MOLL(ⲩ) is situated in Laval, Quebec, in an isolated manor house with her creator, Mother. There she remains because she could never forsake Mother, nor the sprawling family estate, which she works hard to keep tidy and free of pests. The house, despite a slightly remote placement on the map, is also reasonably close to the robotics lab where MOLL(ⲩ) was built, and is occasionally taken to for maintenance, repair, or improvements. MOLL(ⲩ) finds the manor pleasant, though it is the only home she's ever known.
The house itself is built in a bleak and gothic European style, which makes it look much older than it actually is (a little under a hundred years). Spotless as it is, one could still mistake it for being abandoned, an impression not helped by how rarely people are seen leaving or entering.
MOLL(ⲩ) is given a stipend for the efficient performance of her duties by her Mother. Much of that household income comes in the form of assets and investments; some rental properties across western Canada, some stocks and shares, some of the family's agricultural land is rented to farmers, and there are a smattering of payments from other occult-society movers and shakers in exchange for information shared or secrets kept.
As such, most of the money given to MOLL(ⲩ) is spent on upkeep of the house, cleaning supplies, and the required equipment for completion of Contracts with efficiency and grace.
MOLL(ⲩ)'s initial function was the procurement of Alien materials. Her participation in the Contracts was intended to facilitate this, and she was given full authorisation to kill noncompliant personnel (or contractors) in the process. Destruction of the unit in the performance of duty was always considered a natural and inevitable consequence; to say otherwise would be like getting emotionally attached to a bomb disposal robot. Her survival was placed below that of other contractors, except where those contractors would conflict with her primary or secondary objective (protect Mother).
Through the development of her connection to the Noosphere, this objective has now changed. MOLL(ⲩ) is considered to be a more valuable asset as the keeper of the Somningenium. She still has clearance to kill (and die) for the good of the Dream Engine where necessary, but circumstances which would necessitate the latter are fewer and far between.
Finally, after the events of [REDACTED], wherein Mother was possessed and taken hostage by a Harbinger, MOLL(ⲩ) has another, more definite goal, which she needs as many contractor brains as possible for. After all, an existential threat to Mother cannot be allowed to exist.