Hàoyu Xhao's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Hàoyu Xhao's first Contract.

I call the town of Qonggyai in China home, surrounded by ancient landmarkers and amazing forests. My house stands proudly amid cherry blossoms and bamboo tall. It's a simple dwelling that mirrors our close-knit village. As a hermit though caring for the village, I guard our community with a watchful eye and cautious mind. The Qong River being near and misty mountains create a beautiful backdrop to my life and all those who live here. The bond with this land, the warmth of my people, and the uncomplicated life we lead make Qonggyai the only place I'd ever want to be. It's more than a home; it's a haven of simplicity and resilience. I have family here and will not leave them for long for any reason. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Hàoyu Xhao's first Contract.

My earnings come from training fellow villagers in the art of survival and archery, a skill that's vital for our community's well-being. Working for a small business in Qonggyai, I pass on my knowledge to ensure everyone is equipped to navigate the challenges of our surroundings. The money I receive helps cover essentials for myself and my family, such as food, clothing, and maintaining our humble home. It's a simple life, but every coin earned is a contribution to the unity and resilience of our village. In this close-knit community, where survival skills are crucial, my role as a trainer is both a source of income and a means of guaranteeing our collective security.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link 🔞 Answered before Hàoyu Xhao's first Contract.
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4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Hàoyu Xhao's first Contract.

The most defining event in my life, a haunting memory, no, nightmare that shapes my every step, was witnessing the brutal demise of my mother at the hands of individuals from Taiwan. She paid the price for asking too many questions, silenced by the very people whose actions sparked her curiosity. This tragedy burned into my soul, forging an unbreakable resolve to secure justice for her memory and safeguard my homeland. The loss transformed me, instilling a deep-seated determination to rise above grief and channel my pain into a relentless pursuit of a future where such atrocities no longer cast their dark shadows on the lives of my people. This build my hatred for the Taiwanese, and the destruction of their country.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Hàoyu Xhao's first Contract.

Li Wei, a young boy with a spirit as strong as the cherry blossoms in Qonggyai. I've taken him under my wing, treating him as my own son. His curiosity and boundless energy bring warmth to my home. Through archery lessons and survival training, I am molding him into a resilient and capable individual, hoping to provide him with a future far removed from the shadows that touched my own past. He will be the successor of this village, and rival even the most dangerous tasks as pushovers. Then there is Mei Ling and Xiu Ying, two exceptional hunters with a prowess that surpasses many seasoned villagers. Their skill with a bow rivals even my own, and their camaraderie is a testament to the strength of our community. Mei Ling, with her keen eyes and sharp instincts, embodies the heart of our hunting party. Xiu Ying, swift and agile, moves through the wilderness like a silent breeze. They are not just fellow villagers but inseparable companions, their presence reassuring in the face of the challenges that our small community often confronts. Together, we share a bond forged in the crucible of survival, where trust and unity are our greatest weapons.