Alexander Adamantios's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 1, Train Spotting

Hector Salman resides in Madrid, Spain, for multiple reasons. Firstly, it is the city where he was born and raised, holding a special place in his heart. Additionally, Madrid is the hub of his thriving business and where his loyal clients are based. Being in close proximity to his business allows Hector to better manage and oversee its operations.

Furthermore, Madrid is where his family resides, including his daughter. Due to a custody agreement that requires him to remain in Madrid in order to be close to his daughter, Hector cannot relocate elsewhere without breaching the terms of the agreement. Family is of utmost importance to Hector, and he is dedicated to fulfilling his responsibilities as a parent.

Hector Salman's ties to Madrid run deep, with both personal and professional reasons anchoring him to the vibrant city in Spain.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Train Spotting

Hector, a successful UFC manager for one of the most famous fighters in Spain, earns his money through various avenues. Firstly, he negotiates lucrative contracts with his fighter, ensuring he receives a percentage of their earnings. Secondly, Hector benefits from the wins his fighter secures in the octagon, as these victories often lead to increased pay and bonuses. Additionally, Hector secures sponsorships and endorsement deals for his fighter, taking a percentage of the earnings. With a keen eye for talent and strong negotiation skills, Hector has built a thriving career in the world of UFC management, consistently securing financial success for himself and his fighter.