Because I know the area on a meta level and also because about 15 minutes north of me there's some bougie ass neighborhoods filled with Lockheed Martin weapons dealers officers and therefore children running around being environmentalist & pro social change demagogues rent free on the dime of the military industrial complex .
Nomie is one such child. Her shitty plush , animal , and gnome filled home and garden are thanks to her dad's military contractor company. She has a security clearance that was used for one (1x) internship and is currently perpetually """looking for a job.""
Nomie has a full set of appliances and glassware she has acquired from a nearby farmers market. Her home was originally filthy, but ever since having been forcibly aged up, has now become neat, tidy, gnomecore.
My father gives it to me. I have a montly "Nummy Budget" of 5000$; 6000$ if I write ma and pa a postcard. About half of that goes to rent, food, utilities, and I try and stick within a budget of around one or two thousand a dollars a month on gnome related supplies. Whatever's left gets put into the offshore accounts.
Not this month though, the oven was so caked in doughy bullshit I had to pay for a new one and its installation. Bezicks thought you could set an oven to the highest setting and it would eventually clean the outside, too.
I love gnomes.
The poignancy of "I love gnomes" cannot be understated. Of course, there are no such words that would suffice to try and grasp the breadth of my love, nor the beauty and sublime quality of gnomish culture. I'm not like the other girls, either, this isn't just a "gnome phase," and I'm not "gnoming it up for attention" like Raspberrygnome768TheLovely on https://gnometalks.net/forum/topics/serious_discussion/=01?%/p/ so loves to suggest.
Would I kill for gnomes? Well, I have. And every time I do, I feel a little closer to the gnomes.
Would I die for gnomes? Yes. And I think it's not strange to think I will die for gnomes. I don't want to die, of course, but if I could help my fae friends in a way only Nomie can, what kind of gnome would I be if I didn't try
If I could bring about a world of whimsy in a most gnome fashion. I would do anything. Id even sign another contract.