Jasmine Olivia Bartholomew's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Hand That Leads You

I live in Paris Texas. It's a small little town southwest of Texarkana. I moved here cause it was cheap, and peaceful. I was told I needed to get away from the stresses of city life for my mental health. 


My house is pretty old and small, but it's enough for me. I have about 5 acres of mostly trees, a little dirt driveway and a grassy back yard. There's a back porch where I can watch the wildlife that comes by. The house itself has an open floor plan, where the kitchen, dining room, and living room are just one open room. The dining room has a large open window to the back yard. I do most of my work there. There's a single large bedroom and a decent sized bathroom with a whirlpool garden tub... though the jets don't work. I really should get that fixed. In the back yard there's a shed... It's newer than the house, but I've never been in there. The thing gives me the creeps. I've never been in there.... why do I keep saying that?? *exasperated sigh* I'm going to tear it down one of these days. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, The Hand That Leads You

Mostly just from my online blogging and youtube videos. Apparently I'm pretty enough that people will just watch me regardless of what I'm talking about. What I buy at the store, what restaurants I go to and what I order, and even what car I drive. I find it rather stupid, but it at least pays the bills, and allows me to put some in savings. I don't really buy anything beyond my usual costs for living, and now my self-defense classes. Keeping my jeep up to date and running is also pretty important. Luckily my therapist had been working with me pro bono, so I didn't have that debt. Not that she was doing any good helping me. Self-Defense classes have helped so much more. I actually feel like I have more control of my life. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Hand That Leads You

I just hope to never be a victim again. I want to never feel weak, and helpless again. I want to be a strong independent woman who can take care of herself. I want to live a normal, lively life for myself, and not have to live in fear of every shadow, and every glance in the mirror. 

Agent: Training dictates we are to be the perfect weapon. After witnessing the things out there in the world, under our noses, Programming insists we grow, and become more than human in order to overcome these other potential threats. To be the best weapon, we must be able to overcome any adversity. Yasmeen does not understand this yet, but being a weapon helps to keep her safe. This is why the self-defense classes are helping her so much. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Hand That Leads You

Probably the day my mother left. Everything seemed to fall apart at home after that. Dad started taking me to Russia. Also when my headaches started, and the black outs, and nightmares... My old therapist says it's due to repressed grief over the loss of my mother. I don't know... maybe?

Agent: obviously the day of my creation. The day my training as a weapon was completed, and I was able to take the body when activated. 


ooc: The defining moment for Jasmine was the day the mofia decided to use the daughter as a sleeper cell. This decision led to the killing of the mother, the years of torture and training, and the creation of Agent 903. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 2, The Hand That Leads You

Uncle Pascale is the one closest to me now. The poor old man need someone to check in on him from time to time. Dad used to take me to see him a lot when I was younger, and I guess I just feel responsible for checking in on him. It kinda bothers me when I don't. I don't really remember most of the trips to Russia. I remember it's pretty, and I had a good time. I remember getting hurt a few times and spending time in a hospital there. But mostly I just remember that I always had fun and Uncle Pascale is a very nice old man. 

I guess I can include my dad here. We don't really talk anymore. It's almost like he lost interest in us once we became an adult and moved out. I mean he responds if I text him, but he seems to Actively not want to stay in contact. I think I'm honestly just going to let it go. 

Until about a month ago, I would have said my therapist... Can I still? Something was off about that. I thought therapy was all about digging into yourself, but every time we did, I ended up leaving feeling more confused then when I went, and no closer to understanding anything.