Victor Pierce's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Victor Pierce's first Contract.

Victor was born on the East Coast, though he doesn't feel the urge to tell people where or who his family was. He moved from hospital to hospital post-medical school. He is a skilled doctor and pharmacist, but he secretly tests the incredibly healthy with little doses of neurotoxins. Over time, he has acquired several different types of toxins that he uses, and always has several "tactile" syringes on his person in case there is someone a little too ungrateful for their health. He remains very secretive of it, often administering the slow-acting neurotoxins as "boosters" in order to teach people the value of life. All in all, he's fucked, man. 

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Victor Pierce's first Contract.

Victor is a doctor. He also helps in eliminating targets or rather "testing" them for high-end clients. He obviously manufactures toxins himself sometimes when he has excess just to see what happens. He sells this off at times, but hogs most of it for himself. Most of the time, he just saves excess money by living in lower-income housing and living off a doctor's salary. All in all, he does things legally, and he does things illegally. Bro chases the bag to no end and when he hits a dead-end or gets caught, he moves to a new state and abandons his ties. 

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Victor Pierce's first Contract.

Victor needs to correct this world's soft upbringing. People are too reliant on medicine and they've been coddled into believing they are valid. The weak shall be purged, just as nature intended. And when the gene pool is finally corrected, then he can rest peacefully. He would do anything to fix humanity and save it from its self-destructive, drug-filled world. And if some of the weak need to be weeded out, oh well. One of the things that motivates Victor is the feeling he gets when he finds someone worthy of continuing the human race. As a doctor, he sees a lot of sick individuals, and as such, he sees some strong fighters whose immune systems are worthy of continuing. 

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Victor Pierce's first Contract.

The most defining moment of Victor's life beyond signing the contract was probably the time he was about to die at age nineteen. He was rushed to the hospital and stayed there for a whole month. His body was being ravaged by flesh-eating bacteria, but his body managed to survive. After that, he had a revelation. He realized that his mother and fathers' genes had made him weak. He couldn't have survived without drugs. Hideous. He needed to be able to live through an experience like that the same way the body could live when given a vaccine. And humanity wouldn't do it for themselves, so he would do it for them.