Frankincense Jones's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Frankincense Jones's first Contract.

Frankie lives in Anderson, Indiana. They mostly live there because they grew up in a small town nearby. As a result, they go to school in the decent-sized town. Their home is a small dorm at their college. It's messy, and it lacks most common conveniences. Those are in the common areas. 

They have a loft bed that stands above their desk. Beside their desk, they have a bookshelf full of supernatural texts and notebooks full of their thoughts and observations, particularly of local ghosts. On the opposite wall is a cork board. On the board are the stereotypical snippets of newspapers, printed out articles, and photographs connected together with red string.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Frankincense Jones's first Contract.

Frankie is a ghost hunting youtuber and freelance artist. 

They make a meager sum from their channel where they capture supernatural phenomena on camera, sometimes with friends. They upload about once a week and make sure to monetize their videos thoroughly. As a result, they have a pretty decent online following of other conspiracy nuts.

As for their art, they’re mostly a character artist. They take commissions online and make a bit of money that way.

When it comes to spending, they’re always searching for better recording equipment and things to make their ghost hunting easier. This includes books of rituals and ghost hunting gadgets.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Frankincense Jones's first Contract.

Aside from top secret government documents and hoaxes, not much is documented facts about the spiritual world. Frankie strives to present the truth about the intricacies of spirits and the afterlife. They want to be the first person in history to truly unveil the things beyond the veil, so to say. They want to publicize a way to speak with spirits and possibly bring them back from the dead. 

They’d go to the verge of death to show the world the spiritual realm. They would willingly harm themself if it meant they’d get more evidence to show to the world. 

If it came down to needing a sacrifice to further their research, they’d kill a man. They’d see it as a valued sacrifice for the greater good. Sure, it’d be hard, but they’d do it.

They keep their writings documented and organized, so people can discover them after their death. If dying would further their goal, they’d do it. It’d require a lot of them, but in the end, they’d do it.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Frankincense Jones's first Contract.

The most defining event in Frankie’s life before the Contract was probably high school as a whole. They were never popular. Being queer in a world with more radical religion, they were the target of no end of bigotry. They made very few friends, and the friends they did have didn’t stick around for very long. 

One event during high school affected them more than most. They were in their senior year, and it was prom season. They were happy for once, as they were helping out decorating the school. They had stayed after school late into the evening when a group of students arrived. They initially thought they were there to help decorating, but they weren’t. The students attacked them and beat them until they were unable to move. By the time they were able to get away from their own pool of blood, the school had closed and locked them inside. They had to call the principal to let them out. Though they reported the incident, the students were never officially punished, as Frankie had no evidence it was them.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Frankincense Jones's first Contract.

Mia Rivera is Frankie’s best friend. Out of everyone in their life, they’d say they are closest to her. She’s a stout woman with long curls and tanned skin. She tends to dress more comfortably than fashionably. They met in a shared college math class and have been nigh inseparable ever since. 

Sarah Jones is their mother. They haven’t been close since Frankie was a child. She looks very similar to Frankie with a rounded face and hazel eyes. Sarah is a stern woman with a penchant for yelling first and confirming things later. She has undiagnosed delusions of a religious nature.
Harrier Jones is Frankie’s younger brother. They were never very close. He looks much more like their father with sharper features and brown eyes. He was always the golden child and the baby. It was clear to everyone looking in that their mother favored him. He’s not popular either for being a bit of a snitch.