Holden Contempt's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Holden Contempt's first Contract.

Home is El Paso, Texas. Studied Law in Jefferson. Worked in DC as a prosecutor. Visited Toronto on a trip, got his luggage stolen. Then and there he decided he would eradicate all crime in Toronto.

His home in Toronto is an apartment where he just lives with his cat Grizzabella like from the musical Cats. He is a big fan of musicals. blah blah blah he really loves city life but hates crim ebecause he hates crime and wants to eracticatr crime because he is Holden Contempt. His family knows about his lawyer things and supports him and he calls his mom on the weekends and is all like "love you mom"

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