Jann Melmouth's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jann Melmouth's first Contract.


Well, honestly, I live in New York because that's where I've always lived. Grew up here. Right now, I'm bouncing between friends' houses, can't really find a place of my own yet, but it's fine because I pay my way with sweets. Gotta get one thing right, if it's just one.

I ain't even got a car. It sucks, but ey, it's the way I live, so it's all chill. One of my best friends lives in Queens - gotta big sweet tooth, she's always said, and I'm just catering to it. So I mostly sleep on her couch. She buys me ingredients, and she's always the first one to try my newest pastries. Wouldn't trade Gemmie for the world.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Smart Cruise

Well, I work where I can - I get angry easy, but I really don't wanna hurt nobody. Bouncin' between jobs, pastry kitchens, even been a sous chef one time, all of em' jobs I got workin' with sweets and shit like that. I love it, I really do - but I can't just eat that, y'see. I spend my money on real food, good shit, healthy. And then I try to make it sweet, cuz' why shouldn't I? I like it.


I gotta bit of a secret, though. I'm tryin' new things, better things, weird things. Lookin' up occult stuff. I wanna make my food the best there ever was, better than anybody else can make em'.