Phillip's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Phillip's first Contract.

Phillip has no city of origin. He's only known the seas as his home. Though, he's often drifting along the coast of Australia in his humble fishing boat. It's not the most pleasant thing to look at to an outsider. Having barnacles stuck to the bottom, crabs crawling along the insides, often stealing whatever food is on board. And a bed in which Phillip sleeps. The kitchen functions, barely, and the toilet often has some sea life residing in it. But it's been Phillips home for all his life. He doesn't mind sea creatures. He finds them peaceful, and humble in their life. Though, he also believes in the circle of life and will snatch up and engulf a crab raw when he gets hungry and found that it'd been pilfering his pantry, crunching on its tough shell

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Phillip's first Contract.

Phillip earns money by contracting himself to large fishing boats and rigs, and farms. Or by catching fish and selling them at markets or to rural butchers. But he also does some other, more un-ethical jobs. Like smuggling drugs and individuals into other countries. In addition to working with animal rights activists to take down companies who use unethical methods of sea farming, that destroys oceans and sea life. But some good deeds are also credited to "The Feral Fisherman". From him defending others and getting into fights to protect others whenever the opportunity arises. He's a kind hearted person though. And only wants to do what he needs to for a better world. For the oceans, and the lands

He often spends his money on smokes, rum, and catfood for his stowaway cat Milo

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Phillip's first Contract.

Phillip wants to become what he calls the Fisherman king. Someone who oversees all interactions with the ocean and its inhabitants and ensures they maintain ethical and safe practices, in order to prevent tne surface and seas going into war. For Phillip has seen the monstrosities that reside in the sea, and know that theyre best left alone. In order to achieve this, Phillip has no clue as to how he'll do it. But he's confident that everything will fall into place once he starts getting renown and more formidable as a force. And so, becoming a contractor is the obvious choice. He will fight and force his way through whatever struggles may come before him. He's willing to kill, but not without reason. But he will not harm or kidnap innocent individuals or else he's no better than the businessmen who care little for what oceanic life they kill in their pursuit of fortune.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Phillip's first Contract.

The most defining event of Phillips life was when he was a young boy. He fell off of the warf while playing with other children. Underneath he saw various fish and crustaceans living there. Hiding from people. He saw how terrified they were of him. And how they raised their claws, and displayed various methods of intimidation in order to try to ward Phillip away. But, Phillip didn't do anything. He just, say there, watching, curiously. He saw that they were so afraid in their own homes. So from that point forward. Whenever Phillip saw people torturing, or overfishing. He'd step in, or try to. Resulting him in getting beaten, battered, or given threats from the chefs of rich seafood restraunts.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Phillip's first Contract.

Milo-A small, tabby cat that often stowaways on Phillips boat. He named her Milo cause he found her in a tin of Milo when they were just a kitten. They spend many nights in eachothers company. Though, Phillip wishes Milo had thumbs so they could at least play cards.


*Craine-A lighthouse worker who also listens to the radio for any chatter about illegal fishing or other activities involving the sea. Anything he hears, he tells to Phillip and he'll go and check it out. And either call appropriate authorities when he finds the perpetraitors. Or will deal with it himself. Or at least attempt to at most. 


"Patch"-A retired fisherman who basically raised Phillip. He once was in the navy aswell, but after losing his eye, he turned to fishing. Nowadays though Patch dresses up as a pirate and goes to hospitals and other places for fund-raising opportunities and such. And frankly he likes the outfit and dresses like a cartoonish stereotype pirate most days anyway. He says "The baggy pants give the balls more breathing room".