Zeke (ZMan) Mandela's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Up in this grimy UK block. Don't let the dodgy exterior fool ya, my room is a vibes central, mate.

Stepping in, you'll peep the massive open space that pulls double duty as my bedroom and studio. Posters of my fave artists and celebs deck the walls, giving off a sick, eclectic vibe. (You like that word don't ju, fam?) And in one corner, there's a cozy bed where I crash after a long grind, but not for too long; cos' we stay woke fam.

Opposite the bed, you'll find my sick collection of instruments - guitars, keys, drums, the lot. Got a sick sound system and recording gear set up, ready to drop bars and make magic happen, innit. The room's got a cozy, chilled-out feel, with soft lights and plush rugs on the floor, mate. A big window lets in sunlight and a view of the busy streets below.

Even though the block's bit sketch, my room's like my safe space, where I can just vibe out and get lost in the music. So come through, have a seat, and let's make some mad tunes in this musical sanctuary.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

When it comes to gettin' paid for my production work on other small-time artists' gigs, there's a few ways I go about it, innit. One way is through a flat fee or project-based payment. That's when the artist or promoter agrees to pay me a set amount for me services on a specific project or gig, ya get me?

Another way I might see some cash is through takin' a percentage of the profits from the event or project. This usually happens with them smaller shows or collabs where there ain't much cash upfront, but there's potential to make some dough through ticket sales, merch and whatnot. And then there's the sponsorships and endorsements, mate. That's when I team up with brands or businesses lookin' to promote their stuff at the event or through the artist's music.

At the end of the day, there's bare ways for me to get paid when producin' for other small-time artists and underground rapper gigs, and it kinda depends on the specific situation of the project or event, ya feel me? Sometimes I even release an album myself

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Fam, these politicians ain't doin' jack for us out here on the streets. They just sittin' in their fancy offices while we out here strugglin' to survive. Man's gotta do what he's gotta do to make ends meet, you know what I'm sayin'? I'm sick of the system holdin' us down, so I'm takin' matters into my own hands. I'm gonna be a gangster, Kingpin, runnin' things my way. Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do, I'm gonna reshape the world how the masses want it.

We gonna bring some anarchy to the streets, show these politicians we ain't playin' around. We gonna make our own rules, our own laws. It's gonna be a new era, where the real ones rule the roost.  It's time for a revolution, time to shake things up and make the system work for us, not against us.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Oi bruv, let me tell ya, it's all messed up mate. I was just tryna make somethin of meself, ya know? Applyin to colleges, tryna provide for me family, but then the feds come and ruin me life. Falsely arresting me, chargin me with all these bogus charges, now I can't even get a bloody job. And to top it all off, me nan passes away and I couldn't do nuffin to help her. Couldn't get a loan to pay for her surgery, couldn't even be there for her in her final moments. The government ain't doin nuffin to help us out, they just wanna see us struggle and suffer.

I'm sick of it mate, sick of bein held down by the system. They don't care about us, they just wanna see us fail. But I ain't gonna let 'em win, I'm gonna keep fightin, keep pushin through all the bullshit they throw at me. I'll make summin of meself, just watch me. Ain't nothin gonna hold me back, not the pigs, not the government, not nuffin. I'll rise above it all, just see if I don't.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Okeh Bruv, there are three people I trust in the whole damn world: Me, myself, and I? Got it Fam?

Hah! Just playing with you-

First off, my Mum, best one, cooks a hella fire jerk chicken, trust her with my life, yeh? Been there since birth, Gon be there when I die, which is never, but you know? Like, spiritually and all that, yeh?

Secondly Mandem from the 313, and 316 specifically, my boy China; dey fight alongside the Z-town Massive! Met him in Secondary, second best in his class, no cap, I'm the first, fuck off to those that oppose, you know what I mean fam?

Thirdly, my next door neighbour— she a good friend, a bit crazy though. She's about as tight as it gets fam, cops yeh? Ain't no playing, she do no snitching. Tight fam, her name yeh? Kyla Wentford? Da most rich ass name you've ever had the pleasure

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Childhood? Growing up in the flats, close to the community doing my part, you see? Mandem was legit a struggle to get by, but you know- with connections and all that, fit it in good, Bruv.

Racism and all that? Nuthin Bruv, just for those old folks being cranky and all that, black this, white that, yellow there, fuck off mate, it's the new age fam? World Wars are over, the battle against the top is in— fuck your ideals you fuckin' cunt-

Yeah, you see man, I say that I'm pretty stupid, but that's because I don't know everythin' and that's wicked right fam? Graduated, top my of class yeh? Although when after—Pussyhol- Gov'ment fam didn't accept me into any unis around, yeh?

Born a Brit, raised a thug, meaning to become a gentleman, but you see fam? The way I talk, I walk, my enounciation and presentation, ain't what Harvard's look for? Fuck em, man. Too afraid of a little creativity?

I got arrested few weeks after rejection; I was just dropping by my chap's store, yeh? Thought I looked suspicious, pin me down, spit my rights. For what, fam? 

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Got shot- not with a gun no, but with a virus. Not terminal, what not, some fun yo— Hah, just kidding mate, you know what fam? Never been in love no-

I was pretty close though, no doubt, no doubt, but fam, love is a weird thing innit? We all Gon die anyway, what's the point, fam?

313 to the 316, everything, one day mate, will come to an end. I'm not kidding when I say, I don't form attachments— some say I don't be straight up, but nah fam-

You see Bruv, I'm walking a dangerous path, and it's deadly to bring unnecessary baggage, got it mate?

8. What are your worst fears? Why?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

Worst fear mate? Losing my freedom and choice to the fuckin' gang on top my man, the government!

You laugh now, but Mandem don't know that dey are the biggest set of gangsters ever, and not in a good way man; scam artists, charlatans, murderers, rapists, war criminals, and worst of all mate, conservatives—

They spy on us, tell us what to do, where to stand, how to be. They enforce silence, unless it's their own songs, plaguing the massive with shitty music we have to say is good— Because that's all they want us to listen to!

Nah fam, I'm not a fan of them, and it's okay to be scared of losing what makes you, you- I fight man, I fight with music, with my words and all that, the most dangerous weapon in the world is a voice, minus a fuckin' nuclear arsenal— Haha!

Agreed upon peace ain't it Fam, just because you both have a stick to each other's liver, yeah? Don't mean you're at peace. Nah fam, government's a fuckin' Idiocracy-

Yeh, okay now, that's answered it, yeh? My biggest fear's the Government controlling everything I do? Is that a fuckin' crime mate? Call me a repeat offender

9. What is (are) your most prized possession(s)? What makes it (them) so special?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

A USB drive— got all my music stored in there, years of effort fam, in a neat little package. I also have videos and pics yeh?

Of my dad. He was a cop funny enough, yeh? Got fucked over by the system, just the same trying to do the right thing, got tossed aside, no compensation of nothing. He got me my first laptop, yeh? Got me cooking up beats, while they tried looking around for work-

No one likes to hire a former Cop though, yeah... Whatever man, he died, but that's okay.

This USB is the legacy, Bruv: the promise I made to not only him, but my family, the 313 to 316. All those files are my bullets, and imma shoot my shot, one album, one bar at a time.

Gov'ment's not bulletproof fam— they better watch out, because fuckin' hell mate, it's gonna be a battle.

Brr brr

10. What is the biggest problem in your life right now?

Link Answered after Contract 4, Comfortable

You can't fund a war on empty stomachs Bruv. As much as I hate the concept of money, it's what runs the world right now, but that's no worry fam; listen here, Imma use it, to destroy it— got it man?

I'm known, my fame is not my fortune, not yet anyway— we're making moves, slowly getting there, but seriously noted that I need more to spread the word more, you feel me? 

Not much more than I can say, running on music commissions, and producing the local talent. I get donations from sympathizers for my goals, but legit fam, I'm not only using the money to live, but to inspire others to live on as well!

Fucks say, don't even faultier, as my Mum used to say. One day man, I'mma be a wealthy gent, with some money to my name. It ain't gonna matter when that money changes the world.