Jonathan Klyzac's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Jonathan Klyzac's first Contract.

''Klyzac here, what the hell is this survey for? You've got my address on file anyways. What gives?''


Klyzac lives in the Primus HQ located Somewhere in L.A for a few reasons.

1. They don't pay him enough to keep a house (at least, in today's money) ('When am i getting my next bonus? -K')

2. It's where he works, they've got room, board, and a whole lot of bodies. ('I can only treat so many human bite wounds before i start asking questions, damn it. -K')

3. They have good catering sometimes, it's always worth it for the cheap pizza. ('Can i get Dominos to deliver directly to my office? Is that against the rules? -K')

4. It's clean, most importantly. ('I mean, seriously people. Stop spilling blood and mountain dew all over the floors, The janitors have to deal with enough shit already [REST OF STATEMENT OMITTED DUE TO LACK OF IMPORTANCE TO FORM]')

5. Nobody questions the guy with a chainsaw for an arm when they spot him carving up some unforunate cadaver. ('Can we PLEASE hire a mortician already? I work with the live ones, i'm a doctor, not a taxidermist. -K)


End of Page 1


Dr. Klyzac, Please do not use excess space in the prompts for your own personal opinions, we don't even know how you managed to write that small. If you have a problem with the staff here, take it up with H.R - Management

P.S: No, Dominos is not allowed to deliver to this location. You remember what happened last time.


2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Jonathan Klyzac's first Contract.

''Come on, you know me. Is this really necessary?''

Please provide a notated list of your average purchases throughout the week listed on the below form.

1. Fifth (750ml) Size Bottle of Jack Daniel's Gentleman Jack x1

2. Miniature (50ml) Size Bottles of Jack Daniel's Gentleman Jack x4

3. 5.7x28 Ammunition Box (20ct) x2

4. Bottle of Advil OTC (over the counter) Pain Reliever (40ct) x4

('Why am i not allowed to take anything stronger than this on missions!? Would you rather they all feel everything? - K)

5. Gasoline (i can hardly remember how much i fill up the car these days, you were the one who asked for my usual purchases.)

6. Prescription Escitalopram (total 280mg) (enough to last me the week.)



Notes: Doctor Klyziac, I understand you're having problems with your mental health, but please do not abuse the anesthetics. This is dangerous to your health, and you will have your permits for carrying firearms revoked effective 5/19/XXXX. Seek counseling or you will be deemed unfit for working. - Management.

(Hey, Doc. Just know we care about you. - C from Accounting.)

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Jonathan Klyzac's first Contract.

''...What? What the [OMITTED] does that mean? Okay, listen i'm about to spout some-''

Describe why you joined up with the Los Angeles division of Primus Company in the form below or submit an audio recording to H.R with a copy of your I.D attached within.


To tell you the truth, I joined because you made me a deal. I mean, for fuck's sake my wife is dead, what did you want me to do? My life was practically over, lost my arm, lost my wife, lost my job, and...My kid. I think i had a kid. It's hard to remember. So, you know. What choice did i have? After my surgeries and the backfiring of the cybernetics, i don't think i'm safe on the streets anymore. Ticking time bomb, you could say. But, and hear me out here, I think i can learn to use these flaws for something a little better, A mix of man and machine. It will take me some time, promotions, and probably a lot of effort. Given some elbow grease and probably a better functioning arm, i can do it. I know i can.


Is that good enough for you?