Johnathan Graves's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Johnathan Graves's first Contract.

He lives in the major city of Greensboro North Carolina cause it is near Raleigh/Durham area and has some of the best pharmaceutical companies in the state. Its a simple one bedroom one bath apartment that takes about half his paycheck a month to keep. Fairly plain and simple showing that he is a working man who doesn't really have any motivations other than work and well what has recently happened to him that is now making life difficult to deal with. With a small travel pack he sometimes sleeps on the floor in his lab as his work ethic is intense. He also doesn't date much cause he gets alittle awkward around people.  

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Johnathan Graves's first Contract.

He works at an pharmaceutical lab dealing with exotic viruses and parasites. Dealing with how to cure them and often how to contain them with antibodies and how to break them down. Using abit of his knowledge he has written a few articles on some things that are common knowledge that has earned him a buck or two. 

He likes to spend his money on good food and good medicine as a way to keep him living decent and healthy. Every now and then he splurges on some candy and some entertainment like gentleman clubs and the movies. Also a good night out with high end booze and a good book does him good.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Johnathan Graves's first Contract.

His ambition is to heal or cohabitate with this new virus/parasite that he has picked up by accident. Not liking the fact that he made a mistake and caught the wrong end of a scalpel that had a tiny amount of this new parasite that was recently discovered. He would in fact be willing to kill to hide this secret and to he is afraid that getting to close to death will let it take over his form and allow it to propagate. Which is something that absolutely terrifies the shit out of him. 


He has family and other people in this world he would hate to become victims of it just like himself and wants nothing more to see this become outlier case of only him.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Johnathan Graves's first Contract.

The day he caught the scalpel wrong. The feeling of that sharp blade with the weird vicious gel that immediately burnt as it entered his blood stream signaled that he had royally fucked up. To know that with that few nanoseconds of a mistake has probably doomed him to a death that would be lengthy and wasting. After doing some tests on himself after the burning subsided, he had discovered that it was making itself right at home and had spread quickly infecting every system of his body. He can feel the foreign material like insects under the skin travelling and take up residents around his body. he was amazed at how quickly it had multiplied. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Johnathan Graves's first Contract.

Momma Graves:

Kind older woman who gave birth to him. Sweet as can be and always calls and checks up on him and makes sure he is doing good and eating right. Thinks chicken noodle soup is the best cure for everything as well as ibuprofen.


Butch Graves:


Former military and father of Johnathan isn't too keen on the book learned son but still loves him in his own way and tries to do what's best for them all. Obviously enjoys the tougher brother of Johnathan who is following his footsteps. 


Edward "Eddie" Graves:


Brother of Johnathan who was slightly older but not by much and likes to throw that around. Was the brawn to his brain type but managed to sink a good few lesson that stuck home with Johnathan so he wasn't such a push over in the schools. Strong believer in the whole "You need to be tough cause I'm not always going to be around."