Zack Xymen's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Zack Xymen's first Contract.

"Los Angeles, of course. A rather shitty downtown apartment, but that's all you can really get these days, in the horrible economy. Anyway, the reason for living there is simple. It's all I can afford that's close to where I grew up, and it has people that don't ask strange questions when they hear buzzing from my apartment. Who knew that the city was such a good place to plan the next grand pandemic? The downtown is about as shitty as it gets, although I suppose my apartment is a better refuge than most get. Either way, it's good cover, a fine enough residence, and theoretically better than what most people get in this economy. Oh well, we make do with what we have."

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Zack Xymen's first Contract.

"I get my money from my various part time jobs working at chain stores. It's a good enough access to raw meat, especially the sushi joints. If anyone happens to catch food poisoning as a result of my's easily blamed on bad fish. I also donate plasma on occasion for an extra boost to my paycheck, although it rarely ever makes a difference. As for what I spend it on, it's usually just keeping the lights on, keeping the water running, the bills paid, and occasionally I have a nicer dinner than the usual. I don't really have the money to spend on lab equipment, and I definitely know that if I did, it'd draw too much suspicion."

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Zack Xymen's first Contract.

My ambition is simple. I've been dealt a bad hand, and one that requires me to contaminate others and spread my buzzing pestilence as far as I can. I've come to know that the only way I can be rid of my permanent, chronic illnesses is if I spread it to others, if I unleash my hordes of bugs and rot to the masses. It's selfish, but if I die, another champion will be chosen in my place, and the plague will spread all the way. Maybe I could spread viruses to inoculate the masses, and I deceive myself with that hopeful wishing. I know that whatever I create will become ultimately destructive. Thus, I'm faced with a crossroads, stop the plagues and die trying, or become the plague-lord that has been ordained to me by fate. I'd kill for it, I'd come as close as I need. My existence living has been slowed to a halt, and so I don't value my life.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Zack Xymen's first Contract.

The most defining event of my life was being inducted into The Cult of Abbadon. It was a simple college fraternity, although it didn't seem harmful at first. It all started as a simple investigation into rumors of a cult on campus, a personal curiosity turned wrong. It was real, but I wasn't going to stop there of course, I wanted to find out more. And so, I joined up, taking the rite of Abbadon. It seemed almost like a LARP, at the time. Of course, it wasn't. They made me do strange things, made me innoculate myself and cause sabotage throughout my college. I was the newest conduct to a cult as old as the college itself, one that wanted to usher in the end of all that we knew. Soon enough, I developed a chronic illness, a cancer threatening to kill me. I had strayed too far from my original path, obsessed with finding the truth. I was constantly swarmed by Mosquitos and vermin, picking at my flesh at every moment. It was hellish, but soon enough...I learned to control it.