Gav Jacinto's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Gav Jacinto's first Contract.

"Las fuckin' Vegas, baby. In fairness, I didn't think it'd be this much of a shithole. But before that, it was New Jersey, which was even worse. I... Had to get the fuck away from there, like, as soon as possible. It was some dire shit. Now I'm seeing how the other half lives I kinda can't help but wanna go back. Grass is always greener, huh? Everybody in Vegas is a drunk and a gambling addict. Depressing as hell. That's why I try to live simple and clean. Plain apartment. One bedroom. Turned the other one into a home gym, but there's a real one close enough too. Undecorated otherwise. I refuse to give up and settle down."

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Whistle While You Work

"Investments and shit. I don't know. Never really cared about it all that much. Parents set up a couple funds for it or something, couple GenWyld stocks to get started when I was sixteen, money comes in every so often, that's all I need to know. It's more than I really know what to do with, to be honest. Pays for rent, food, new gear. Buy a couple bikes. Doesn't make a fuckin' dent. Can't even whittle away at it by getting Delted up now. I mean, I could, but it feels like a waste, right? Gotta find something to do with all of it, though. Tempted to start buying magic shit on the off-chance some of it works. Don't wanna encourage the stuff that doesn't, though. Just on principle."