Damian Wyatt's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Damian Wyatt's first Contract.

I live in the state of Colorado, specifically Denver. It is my home town which I haven't found the need to leave or do anything of the sort, it is a lovely place and I simply never found a reason to leave. My home is a simple apartment, some days it is quite cramped, Other days it feels as though that small little space is all i need in this lifetime. Another reason as to why I have chosen to stay here is because there is not much of an option for me as I have no money to simply just leave whenevr i so desire it, I only have enough saved up for something later on in the future.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Damian Wyatt's first Contract.

I am a sculptor. I sculpt. like c'mon now. but as for the second question... I spend it all on books, anatomy books, supposedly magic books, like Tomes, Grimoires, and books on artificing.

Though it may seem like quite the unnecessary spending on my end, it does help me to understand more than just magic, as all these books contain philosophy, science and even some semblances of theology as without any of these, certain studies within said magic wouldn't make any sense.

But all in all, that is where most of my money goes as I do not have any dependants or pets or anything of the sort, some of my money is in my savings for my retirement, while the rest is there to fuel my hobby for magical books.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Damian Wyatt's first Contract.

To learn of the deep profound nature of the aether, maybe even about human nature in the process, perhaps even the supernatural in this case. I am not willing to commit anything too unhinged for simple knowledge, I'd simply just kill maybe in self-defense, and maybe risk my life sometimes, but not to cause irreparable harm to myself.

.... But depending on how close I am to reaching my ambition... Killing may or may not be something I'm willing to do. Like maybe if the people who plan to stop me are actively in my way, and talking seemingly isn't effective on them, then I suppose a moderate amount of violence would be appropriate. But overall, I am willing to kill for my ambition and I am capable of going as far as needed to accomplish such a task, I may be passive, but I am still greedy like every other human at the end of the day.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Damian Wyatt's first Contract.

the day I found my love for the deconstruction of life. It has made me deeply interested in the supernatural, especially in the art of artificing, the creation of magical artifacts and objects...  

It happened when I was a mere 14 years of age, my room ladened with books, sprawled along the floor, with diagrams and sketches for many many fantastical designs... They all fascinated my young mind... With that said... I spent quite a long time looking at, comprehending and eventually attempting to make such mysterious artifacts. And by then I had successfully made a single artifact, my soul blade.


5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Damian Wyatt's first Contract.

Belle, my best friend. I have not known another person for so long, so honestly, she is the closest person that comes to mind as no one else comes close in that regard. She has been someone I've known for quite the long time, ten years exactly... And she's always had such a colorful way with words  and with how she spoke to others... It was graceful and elegant... Something I find to have greatly affected my manner of speech.

Jeremy. A friend of mine since high school, there are not many people I've linked up with as much as him, and I appreciate him staying with me for so long. He is a rather great person as well.

I also have one other individual I care for, but there should not be much to say about them, I simply enjoy speaking to her and doing the more mundane aspects of my life with her. Her name is Jane, she's not exactly a friend or anything like that but she is someone in my life.