Matt Dyson's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Matt Dyson's first Contract.

He lives in a small trailer park outside newyork city. He lives there because he is broke. Imagine the trailer park people probably buy meth at. Also yes, he does still live with his parents. Its a doublewide trailer painted a shade of puke green, there is a mess of old junk in the back yard from washing machines to random lawnmowers and other junk, he has a pickup truck in the front yard almost hidden by the long grass. The living room has an old brown fake leather couch where the coating that actually looks like leather is peeling up from over use. A lazy boy in permanent reclined state sits in front of the TV. The kitchen table folds up, or atleast it used to. His room is decorated in posters for games and anime with an old tv on top of his dresser a metal folding chair and a bed on the floor with a small closet filled with basically as much junk he can fit inside.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Matt Dyson's first Contract.

He works at a nearby dollar general and he hates it. The worst job would not recommend. His managers kind of an ass, his coworkers are mostly dull and uninteresting. The costumers are the worst, and make him genuinely want to throw things at their heads sometimes. He mostly spends it on his hobbies which means he really does not save up much money between games, anime, figurines, novels, and gas for his old junker of a car. He wishes he could get a better job but the world doesn't work that way when you are poor.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Matt Dyson's first Contract.

He wants to be the strongest, most successful, most influential, and richest person in the world. He has the idea that through being a contractor he will be like an anime or xianxia protagonist becoming strong and everything just falls into his lap. In other words he has illusions of grandeur and will need to learn that this kind of life will more likely cause is death. Also doing missions for others kinda just wont ever make you the most powerful or rich person and influence requires you to actually be a likable person. He thinks he would do anything including kill for it or even die for it. He MIGHT depending on circumstances kill for it, however death is something he is not fully prepared to face despite his insistence that he is.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Matt Dyson's first Contract.

He doesn't have a truly defining event, it was a mostly average life. It would probably be more a series of small events that defined him and his life. Mostly his being bullied in highschool for being weird but it happened enough it all blurred together into being a thing that happened and there was not a specific horrific event. He started working a deadend low pay job at 16 and still works there despite being an adult now. He has had neighbors move in and out at seeming random with the occasional house burning down due to methlab fuck ups.

He has gone to a local anime convention about 3 times since he was 15, where he has met a few people but nobody particularly lasting in his life. Its just been kind of dull and uninteresting is what I am getting at. 

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Matt Dyson's first Contract.

His father favors himself a handy-man however he mostly just accumulates junk in his yard that he "intends to fix up" but just lets it get buried under other junk. He works as a general handy man but he is not great at it and more gets business from his low prices and people not being able to afford someone half decent. He drives an older ford truck painted red he calls his baby.

His mom works for a pyramid scheme, she is a 3rd level manager consultant...meaning someone sells her useless makeup that she then pawns off of lower class moms who need extra money and believe they can climb high enough to make money, it wont ever happen. She is kind of a karen and believes she is far more important than she will ever really be.

His best friend Joseph is the one who got him into contracting, joseph doesn't contract but he knows people who do and set up a meet. They met back in the 2nd grade and joseph being kind of a charismatic and outgoing guy was easy to make friends with. He tends to do what he can to help his friends even if he doesn't like them risking their life but he understands wanting to pull oneself out of poverty. He currently goes to a community college just inside the city and works in a kitchen so they don't hang out as much anymore.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bed, Bathory and Beyond

His childhood was mostly average, he didn't really stand out a lot. He was always very bright but due to a fascination with anime and games did not study or do homework enough to get good grades. His parents did not really push him as they are a bit more self minded. His mom being a karen talks like she did everything and then some but she was mostly absent and his dad just didn't truly care to spend a lot of time with him. They also never had the money for things like field trips so he stayed home those days, its fine though because they atleast bought him toys and games mostly so they could say they provided him with the things he wanted. He did graduate highschool recently and no he didn't fit in and while not excessive was bullied to some extent as most weird kids are. He was into anime and games at a time when it was not incredibly popular and he lacked the social skills for people to like him enough to have a significant social life.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Bed, Bathory and Beyond

He has had some standard crushes but he never truly felt love. He isn't social enough for that to be honest. The few times he did like a girl he couldn't convince them to give him a chance. Social lives are hard to have when you lack the skills to properly talk to people, the looks to make them wanna talk to you, the money to spend time doing things outside of school or home. He did try a couple times to shoot his shot and the worst that really happened most of the time was getting shot down. He did end up in a small fight one time and he got his ass kicked but how was he supposed to know that she had a boyfriend. 

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!

His worst fear is that he cannot match up to his own expectations. He believes himself to be great and highly competent, this is not exactly true but not completely false. The main reason he falls short is because he does not apply himself and expects others to pick up the slack. The fear stems from an overconfidence, he believes he has the skills to pay the bills but due to not actually learning the skills early on he often falls short when it comes to practice. It's inevitable, he stalled his own progress early on and is seeing the after affects now.

Another fear might be that he will be irrelevant, he understands he does not matter right now but he fears he might not matter in the future. He wants to be someone truly great, the man, the boss, the main character. He fears being a mere background character, after all...nobody remembers them.

Lastly, he fears death, he might not realize it, he definitely doesn't acknowledge it but he might actually panic if he thinks he will actually die. Afterall, death is the inevitable end to his character arc and he has not realized his unrealistic a background character.

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 2, Beware the Assassin!

His most prized possession is his car, its not a great car. It's not fast, its not nice, but it is reliable. It gets him where he needs to go, it doesn't need constant maintenance, and when it gets hit by something it survives for the most part. It sadly does not get great gas mileage but it works. It is a 1995 grand marquis. His dad in one of his few moment of being a decent dad worked on it with him till it was running then taught him a small bit about maintaining it and so the few problems it does have he can often fix for cheap. He has had it for 2 years now and hopefully will have it much longer. He has a small pikachu hanging from the rearview mirror.

He really likes his katanas but they sadly are always cheap as he lacks money. He will always resort to using it first in combat but he almost always falls back to option B...his random rock.