Gaspar lives in an Iron Flask, and has been living there for a few hundred years, give or take fifty. The flask is enchanted, and contains all of his smoke.
It was created to be a permanent binding, but with the strength of his form he can still leave if summoned. The goal was to bind it to his true name and self, but this was superceded by Gaspar's own mindset of being ever-changing. His identity shifting, plus his existing powers of deal-making, made it so he could influence those touching the bottle, minorly, and eventually become known to be active once more.
Then, a Harbinger made a deal and contract with Gaspar to perform errands for them, and Gaspar agreed on the premise that a small amount of his smoke be released from the bottle each time, so that one day he may return to full strength.
The flask is a small, iron container, just a bit bigger than a hand. It is hot to the touch, and bound in strips of brass with a cork stopping it up. Each strip is etched with runes and words, many different spells of various faiths keeping him contained and warded against escape. All of these grow red-hot when he emerges, still working even when he exits.
Gaspar doesn't really care for material possessions for long, and thus has no money. When he comes into it, he spends it on frivolous things. Food, drink, clothes, and other luxuries, but other times he simply steals them when he runs out of money.
They also buy cigarettes, cigars, lighters, matches, flint and steel strikers, and anything else to make a spark and smoke, due to both a love of fire, and smoke, but also the fact they need to supplement their smoke to manifest powers since much of Gaspar's essence is still trapped inside the flask.
Sunglasses, too, but not to the same extent as the fire-starters.
Gaspar, above anything else, wants to be first free of the Flask, and then destroy the bloodline of the alchemist who initially bound him. He would kill, main, torture, steal, burn, pillage, and many other things.
But, he would also do good, save people, and be generally a doo-gooder. He doesn't have a particular fondness for evil, just a fondness for getting what he wants efficiently, and usually that's through immoral deeds.
Gaspar doesn't believe he can truly die, mostly because of his tendency to return to the bottle, and would view the potential centuries it would take to reform ephemerally as a fair price. So in that case, he's not ready to be permanently destroyed, but as it isn't a consideration he is leaping headfirst into any danger, unless he can see an easier way to do things without getting his hands dirty.
The most defining event of his life was his capture in the Flask by a skilled alchemist, enchanter and occultist, who bound Gaspar inside it, along with Gaspar's memory of his name.
This heavily restricted his movements, bringing him from a terror of the supernatural community, to a forgettable force who's only way of delivering punishment was threats and offers to anyone touching the bottle.
In a way, it changed him from a violent hedonist to a slightly more determined and cutthroat creature. He still presents as witty, bumbling, carefree and immoral, all of which he can be, but with this constant threat it has sharpened his inner motives. He WILL be free.
The Alchemist, who though dead constantly taunts Gaspar by his presence in the bottle. And, the faintest hint of his spirit, since the binding cost him so much. Gaspar most hates him, and his children, and children's children, and the countless hundreds and thousands he must have spawned. He aims to kill each and every one and burn their homes to the ground.
Eros, a Harbinger and the first to free him from imprisonment and offer him the deal. Also the one that took a deal with Gaspar for the djinn to provide certain services in exchange for contract benefits, which he agreed to at the promise of more free time and information.
Finally, Wick, a psychic child taken into custody by the Powers and Project Glepnier, who took to conversing with Gaspar through the walls when he was free roaming. He heavily restricts access to his own thoughts, or tries to, but their conversation have given him both key insight, and...maybe a shred of sympathy, mostly for the feeling of being trapped by Powers and people so much weaker. He may not shape the boy for the better, though...
Gaspar has existed for such a long time that his early life is fuzzy to remember. His origins are mixed in many ephemeral concepts, and the different perceptions over time have made him a volatile but constant creation. A djinn, or a dev to some, making deals as a demon and granting wishes.
The closest thing to a father he had was his summoning by Gaspar Schott, the German Jesuit often credited early ideas of hydraulics, from whom he acquired his first name, and a preference for air as steam. This taking of identity marked his appearance as a human, or humanoid and walking among people, and has been the djinn's favoured name up until the modern day.
His association with the elements became clear after this as well, during the industrial revolution, finding his identity as a smoke elemental shaped by industry and the thick soot and smog clouding the skies of cities around the world.
Gaspar has never been in love, as for the longest time his opinions of mortal beings, and frankly ever other being, was either fear or disgust.
If an entity was not powerful enough to give him trouble they were to be squashed, or used for power and piling more souls into his pile. If especially pitiful, or if they went against him, he took great delight in stomping them out, and if any so much as looked at him with affection he was confused, and angered. Of course, he may use their affections for gain.
But if that wasn't possible, the audacity they must've had, in his eyes, to think they could ever be on equal enough terms to form a relationship with him made Gaspar break them even harder.
He is a coward, though. Behind the bravado and delusions of power, if broken, he would shrivel and disperse, running to preserve his own existence. He could never be vulnerable, never step down to view someone else as equal. As worthy. If he ever wanted to love, or wants to, then it would be with great change to himself first.
Gaspar's number one fear is that he will never escape the flask. He often treats it as a minor inconvenience, but in reality it has been the core of his being for the last few hundred years. He hates the alchemist who put him inside, and a lot of his self-aggrandisement comes from convincing himself he will definitely, most certainly get out someday, and not facing the fact there's a small chance he will not.
Being trapped forever is his ultimate fear, as he is immortal and would just be stuck until the end of time, and as much as he claims to despise many things about the world, being bored and without stimulation forever is the worst thing he can possibly imagine.
An extension of this, he also fears the water, and the cold, since due to his smoke elemental nature it can dissolve his physical form faster than nearly anything, meaning if submerged or frozen it would take considerable effort to reform, and then further effort once back inside the flask to manifest again. More time trapped inside the dreaded flask.
He also has a similar fear of those of true faith in God, as they have the ability to dispel his physical form just as water does.
Technically, the most important thing Gaspar tends to carry on him is the Iron Flask, as it contains the rest of his being, but he views it as more of a malignant curse that he is forever bound with rather than a treasured item.
However, he also tends to find importance in the various flammable or smoking items he carries around with him. Cigarettes, cigars, lighters, scraps of paper. All little motes of potential, as so little of him is allowed through the flask's bindings that some abilities require him to supplement his smoke.
He doesn't like that he needs to, but recognises their importance. Plus, smoking is one of his favourite activities, since he experiences both the feeling of containing more smoke, some temporary alleviation of burden, plus the neurochemical effects of tobacco, cannabis, or whatever else, which have been sorely lacking the long time he spent imprisoned in the flask.
The biggest problem in Gaspar's life right now is being trapped inside the flask. Not only because it's a matter of pride and he values his freedom to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants it over anything else, but also because after he's free he intends to hunt down all the descendants of the alchemists who trapped him in the bottle and kill them. Despite the fact they likely number in the tens of thousands now.
In addition, he's being noticed again by monster hunting organisations, and might end up with a big target on his head very fast, which will not be good for him as he tries to make a name for himself. Though, once he's free he intends to gather an army of servants, which would make this less of a problem for him. He doesn't know how to stop being bound to the bottle at all, but he intends to get more freedom from the Harbingers to at least not be bound unless his physical form is destroyed.