Wilson Denis's Questionnaire

1. What town or city do you live in? Why do you live there instead of anywhere else? Describe your home.

Link Answered before Wilson Denis's first Contract.

Wilson Denis had lived his entire life in a middle of nowhere, swamp-town in the back waters of Louisiana; the humidity sucked, the heat sucked, the storms sucked, and there was nothing to do and no place close that was at all interesting. As soon as he could he packed his bags and moved to Seattle to study marketing at Seattle University. Now he has traded hot summers for cold winters, sunny days for cloudy seasons, and the storms still suck; but at least he can walk a block get a cup of coffee and see a homeless person setting up camp in an alley. He might have considered moving back home, but it turns out cities mean opportunity and opportunity means his greatest fears might become a faint memory, if he lives long enough for them to be realized.

2. How do you get your money right now? What do you spend it on?

Link Answered before Wilson Denis's first Contract.

Wilson has a degree in marketing and straight out of college he took his skills to notable PR company WE Communications, whose headquarters is situated in the city. It was at WE where Wilson could really explore the skills he studied and turn a "Glass Half Full" perspective into a full time job, now he spends his work hours in meetings and typing away on computers trying to spin every scenario thrown at him no matter how heinous, into something more positive. He may not be high up in the company but he has begun making inroads with his superiors to climb the corporate ladder and improve his already comfortable life.
As for what he spends most of his money on, Wilson has an addiction to plastic and cardboard. He has boxes filled with board games and shelves displaying his war-game collection. Some say it's unwise to spend so much on miniatures and rule books, Wilson says that building and painting is therapeutic.

3. Describe your Ambition. What are you striving for? How far would you go to achieve this? Would you kill for it? How close to death would you come for it?

Link Answered before Wilson Denis's first Contract.

Very simply put, Wilson fears death, more specifically he fears what death means for experiencing the world. Life is full of a never ending list of new experiences and on some nights when he lies in bed and his mind drifts to the edges he can't help but experience a moment of existential dread at what comes after the end. Ghosts might be real but information about them is so vague or inconclusive that he doesn't want to consider that an option nor is the idea of somehow becoming a vampire, life with such steep restrictions isn't living it's survival.

It was on one of these anxiety filled nights that Wilson came to the decision to start contract work, no pain, no gain; although preferably not his pain. He might be a coward when the real shit hits the fan, but he is more than willing to put up a fight if someone or something stands in his way.

4. What was the most defining event of your life (before signing The Contract), and how did it change you?

Link Answered before Wilson Denis's first Contract.

Wilson's fear of death isn't unfounded, when he was 8, Wilson was unlucky enough to be the victim of an alligator attack. While playing a little to close to the waters edge behind his family home a moderately sized alligator burst out of the murk and latched onto the unsuspecting child's outstretched arm. It was in the moments that followed that the seeds of future dread would be sown, caught in tight jaws that began to spin and twist violently Wilson feared that a mistake would be the end to his short life.
To this day Wilson has no idea how he escaped certain death, one moment he was drowning, being thrashed violently by the scaled creature; the next he was stumbling into the living room arm mangled and parents screaming in panic.

5. Name and briefly describe three people in your life. One must be the person you are closest to.

Link Answered before Wilson Denis's first Contract.

James Dali - He/Him
Wilson's best friend and fellow war game enthusiast. When not at work as a supervisor at a local sales firm, James can usually be found at his favorite game store, Midnight Games. It was here the two would meet and become fast friends and spend hours playing any number of table top games.

Annabelle Roache - She/Her
Former coworker at WE Communications, Anna traded private for public where she now works for the city of Seattle's PR department. While they always maintained a professional friendship at the office it was only after she left that the two would become true friends. Now she gets dragged to Midnight Games and "unwillingly" participates in all the table top games that Wilson and James love.

Michael "Mike" Derrant - He/Him
Mike is the head of the Wilson's department at WE and is Wilson's direct supervisor. While they for the past couple of years have worked well together, he is unaware of Wilson's fears and aspirations he has noticed a slight mental decline in Wilson.

6. How was your childhood? Who were your parents? What were they like? Did you attend school? If so, did you fit in? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Whitechapel

Overall, Wilson's early life was uneventful and comfortable, sans the alligator incident. His father, Carl Denis, worked as a car salesman at a local dealership and Dana Denis, his mother, worked as a vet tech. Carl was about what you would expect from a car dealer, and some would describe him as "a little slimy", he is a smooth talker and drives a hard bargain, which is easy to do when you are one of only a handful of car dealerships in the county. While Wilson would inherit his father's talent for social interaction it would be his mother who would impart a generally sunny disposition, Dana could be described as a perpetually happy individual no matter the circumstance.

Wilson did attend school, although he preferred to socialized rather than go to class. Will would flit from social group to social group making friends and finding reasons to skip class. Almost in spite of his negligent attendance and attention, Will would achieve just enough to earn scholarships to leave Louisiana and move to attend Seattle University, eventually graduating with a Marketing degree with a respectable 3.3 GPA.

7. Have you ever been in love? With who? What happened? If not, why not?

Link Answered after Contract 1, Whitechapel

Most of Wilson's relationships were the brief experimental pairings that dot youth, no one person man or women would leave a great impression on Wilson. His social flitting created a level of detachment from each group that would make anything long term challenging, which when he was younger meant that Wilson wouldn't invest the effort to maintain anything intimate or serious.

It would be his move to Seattle and the maturity of experience that Wilson would finally start to understand himself enough to realize what true intimate affection would be. His first real relationship would be during college, Wilson would be with a business major that he frequently would see in class, her name was Jasmine. This relationship would slowly fall apart as school progressed, classes became harder, and the two would have fewer and fewer classes together as their degree paths put them on different paths.

Currently Wilson is single although he does have a crush on his long time friend and former coworker Annabelle, he has no plans to ask her for a date any time soon.