‘Stareye’'s Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

Stareye has never really had a choice as to where he lives. Sure, he could put in a word and they’d surely have relocated him in the past. But it’s always the same..some hidden away spot, to keep the paparazzi and any strange fans away, to be fair this is probably for the better, it’s not like he would WANT to deal with that.

When he was much younger, his living quarters were harsh. A sterile, almost lifeless labratory is, afterall not the best place for a growing boy to experience his childhood years. But he couldn’t do much, the scientists and staff weren’t cruel, just indifferent. 

From there, he was moved again, this time to an at least nicer place, amongst other boys his age and actual scenery, it could be likened to a boarding school of sorts, and he has fond memories of this place.

These days? He lives at the headquarters of the company he works for, in a room of his own, it’s comfortable, and he likes the view.


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

Through advertising, and plenty of residual funds from his past acting experiences. 

Stareye is a known performer, as well as being generally known for his powers. He’s well liked, and he’s charismatic, making him a good choice for the advertising of many various brands, as well as a good actor for many roles, or even to help with certain light-based effects within film.

This line of work is helpful, it not only brings in funds for him, but also allows him to get his face and image out there alongside the vigilante work he’s done. A multifaceted image is important in marketing a person to the public afterall.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

In public, Stareye insists he’s here for the good of all people, to eliminate crime and any threats, to make the country a safe place for everyone to live. As well as this, he’s been known to-on record- say all he wishes is to get himself out there, to be a role model and a beacon of hope to the youth, those super-powered or not. ‘All are equal, and all are equally valued’.

In private, most of what he says is far from the truth, but only a select few are aware of this. What he really strives for is a complete upturn of society to match his own (rather problematic) ideals, with himself at the forefront, or at least in an important position. The elimination of criminals is important to him, sure, but his view of criminal is certainly separate from most’s.

As long as it wouldn’t hurt the public image he’s created for himself, he’ll do anything to further his goals. He’s come so far, and he has a while to go. But he will do it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

There have been a few, but if he were to choose one most defining event, it would likely be the burning of his prior childhood home, the deaths of many boys and staff-those who were his friends and guardians.

It changed his view of mortality, of friendships, of the fragility of those who aren’t superpowered. Due to his teachings from the place, he was already very deep into a stuck mindset, but this truly convinced him that people were after him and the others there.It solidified his beliefs that he was correct, and that’s why people wanted them silenced. Whether or whether not that was the truth behind the burning and killing of the rest of them. 

Why was he the sole survivor except for the man who painstakingly carried him away? Who knows? Stareye doesn’t, and maybe he’ll never know the truth.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

He doesn’t hold many friends, he has fans, acquaintances and coworkers. Friends are not a top priority, but of those he knows and speaks to often, he has the below individuals.


His ‘Father figure’.

He might not be his literal father in any sense, being lab grown and all, but he’s the only man he’s had to rely on as any type of family ever. The only other survivor who shares his struggles. 


One of stareye’s two snakes, this one is yellow. He’s pretty friendly and inquisitive, always slithering around, as snakes do.



The second snake he owns, this one is red. She’s less curious than his other snake, but still quite cute in his eyes, of course. 

He tells all his stories, secrets, internal thoughts and worries to these two snakes, moreso than he does to the one man he truly trusts, maybe it’s the fact they don’t talk back. He cares for them greatly. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

His childhood had been briefly recapped in previous questions.

With no parents, at a young age he was left to his own devices, well mostly his own if it wasn’t for the many, many researchers, scientists and surgeons that he had to deal with daily.

He didn’t attend a proper school until he was moved at 11, but when he was younger he was ‘homeschooled’ in a sense within the laboratory, taught by many of the staff there the basics.

When it came to school later on, he semi fitted in. With some, he was well liked, with others absolutely hated. An air of competition was always present amongst all the boys, and due to Stareye’s nature, his overachieving, his powers and more, the other children either chose to get close to him in hopes for greater, or just because children flock to who they think is cool, while the rest belittled or ignored him. At worst, this led to quite a few fights, ones unscheduled by the curriculum.

He was taught to be ruthless to these others, to outliers, to people who hated him. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, A Team Comes Together

So far, not particularly. Stareye isn’t one for..love? In the typical sense anyway. He doesn’t hold familial love, he doesn’t have a family. He doesn’t exactly have friends of the typical sort, and he’s never dated in any form. Then again, he hasn’t been looking to date in any form, it’s just not something that interests him, at least not currently or in the forseeable future anyway. 
Maybe he could date someone on the side, but that’s not what is important to him right now as he has much more to focus on, consisting mostly of himself and his work.