Rudy Stark's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon



The home is a few miles out from Charlotte, North Carolina.
I'm stationed there taking care of a lot of the foster children in the system, Charlotte has had a big issue recently and I felt like it would be a good place to start. 
The building is fairly large and a bit old, but when I saw it I just knew I had to grab the spot. It was at a base of a hill and the bricks were starting to weather but it was a cheap spot outside the city with a nice school and some neighborhood amenities. It's a 3 story building, the first floor is the intake, kitchen, and dinning hall and the upper two floors are the dorms. There are spare rooms in the third floor that I sleep in often and make rounds to make sure all the foster kids are okay. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon

Most of the money I receive is the money from the state, donations, and fundraisers, it goes back into the foster home for food, clothing, bills, and maybe a few bits and bobbles the kids are interested in. Although I want them to have a chance in the system they've been forced into, they should also be allowed to be kids and just have fun. I still demand their focus though, if they're gonna make it, they need to get good grades and strive for a better life. I only take what I need from the funds to live a clean life, the kids need it more. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon

I view it as what I was placed on this earth for, to make sure the unlucky children of the world get a chance to live a full life and find a loving and caring family, if that can't happen, then I will do what I can for them. 
The Foster Home is getting expensive, it's harder to keep up with the payments, the bills, the manpower required, but I'm willing to go to the ends of the earth to make sure I can help. 
I wouldn't take a life, I hold a high respect for anyone I meet and a lot of people are just at the wrong place at the wrong time, Evil people though, are the exception. If they escaped their youth and still follow a line of cruelty then I will have no choice to put them down. 
I would not risk my life for anything, There's too much on the line. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon

Buying the Foster Home was a huge investment, After my father died I decided to do some soul searching and chanced upon the building. The unlucky life that I had lived was suddenly made up for and in that one moment I felt lucky, lucky to have the opportunity to bring other's happiness where there is only hopelessness. I spent a lot of what my mother and father left me in their will to fix the place up and get the necessary documentation to start taking kids in and it's been smooth sailing from there. It taught me to be punctual, it taught me how to be a parent, it taught me so many life skills that I am thankful for and will always work to make this place a sanctuary. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon

Hehehehe I wish my parents were still around, they would make this question easy as pie. 

The kids at the home are very important to me, every single one of them had that hopeless stare when you've been in the system long enough and it a treat to see them slowly showing their smiles again. Kids should act like kids. 

The staff on site are also great, they've been with me for years and have the same drive to make sure these kids live a good life as myself. I've never had any issues with them and they've gone above and beyond to help out during fundraisers and drives that we've done in the past, It's like our own little family.

My friend Bernie, we train at the boxing arena every friday while the staff cover the rounds. It's nice to have downtime away from the home and Bernie's been a shoulder for me to rely on every since I moved to charlotte. He owns the boxing club that I train at and it's always fun to mess around in the arena, throwing a few punches are a stress relief. Bernie is a good friend. 

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon

My childhood was a bit rough, my parents were stern but loving and they always asked "Why are you always getting so scrapped up?". I visited a few doctors and they didn't have an answer, so I was just the helmet kid for a while till I figured out how to have an eye for bad spots and dangerous situations. Angela, my mother, was a great woman. She's the type of mother to bake a cake for the class for my birthday and it was great. Although my classmates always made fun of me because of all the bandages and the helmet I wore, they still liked me because of my mom. Kyle, my father, was a strong figure in my life. He was emotionally reserved, and was an asshole to anyone he met, but he raised me right and taught me the responsibilities of a man, as any father should. School was good though, it was a small joint and there were about 15 kids, you couldn't pay me to remember any of their names hehehe. 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Creatures From Another Moon

I messed around with a few girls during my "soul searching". 
I found that a lot of them didn't really see eye to eye with me and just wanted to be with a big man though. I stopped a lot of the dating stuff once I bought the home, don't really have time for it anymore. Even if I did have time, I don't think anyone would want to couple into the life I'm living right now. My main focus is making sure these kids get a good ol' life, there are enough kids in the foster system, and I don't gotta go around makin' more.