Gull Le'garde's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Gull Le'garde's first Contract.

gull tends to hop between hotel rooms and friends' houses in his home state of Florida. he's always been more of an impulsive guy, and he's never been able to bring himself to stay in one place for too long. he's rarely left Florida though, mainly because he doesn't have many friends outside of the state. his inconsistent living arrangements have been a lifesaver as far as his job goes, because it's generally not hard to track the guy with living fish tattoos and absolutely awesome hair. he does occasionally run into people he's robbed before, but he's decent enough at booking it that nobody's managed to pull off anything beyond a sucker punch before he bails.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Gull Le'garde's first Contract.

gull makes just about all of his money from selling magical items to people who don't know very much about them. his typical work day involves going through the latest cryptoleak posts looking for any pictures or videos of artifacts in areas he recognizes, and then finding the artifact and/or its owner before hitting the road. he'll set up shop in shady alleyways from time to time, selling these trinkets to the highest bidder and leaving before he gets too much attention. it's a damn good gig, and he makes damn good money doing it. he spends most of it on designer clothes and the newest phones. a sizeable amount of it also goes into online gambling, which isn't ideal, but gull knows that it's only an addiction once you start losing.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Gull Le'garde's first Contract.

gull wants to introduce as many people as possible to the world of the abnormal through artifacts and trinkets. his life was changed drastically for the better (in his opinion) when he found that stick-and-poke kit and got those fucked up living tattoos, and he knows that plenty of other people need change like that in their life. he's put his life on the line more times than he should for this goal, but has made a point of not killing anyone. he's just a small-scale thief, and would prefer to keep it that way as long as he can. he'd kill someone if he viewed it as a net positive for the world (if that person has made it clear they will kill others for a reason he doesn't think is good enough), but that's about as far as he'd go without some major change in his life.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Gull Le'garde's first Contract.

the most defining event of gull's life would probably be the day he discovered that tattoo kit and, shortly afterwards, the world of the abnormal. beyond the more physical changes he underwent that day, he realized that people's lives can change in just a few moments. this ended up shaping his entire worldview and a sizeable portion of his personality, with his aversion to stagnation stemming from this revelation. it wasn't a particularly unpleasant day, and even the tattoos weren't painful (the moment the needle touched his skin, the kit disappeared and the tattoos appeared), but it was enough to leave someone at his age pretty shaken up.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, This is for you

Gull doesn't have many especially important people in his life, mostly because of his impulsiveness making it hard to maintain a friendship for very long. However, his childhood friend Andreas has been relatively close to him for most of his life, and is really the only person Gull could confidently call his best friend right now. Andreas is a much taller, lankier guy with a shaved head and passion for cooking. They haven't had many important interactions for the last year or two, but last time Gull heard, Andreas was thinking about opening his own restaurant. Gull also tries to maintain a decent relationship with his mother and father, Diane and Stephan Le'garde. His father is an uninteresting-looking older man, who worked in real estate up until retiring. His mother is closer to his height, much more visually similar to Gull, and working in retail for most of her life up until meeting Stephan. He grew up pretty close to his parents, and tries to maintain that when he can, but since he rarely manages to stick around in one place for very long he doesn't see them all too often anymore.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, This is for you

Gull's childhood was surprisingly normal, having a healthy middle-class home life and surprisingly decent scores in school despite rarely managing to listen for more than a few minutes at a time. His parents, Diane and Stephan Le'garde, cared for him and tried their best to support him throughout his bouts of delinquency, with his father taking it much more seriously than his mother. His school life was tolerable at best, and nauseatingly boring at worst. Gull isn't the most academically-inclined person, preferring hands-on learning over anything else. He made a handful of friends during his time in school, none really sticking with him as long as his best friend Andreas has. He dealt and received his fair share of bullying, since public schools in Florida aren't exactly the nicest place. In the end, he did manage to make it out of high school with a GPA of around 3.3, and decided to opt out of college in favor of pursuing his interest in the supernatural.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, This is for you

Gull's had his fair share of crushes, but it's not a big enough factor in his life for him to actually pursue any type of romance. Having experienced the supernatural at such a young age, everything else ended up taking a subconscious backseat to learning about and experiencing as much of these strange new phenomena as he can. This isn't to say that he would decline any romantic propositions, but it's not something that's actively on his radar. Even if he did manage to stumble his way into a relationship, Gull's impulsiveness and aversion to stagnation would all but ensure it would end poorly for everyone involved.