Veronica Mejia's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Veronica Mejia's first Contract.

Veronica lives with her mom in a small apartment somewhere in Portland, Oregon. She doesn't have a job or education so she cant afford to anywhere else. Most of the apartment seems standardly lived in, dusty but not dirty. There's little in the way of photos or decorations and the furniture is dusty and worn in. The kitchen is filled with outdated appliances but generally kept clean as though hardly used. Her room is dark and dank, a cave where she spends most of her time. The walls are covered in posters and the floor is not visible beneath a layer of dirty laundry and trash. The only light source in the room is the brightly lit monitor atop a desk littered with small figurines and not surprisingly, more trash. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Veronica Mejia's first Contract.

Veronica doesn't really make money so much as get people to buy her the things she needs. She spends most of her time online and has found it exceptionally easy to get just about anything so wants by asking very nicely, or sometimes even an implication that there might be something she desires. She has lots of "friends" willing to support her, in whatever way that may be. The money she does get ahold of herself, usually from her mom (with or without her knowledge), often goes towards adding to the endless amounts of clutter in her room and updating her PC. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Veronica Mejia's first Contract.

Veronica always hated boring, monotonous work and hated people telling her what to do even more. Her mother would constantly nag at her for not having a real job so she decided she would be rich and successful without all that "real job" bullshit. She wants to have everyone online know her name (or at least the name she puts on for the camera) and she wants them all to want her or want to be her. She wants to be able to buy anything she could ever want without even thinking about how much it costs. She would have a hard time doing anything she thought might completely destroy her reputation online but what's an influencer without a little bit of controversy? She would do anything if she thought it might make people love her even more though, even if that means she might die. Death would only make her that much more famous.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Veronica Mejia's first Contract.

The day Veronica got her computer was the most defining moment of her life. Everything about her and her future changed at that very moment, she finally had an outlet for all the things happening inside that she wasn't supposed to let out. People weren't off-put by her personality online, if anything they absolutely loved her. She had never been treated like this before, it was almost like she was a celebrity the way people fawned over her. When she was online it was like an entirely different world where all the things she was hated for in real life were praised and desirable. It sucked her in so completely that she spent every waking moment from that day on sat right in her computer chair.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Loser's Panacea

Veronica's mom is one of the few people in Veronica's real-life circle, possibly out of obligation more than any desire to be. She is a tired, middle-aged woman who spends most of her time working to support herself and Veronica. She was once very stern but has since been worn out after years of dealing with Veronica. Joey is a liquor store clerk who is slightly older than Veronica, he's a bit geeky and seemingly doesn't interact closely with many women. He follows her online and is happy to supply her with HEAVILY discounted items from the store just for the small moments of interaction he gets with her. The person Veronica is closest with is her online best friend, a gay man about her age named Tony. Tony is the devil on Veronica's shoulder, and she is his. The two feed into their own delusions, encouraging even the most reckless of behavior because toxic queens stick together.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, MKULTRA Victim

Veronica had a pretty strange childhood. Her father wasn't around very much and when he was it usually wasn't a good thing. Her mother doted on her when she was younger, but once Veronica hit puberty it was like a switch had flipped and the loving mother she once had turned into a bitter and hard woman. Most of their interactions turned into fights, which only got worse as Veronica got older. 

Veronica did go to school for a while, but switched to online classes soon after she got her computer. She was always abrasive so she never was very popular when she was attending, most of the other kids found her to be arrogant and in all honestly she didn't like them very much either. Once she moved to online schooling she didn't have to deal with that and got all her social interaction online where she was very popular. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 2, MKULTRA Victim

Veronica has never been in real love. She already finds it hard enough to form a genuine connection of any sort, most people she just sees as what they can do for her if she thinks anything of them at all. She doesn't think of most people as even close to the same level as her, let alone deserving of her love. She isn't necessarily opposed to the idea but has just settled on the idea that she'll probably never meet anyone who has more value to her than the things they can do for her. Maybe deep down she just knows that anyone she might love probably won't accept her the way she is.