to exist in a single space, so I don’t have to pick and choose one or the other, the weirdo or the spectacle. Eventually these little Silverwolf compounds won’t need to be, and I can live my own life without having to hide the important bits. I dunno, maybe I’m rambling.

Would I kill for it? I’d prefer not to.

Would I die for it? Only if y’all give me a sick ass martyr statue or some shit. I plan to live in the world I built. Selfish, I know.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

On October 16th, 2016, at 2:47 am, EX-C awoke and made her way to the kitchen, likely to retrieve a glass of water or something similar. Upon entering the kitchen however, EX-C was exposed directly to the moonlight from the kitchen window (which had not been present before this point due to her insistence on hanging thick curtains across her windows at her request). The result of this was a transformation which lasted a total of seven minutes and thirty-two seconds, but it had not finished before she had ripped the refrigerator door half off, and proceeded to consume every available source of protein within it, and any other foods that could be safely accessible without hands.

As the house was empty, EX-C woke up the following day and managed to put together what had happened. Fortunately this had seemed to be the best turning point we could have gotten, mainly because it inspired *caution* but not *fear* for her abilities. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

Mary: She’s my… partner for the time being. Lovely woman, but I guess I don’t really trust her? Came onto me too fast, is too high up in the company to really be separate from anything that is going on. Or maybe I’m just really fucking paranoid. Probably not. Things just have me on edge, y’know? Don’t know who’s a victim, who’s in on it, if I’m reading too far into things.

Sal Winter: I work with her as on site medical. What do you call a were-sheep? That’s what Sal is. Eternally cross, but she’s good enough company. Trying to get information from her is like pulling teeth. Out of cement. 

Wallace Lost: My ex-boyfriend. We didn’t have any major falling out or anything, we just kinda realized halfway through that he didn’t swing my way at all. Which is frustrating, but he’s still a really good friend of mine. My best human friend anyways. I was like *this* close to telling him about the whole werewolf thing. But alas.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

EX-C was put under the care of two researchers, ██████ █ █████ and █████████ █ ███████, under the pseudonyms of Christine and Carl Blackstone. They were assigned with several objectives, but their biggest objective was to raise EX-C in such a way that she would become largely independent. Week long trips away. A constantly rotating cycle of nannies which had eventually halted all together by the time EX-C was fourteen years old. These attempts made her rather self sufficient while still building on her intrapersonal skills with her peers. It was of her own volition that she switched to primarily online schooling, giving her more free time during the day. In the long run we figured that with this upbringing it would make her the best candidate for Hunter leadership out of all other experiments of her batch. EX-E, EX-I, and EX-J, will respond better to a more mature authority figure.

Note: EX-N is still unaccounted for, and was last seen in west Virginia, heading north.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 11, PBSNP

Ah, yeah, Wallace. He is like, currently my best friend who is also a human. Him and I dated back in high school for a couple months with just hanging out and holding hands, before a couple months later he did the whole dramatic speech about him not feeling the same way about me, because he thought he was gay. I’m going to be completely honest, I was a little pissed, but when I managed to calm down, I was able to let that go, and then immediately turn around and set him up with my other friend Joseph. I still played “cover girlfriend” for him a while after that, and we turned into really great regular friends. Heck, I even dated his older sister for a bit, and she would tell me all the things I needed to make fun of him.